Chapter 2

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My name gets called and I go into a room with the psychiatrist to be evaluated again they are trying to see what is going on with me.

"Hello Carson My name is Tori I will be evaluating you today I need to ask you some questions okay if you comply everything will go smoothly and you can get something to eat afterwards"

I nodded my head to acknowledge what she is saying.

"My first question is do you know why you're here Carson?"

My eyes had to think why I was here to be honest I don't remember but I guess I'll tell her the truth because I do not remember at all.

"I honestly don't know why I'm here I do not even remember getting here."

Tori looked at me and then looked down at her notes to read back my case.

"Okay The reason why you're here is because you were at your apartment there was an incident that happened. You basically tried to kill yourself you jumped through one of the windows on the second floor and you fell but somehow some way something stopped you from getting hurt. Do you remember Carson?"

I responded " Honestly no I don't remember any of that the last thing I remember is getting dressed and walking out my apartment after that that's it."

Tori's hair was in a ponytail it was short and blond with a small curl at the end of it. Her face seemed so open and friendly but I could tell she has done this so many times so her face is still serious. There are two types of people in this world people who do their jobs for the passion or people who do it for the money. I could tell she was doing it for the passion.

"Okay so I want to ask you how do you feel today Is everything okay today?"

I sat closer to her I told her

"Im doing great today Everything is going super great."

Tori Looked at me and when she was staring at me it seemed like she was looking into my soul like the real me.

"Alright Carson I want to know what happened last night?"

I got frustrated a little bit I didn't want to say anything about last night because in the back of my head I knew I was going to have to stay more days in here.

"I can tell you the truth I know I want to get better but I have been having visions and seeing crazy things. For example I saw the walls opening and I can hear people crying out of pain."

Tori Then responded back to m again. "Well Carson with an incident like this I would suggest we keep you hear much longer. This also is raising concern because I want to make sure by the time you get out of here your in a stable condition."

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