The Curse of Demigod Dreams

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I walked slowly back to my table not sure what to think about that. Sure I liked her, she was my mom, but I had never known her like Percy so I wasn't that upset.

The emotion I felt now was burning hot anger. I had met my real mother briefly one time and now she was gone. I sat back down, careful to control my trembling hands. Everyone's eyes were on me now, but I paid them no mind.

I noticed the defeated look in Percy. I hadn't seen it before but now it was there. His shoulder's sagged slightly and his eyes shown with the tears that he had run out of. I pretended not to notice these things as Annabeth slid in beside me. The campers began whispering and pointing. Clearly this was not a normal thing to do. It may not even be allowed.

Annabeth ignored my weird attack as I had been silently begging her to. Instead she leaned in close and whispered to me.

"You better get some sleep. Clarisse plans to kill your brother in the morning and he sure isn't going to save himself," I laughed, thankful for the attempt to make me feel better.

I decided to fo what she said anyway though. I left my half eaten food on the table and walked away toward my cabin even though I knew we still had campfire.

I crawled into bed and despite my wandering thoughts, fell asleep almost instantly. I had a dream as demigods so often do. In my dream I saw a figure aproaching me. It raised a wand and smiled at me evilly. Despite being a baby, I didn't cry. Instead I glared at the oncoming figure.

I looked around and I seemed to be in a cleaner version of Percy's room. Baby toys and clothes piled neatly along the walls. A blanket was wrapped around me tightly.

The black figure came closer and suddenly a bright flash of green light blinded my vision and the scene changed.

This time I was watching the same figure advance on another child. A woman lay on the ground deathly still. Another flash of green light and the image changed again.

The dream began changing faster. A huge bull chased a car down the street. Three figures running towards a hill. A boy cutting off the Minotaur's horn. A girl trying and failing to send an iris message. Then everything went black.

Erie words found their way into my ears:

You shall go west, and face the god who has turned.

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned.

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend.

And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end.

My eyes snapped open when I heard my name.

"Kasey. They are sending us on a quest to the Underworld to get the Master Bolt back before the gods start a war," Percy told me. I rubbed my eyes as I tried to process that.

"Why us?" I asked him. I was tired of hero work after saving the Sorcerer's Stone.

"Because they think we took it," he said anger clear on his face.


"I'm not sure. Something about Posiedon. They think he had us steal it for him or something like that," he shrugged like it was nothing, but I could tell it bothered him.

I looked down at my watch and realized it was 11:00. I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to change. When I came out, Percy had packed a bag for himself containing his few belongings.

I followed suit and he stared at me for a moment before I broke the silence.

"So who's the third person? If we're going on a quest then shouldn't there be a third person?" I asked.

"Grover and Annabeth are going as well," he told me.

"Four? Isn't that like a bad thing or something? To have anything other than three people on a quest?" he shrugged as I packed my last item.

We met Annabeth and Grover on the hill. And just like that I was off on another adventure, but who could I talk to about my dream?

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