I Become a Breathing Statue

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Our eyes met. The snakes that were Medusa's hair reared up and...... Nothing happened.

Well that's not entirely true, but I wasn't dead like I should be. The only issue with my situation was that I couldn't move. I could see, but I couldn't move my eyes. It was as if I had been turned to stone, but I was still alive.

Somewhere to my left, Annabeth's scream was cut short as she realized that I wasn't a rock. Percy and Grover looked confused. Miss Snake Head herself looked bewildered as well.

She didn't blink and kept on staring at me. I stared just as determinedly back. Not that I really had a choice.

"H-how?" she asked. I merely continued staring. I really wanted to move again.

After what felt like an eternity of an endless staring contest, Percy finally had the sense to cut off her head from behind. Well at least he tried to.

She whipped around at lashed her hands around his throat at the last second. His eyes bulged and he clawed at his throat with his eyes shut tight.

Annabeth jumped on Medusa's back, now visible, and unsheathed her knife. She rolled over with her hands still firmly around Percy's throat and smashed Annabeth underneath her.

Grover kicked at Medusa until she released Percy and he collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath. I made a failed attempt to go to him. My body still wouldn't allow it.

As all this went on, I thought about Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Surely Dumbledore would be the one to break the news to them. What would he say?

"Kasey Jackson is no longer able to attend Hogwarts as she is permanently snuck in a garden full of statues made by Medusa," surely everyone would think that it was a joke. Until I don't show up. Then people would begin to think it was just a story to hide the truth. A story to cover up some gruesome death.

I scream pierced the night and I came back to reality. What happened next, I can honestly say, is the worse thing that has ever happened to me in all my eleven years.

I was relieved to find that it was Medusa that had screamed. I was not as happy to discover that Percy had cut off her head. The head fell to the ground with a sickening crunch.

I could do nothing to prevent it as it rolled towards me. I prayed to the gods that it would pass me by, but of course they didn't listen.

I could only stare in horror as Medusa's head rolled right on top of my foot. I cringed and shut my eyes tightly. Wait. I cringed! Could I talk?

"Get this off of me!" I yelled at my friends. Apparently I could talk. I still couldn't move from my shoulders down, but slowly, and surely I could feel my body regain movement.

I laughed as Grover and Percy used their jackets to roll her head off of me.

Annabeth still ha tears in her eyes. She hadn't moved from her position next to Grover's Uncle Ferdinand.

"I thought you were dead," she whispered,"How are you not dead?"

Of course I didn't have an answer for her. Unless witches and wizards are immune to Medusa's death glare. Even if that was the answer then I couldn't tell her.

As all this raced through my head, I remember one specific thing that passed through my mind for the first time.

My life sucked. And there wasn't a thing I could do about it.

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