Author's note

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In case you were wondering, this is more of a harry potter story than percy jackson. She is a demigod but my first book (this book) is mostly at Hogwarts not with the trio in the Lighting Thief. The Lightning Thief will be next summer when i am 11 so it will fall at the end of the book.

Please vote an tell others about this book cause this is my first book on here and i want it to go well. Also give me input and if you tell me:
-your name
-either witch wizard demigod or muggle
-if witch or wizard how i know you and what house you are in
-if demigod how i know you and who your godly parent is
-if muggle how i know you
It isnt a garentee that i will put you in but i probably will cause so far no one has commented good or bad. :( come on guys!!! help me out. It is my first time!

Hopeless Love (a harry potter and percy jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now