"Sounds perfect, have fun" Dad responded. I was completely shocked  my dad absolutely never shuts up that easily. He knows Cole for so long and he get still gets the 101 questions.

The moment Tyler took his gaze away Dad did too as he looked at me.

"You're in good hands, have fun pumpkin" He said giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving us.

"Shall we?" Tyler asked as he cleared the way for me to pass.

"What the fuck just happened? My dad does the most with boys when they come around and he completely just gave me away" I was beyond stunned.

"I guess it's just my natural charm. Real recognize real you heard him. You're in safe hands" He smiled once more getting in and starting his car.

"You look beautiful by the way, almost had me speechless" He smiled before checking me out once more.

"Thanks" I blushed, he always looked good so there wasn't a need to even highlight that.

"So is this like a date, dinner with your family seems pretty serious for the first time we're gonna actually chill" I stated.

"If you want it to be a date it can, but I'd prefer if we build a solid friendship first before we start having any crazy ideas" He said as he maintained focus on the road.

"Wait" I laughed. "Did you just...friend zone me? I thought we were already friends"

"No I didn't and yes we are friends but how well do we really know each other? I've been around for awhile having lunch together at school, going to a few outings with you guys but that's just it. You and I have never really connected on that level if I should ask you what's my birthday you probably wouldn't know so let's fix that first" I don't know if I was more turned on or embarrassed by what he just said.

"I'm cool with that" I nodded.

We didn't say much after until we finally pulled up at his house. I never thought I'd ever be back here after the first encounter but then came the second now I'm at the third.

"My family is nothing like me so I apologize in advance" he said as he lead the way. "Except for my brother he's an asshole so I guess we share some characteristics"

"You aren't an asshole come on" I laughed

"I have my days" he said pulling the door. In view came his mother as he walked over to us quickly.

"Just in time dinner is ready. We didn't get to talk much the last time you came but I'm Monica I'm so happy to meet you. You're the first person he has invited over in ages" She said right before embracing me into a hug "I'm sorry, I'm hugger"

"I'm the less quirky one you can call me Dave nice to meet you" His father came into view and Tyler was almost the same replica of him. He stuck his hand out for a shake which he got.

"She needs room to breathe damn" I could tell he was embarrassed almost like I was earlier.

"You didn't mention she was this hot" from the stairs descended I'm assuming his older brother. This family was blessed with looks. He was definitely fine too, I thought only to pick up a side eye from Tyler.

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