Strict Orders part 1

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They made it in. They made it into the cities. The black swan and emergency elven forces were scrambling to hold them off, Sophie and Fitz were already on the field holding back most of them. Even though they are our most advanced soldiers, they can only do so much. Biana and Keefe were helping with Evacuations while Dex, Linh, and Tam were working on the defenses of the main cities. Raw video footage was keeping all the citizens up to date on the attack. People watched in amazement as Sophie and Fitz were keeping the attackers at bay with advanced weaponry and powers, using them with extreme skill and finesse.

"Sir! Sophie and I can't hold them off for much longer!" Fitz cried out over his intercom.

"Copy that! D-team, how are the defenses going?" The Black Swan captain called out.

"We are almost done, sir!" Dex replied over the intercoms.

Suddenly cries came crashing in from the Captain's side of the intercom.

"Please, help!" The voice cried out. "My son is in a hospital on the outside of cities walls. It seems you forgot him in there when you were getting everyone else!" The voice begged out.

"What?! I thought everyone was evacuated!" Sophie asked on intercoms.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we can't go and get them yet. Our forces won't be able to make it through to the hospital." The Captain responded. The voice cried out a bit more before moving into another room.

"Captain, you cannot be serious!" Sophie asked her intercom while swinging her dagger upwards to slice a goon in midair.

"We can not leave that little boy there helpless!" She continued.

"Miss Ruewen, we can not risk our best soldiers to go and retrieve one soul." The Captain argued. Sophie stopped dead in her tracks, looking conflicted. Fitz looked at her and sadly shook his head. The Captain was right, as much as he didn't want to admit it, they wouldn't be able to reach him.

"But I can't leave him, Fitz..." Sophie argued quietly with Fitz after ducking behind some building rubble.

"Ruewen, you have strict orders not to engage! You can not leave your posts." The Captain roared over the coms.

"Soph we won't be able to make it," Fitz argued.

"I'll be right back," Sophie said, quietly pressing a quick kiss into Fitz's cheek.

"Sophie!" Fitz cried out as Sophie moved out from behind the rubble and rushed towards the hospital at full speed.

"Soldie-" The Captain's voice was cut off by Sophie pulling the earpiece out of her ear. She drove her arms forward and pushed about 70 soldiers back with her telekinesis.

"Damnit, Foster!" Fitz cursed as he rushed after her. Eventually, after running for about 5 minutes, they made it to the hospital they thought earlier was empty.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Sophie cried out. Fitz was keeping all the goons outside at bay while Sophie searched the building.

"Hello?! Please, help me!" I voice cried out from underneath the rubble. Sophie went over and tried to pull the wreckage off.

"Fitzroy, I need help!" Sophie cried out. Fitz threw a grenade to finish off the last of the goons. He rushed in and helped Sophie pull the rubble of the boy. A small boy looked up. He had soft red hair being matted down by the blood from his slight cut on his forehead. A slight trickle of blood fell down his face past his dark blue eyes. His eyes were wide as Fitz pulled him out of the rubble and onto the cement floor.

"You are... The Moonlark and the Pheonix! No way! I was just saved by the Moonlark!" The boy babbled happily. Sophie chuckled as she checked the outside of the building.

"We need to move. It seems they are sending reinforcements, but they won't reach the building for about 6 minutes. Let's go take cover in another building." Sophie explained. The boy was quiet in Fitz's arms, occasionally asking about Fitz's and Sophie's adventures as advanced soldiers. They decided to call in their situation, and though Sophie and Fitz got quite the talking to from the Captain, he agreed with their idea to lay low in their cities buildings slowly making their way back to the base.

It was now just after sundown. Fitz made a small fire and was looking through their bags for rations. The boy, who we learned is named Albun, was sitting next to Sophie having his wounds treated. He seemed to calm down from his shock and was now wonderstruck by Sophie. The legendary Moonlark does tend to get some attention.

"So you were raised by humans?" Albun asked.

"Up until I was 12 years old. And then Fitz came and brought me to the human world." Sophie explained a small smile forming on her lips.

"The Pheonix is the one who found you?!" Albun asked in disbelief.

"Well, yeah..." Sophie chuckled.

"We have to lay low Soph. I recommend we sent the night here and move back to the city center in the morning." Fitz interrupted.

"Well, since we are just gonna be sitting here... tell me about the Humans!" Albun exclaimed. 


Albun's name actually has meaning! it is not some rip-off name from Alden. Actually, all of my original character's names have meaning! But have some fun googling it and figuring out the symbolism I have wrapped up in names!


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