The Threat

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The next morning when I woke up, I had no idea where I was. I freaked out and fell off my bed which became my second embarrassing fall in the past 12 hours.

"Owww," I moaned.

"What happened?" came Hermione's sleepy voice from inside the curtains of her four poster bed. I quickly stood up so she wouldn't notice that I had fallen.

"Nothing," I told her,"I am going back to bed."

"Oh no you're not! We have lessons and we can't be late on our first day! Besides, if breakfast is anything like dinner last night, you won't want to miss it," she said rather bossily, but I knew she was right.

"Oh, all right. I am coming," I climbed grumpily back out of bed to find that Hermione was already dressed and struggling to tame her bushy hair.

I pulled my robes over my head and a pair of dirty sneakers. I left my hair down, but brushed through it multiple times before I was satisfied with it.

Hermione had already gotten ready and packed a bag of books, parchment, and quills, by the time that I was finished. I took my bag and thanked her and headed downstairs, snatching my wand from the table in the process.

As soon as we pushed our way through the portrait hole, I was desperately lost, but Hermione remembered the way and didn't so much as hesitate the whole way there.

We ate a spectacular breakfast of oatmeal and apple juice, and Harry and Ron didn't show up until we were on our way out. They waved at me but ignored Hermione completey. I didn't wave back.


The weeks lessons went fairly well. I enjoyed charms and transfiguration alot. Herbology and astronomy were not bad either though. The most boring class was history of magic by far. Professor Binns who taught it would drone on about goblin wars which you would think would be interesting. With Binns teaching it was the exact oppisite of interesting. Normally I would do my best to listen , but I slept through the whole first class because his monotone voice was jut too inviting.

I woke with Hermione hissing angrily in my ear, but after a few moments I fell right back asleep. She decided to let me be after the third time this happened.

As much as I hated history of magic, I hated potions even more. The idea of the class sounded fun until I met the teacher. Professor Snape was a greasy haired git who liked to do whatever he could to make Harry and I mad. I would take an eternity with Binns over 2 minutes with Snape.

When we first arrived in his classroom, which I might add was in the dungeon, I was looking around excitedly ready for a good long lesson of mixing potions.

The instant he walked in the mood of the class changed from loud and cheery, too cold and dead silent. My eyes passed over Harry who was clutchig his scar. I raised my eyebrows at him, but he shook me off. I woul ask him about it later.

Snape started asking Harry questions like where you could find certain ingrediants and what they were. I tuned him out though an started daydreaming. This class was such a disappointmen-

"Grace!" I nearly fell out of my chair," Do you know?" Snape looked smugly at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Students will pay attention in my class 10 points from Gryffindor for not listening and another 10 for not being able to answer my question. Clearly fame isn't everything," he sneered ate and I glared right back. When te bell rang, I was the first one out of the classroom. Hermione was right behind me.

"He was really unfair to you and Harry," she said as soon as we were out of earshot.

"What did he ask me?" I immediately wished I hadn't because now she knew that I hadn't been listening,"I mean what was the answer?" I added quickly. Her eyes, which had narrowed at the beginning of my statement, were now wide with excitment.

I learned my lesson and I spent the rest of the afternoon listening to Hermione go on about potion ingredients. It was almost as boring as Binns. When night, I went straight to bed, despite homework, so I could escape Hermione in my dreams.

I was laying in my bed with the curtains drawn to give the appearance if sleep. I was deep in thought about the week. I was already done with my first school week.

"Kasey!" Hermione called from the door. I groaned thinking she was going to enlighten me on some other completely non-fascinating subject.

"Grace just arrived downstairs with a letter for you!" I bolted out of my bed and snatched the parchment from her hand. I tore it open quickly and read two words.


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