Of course, moments of calm were rare at the Valentino compound, and I was quickly reminded that George and Travis were in town. As soon as I arrived at Wren's place, where everyone had gathered, Vincent found me and slipped his fingers into my hand, greeting me with a kiss to the forehead. "Good day at work?"

"Great day, actually. How's my temp?"

"Perfect. Just like you. Wren made moussaka. I'll get you a plate."

Without letting go, Vincent tugged me toward the kitchen where Wren and Lucy kept the serving trays full. Both of them smiled like silly schoolgirls when we arrived at the counter.

"You look radiant," Lucy said. "I've always thought a girl looks her best when she's with-child."

"Thanks, Lucy. I feel pretty good today. Although I don't think I'll be able to say that at the funeral tomorrow."

Lucy's expression turned sober. "I know, dear. It'll be alright soon. You'll see."

"This is a nice distraction. It looks like Griffin and Travis are enjoying each other's company."

We all turned to look through the glass doors leading to the balcony, where Griffin and Travis sat at the table. Griffin's hands were waving like mad as she talked, while Travis wore a permanent grin.

"There is definitely chemistry between them," Wren offered. "Griffin is hard to keep up with, and he seems to get her. I know it's premature, but wouldn't it be nice if they were destined?"

I continued to watch the two teenagers connect on the patio, thinking about how young they were and how that didn't seem to bother Wren or Lucy as they talked about gollum promises. I felt a nudge on my elbow, and I turned to find Vincent handing me a plate filled with moussaka and Greek salad.

"Would you like to join us?" He gestured toward George and Charleton at the wet bar. "I want you to know what's going on, and I'd hate to catch hell if I forget to tell you something."

"Don't tell me you live in fear of catching hell from me. I'm the perfect mate, remember?" I winked at him as I carried my food over to a barstool and arranged my butt on it. George was wearing his usual California pastels, and he had grown a small triangle of chin hair. "Hi, George. Nice goatee."

He stroked his barely-there beard. "Thanks. I'm trying to change things up a little. Variety is the spice of life, they say. I'm sorry to hear about your neighbor. Vincent tells me he was like a grandfather to you."

"Mr. Pearlman was my first friend when I moved here. He told a lot great stories, but he had a lot of health issues too." I put on a brave face as I took a bite of food, but Vincent wasn't fooled.

"I thought Reese might want to know what to expect now that the field has been cut to three," he said, changing the subject like a true knight in shining armor.

"Who's the third?" I asked before helping myself to more moussaka.

"Isaac Hildalgo from Barcelona," George said. "He's been eager for the supreme position ever since his son came of magister age."

"Is he a good guy?" I said as I chewed.

"He's one of the cronies, but I think he'd be a fair leader," George offered. "Wouldn't you agree, Charleton?"

Charleton shrugged. "I've never had much to do with Magister Hildalgo, but my money's on you."

A blush of pink tinted George's cheeks as he stroked his chin again. "I wouldn't be so sure about that. I think Vincent has a fair chance to beat me out."

"The only votes I'll get are from magisters who want the meetings held in New York," Vincent argued.

"San Francisco is just as nice," I said, trying to put my anxiety to rest. I really didn't want Vincent to become high magister. I barely got to see him as it was.

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