Chapter 3

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     Today some new in takes came in means there is more new people here. Security brought new people here and it was around five people that came in. One of them caught my eye it was a girl she was short small and her hair was long black and curly. She looked right back at me and didn't say anything she was just staring at me and with a blank stare.

    The last patient that came in was yelling at everyone. Security had to restrain him they had to hold him down and put him to sleep. They tried to restrain him inside his room but he got out of hand and I could see that he became violent.

   I never been around violence or seen anything crazy only on television. I watched as the guy was screaming he kicked some of the officers in the face. That guy was a danger to them I thought.

"I wanna get out of here you guys are all going to kill me!" he yelled.

The officer had pushed him onto the floor and said.

"This is for your own good your going to hurt yourself. " said the officer.

"Let go of me you guys are part of the government trying to kill me get away from me. " he screamed.

He managed to make his way out into the living quarters he started screaming

He started to throw things he got and the rest of us took cover.

"We all need to get out of here there not to be trusted you need to fight back come on people!"

He yelled and eventually one of the nurses had to stab him with a sedative so he can fall asleep.

    I got kind of intimidated by the whole commotion going on and all the other patients went back into their own world. Majority of us just sat there on the couch watched tv with blankets covering us then eventually falling asleep.

    That night I was back in my room I was hoping I don't begin to have nightmares again or what I call them. I didn't want to draw attention to myself because I know security can be a little rough with people and hurt them. But still what he was saying was buzzing around in my mind I thought he was off his meds and so it made him react like that.

     I heard security come into his room while he was sedated on whatever drugs they gave him. He looked so high like they gave him some horse tranquilizers to knock him out. I saw them grab him and tie him up on a movable table. Right through the door window I was curious as to what is going to happen to him. My mind was still active that night only because my anxiety was high. They proceeded to take him out the doors into that other room no one has been in there but just the nurses and doctors.

    Then following behind them I saw that girl again she looked like she was following right behind them. I don't know why but something about her made me feel attracted to her It was probably curiosity. So I waved at her and she looked back at me but didn't care. She continued to follow them.

    The thought of them doing the same thing to her kind of just scared me a little. I normally don't interact with other people here mainly because I have my own problems to deal with and plus I don't want anyone judging me here. Even though it's a no judge zone but still so I followed her to try to stop her.

     I manage to catch up to her she was hiding behind the wall and I followed behind her my heart was beating out of my chest. There was adrenaline running through my veins because the thought of getting caught scared me.

I motioned towards her and said "Hey we can't be in here we have to go and I don't want you getting into trouble."

She rolled her eyes and said "I'm trying to see what is back here I want to know what's going on so I can sleep at night."

My hands begin sweating and everything was shaking especially my legs.

"My names Miranda by the way just so you know my name in here. By the looks of it there is no real easy way out of this place."

I questioned her thinking. "If we do what they say we can get out of here as soon as possible especially as to not get into any trouble in here and take the help their giving us. You should do what they say and stay out of trouble."

    Miranda looked at me while flipping her hair towards my direction. I began to notice her brown eyes they seemed to twinkle in the light.

"Look Carson Dallas you look like you don't even belong in a place like this and by the way I heard them call your name. I notice everything around me it's kind of my talent."

All of a sudden the doors flew open and a doctor dressed all in white walked inside we both moved up to the doors window to get a closer look inside.

    That room we saw was actually an operation room I knew this place was actually pretty advanced it even had a surgeons in here. I figured we were merged into the hospital. Maybe that guy got injured and he needed some help. The doctor came in and all the other nurses paid him respect. He then looked like he was about to do some surgery on that guy.

Miranda said "Something is off here why are they doing surgery in a mental hospital. Especially to one of the patients that had an outburst."

I grabbed Miranda's hand "Quick someone's coming let's get out of here."

     We quickly ran out the double doors and went back into our rooms. The security guard on duty was distracted he didn't even notice we left our rooms because he was busy watching Netflix and eating his sandwich.

My room was across the living quarters from Mirandas room. As we sneaked back I saw her in the window looking at me. She waved at me in a friendly way. And I waved back.

I still can't believe what I saw in that room. It made me feel like im very vulnerable in here. I dont have anyone to call for comfort and I couldnt sleep at all.

I layed in bed squeezing my pillow. I kept thinking about what my goals are. I had to remember why im here is to function like a normal person in society. But something is off why do we have surgeons in the facility.
Still my mind was opened to any ideas.

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