The Rain - Adrianne

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She shivered as the car rounded the last bend before the cabin. "Make sure the house is locked and keep an eye on the security camera's," Mom shouted to someone on the opposite side of her phone. "And for heaven's sake, don't leave the key under the mat."
She slammed her cell to the seat and ran her hands through her hair.
"Mom, you have got to tell me who she is."
"She's no one. You needn't worry,"
but that was far from the truth. Her mother DID know the bag lady. Her hands trembled as she fumbled with her golden cross, whispered prayers under her breath and kissed it. This was something up until then her mother had only done in the movies. She wasn't Catholic or otherwise religious in any way.

"Please, I deserve the truth." Adrianne whispered so the driver didn't overhear. She reached out and pulled her Mother's hand from the emblem and held her tight.
After a few moments she turned to Adrianne. Dark tears rolled down her face. "You have a twin sister."

Adrianne shook her head and laughed with nervous surprise. She pulled her hand away and dug through her purse to find a tissue. Dabbing at the black streaks on her Mother's face, the words sunk in. "Then where is she?"

"That woman was in love with your father. She's a witch and the reason your father got his start in showbusiness. She used to be quite beautiful and was an heiress, but when she fell for your father, and he didn't fall for her, she lost her mind. She started stalking him--stalking us actually. We had planned a small wedding and were sure not to invite her, but as we were exchanging vows, she showed up and started throwing ashes at us. She swore that we would have twin daughters and one of them would be hers and she  cursed that child to fall into a deep deathlike sleep."
Adrianne stared stonefaced at her mother. "Where is my sister?"

"When she was born, we sent her away. Our butler has a sister that promised to keep Adeline safe until she's an adult. The witches curse will expire on her eighteenth birthday unless we can find a way to break it sooner. No one, not even our closest family know that Adeline exists and the witch must not find out."

Adrianne felt her stomach drop. "She knows. She told me I had a twin."
Mrs. Hayward closed her eyes and screamed into her handbag. The driver slammed on his brakes and they skidded to a stop and Adrianne went flying through the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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