Chapter 4

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It was time for my dosage of meds I was very happy. They gave us water and a sandwich just like kindergartens. We have our nap time but for all of us in here after we took our pills were asleep for almost a day. I really like the feeling though. My normal self cant sleep at all just anxiety run through my mind.I did have a small hallucination of black crows running around my bedroom floor but it was a harmless one.

Miranda sat next to me in the living quarters where everyone stayed most of the day. While the guards watched over us. There was a nurse on duty who watched us closely. The TV in the background was playing a chick flik which didn't really interest me at all. I would think Miranda would watch it but she just looked hyper vigilant like observing everyone around her.

As Miranda tried to not make it obvious we were talking she leaned next to me.

"Did you take your meds they gave you" She said as she tried to get comfortable on the lazy boy chair. 

"Yeah I feel like they are working Im only seeing things that are gentle."

Miranda then asked for a cup of water while she drank it she made it seem like she was taking her meds but she just hid them.

"Why don't you take them Miranda?'

Miranda eyes kept blinking at me.

"Because I honestly feel like the med are full of shit. But whats really on my mind is we need to figure out what that room was for just so I can sleep better tonight. By the way I also no how to get into their office so we can take a closer look.

She did seem stubborn a bit which I feel like probably got her here in the first place. I honestly didn't want to be forced to do anything I was uncomfortable with. The thought of me getting in trouble scared me. I am the type of person to follow all the rules and everything is fine. 

" Miranda I really have a bad feeling about this that this isn't going to go the way you plan it. I still feel like we will get in to some deep trouble and I really want everything to go right for my treatment."

"Carson don't you want to see if there is anything else here. I know your mind is active at night and you have a hard time sleeping. I also know more about what they haven't told you about your treatment."

I was wondering if this girl is telling the truth about knowing my profile or if I should even associate with her. I still for some reason wanted to be around her so I just agreed with her.

"So Carson if you help me I can break into their office again and get  your profile of your whole diagnosis. I will even personally hand the file to you if anything."

"Look your a nice person and all but I am not that desperate to read my profile I could really care less about it."

Miranda :"Think about it Carson don't you want to know everything they are  not telling you like your whole biology , psychology , your brain patterns everything?"

Carson : " I do think it would benefit me to know what is going on in my mind But not really interested I don't want to make myself stay in here any longer."

Miranda: "What if I told you I know what really happened to you before you got in here"

Carson :  "Miranda how do you  know everything about me if you just got here?"

Miranda: " Thats because when you took your meds last time you fell asleep everyone did, I then found a way to get into their office with all our files on the computer and cabinet. I read them all of them just to find anything I can about this place."

Carson " Okay then Miranda what makes you really curious about this facility to I know  I get the creeps about it but then again its a mental hospital. I never thought I would be in one but maybe I do have serious issues."

I grabbed my blanket and wrapped myself in it to get more comfortable. The lights where turned down and The med I took started setting in making me feel extremely drowsy. I can hear Miranda speaking to me but I couldn't make out what she was saying. She then slapped my face and I snapped out of my daze.

Miranda with frustration said " Carson don't you fall asleep on me Its rude to fall asleep on someone trying to tell you something important." 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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