"Mm. It's likely that someone's life is also sealed within the box that was at Beelzebub's Skull. Eomma and her companion tried to retrieve that box. I have to get to the truth behind that memento box!" Just as Yoongi finished talking the lights on the train went off and everyone panicked. But it didn’t last that long. When the lights came back on, I felt myself sitting on something very much comfortable than the train chairs.

"J-J-J-Jimin!" I heard Yoongi calling me. "You're heavy!" I finally realized what I was sitting on… Yoongi's legs. "S-Sorry!" I apologized and quickly sat down on the chairs. "You! I'll get you for this later! Achoo" "Children, you'll catch a cold if you remain soaked. I'll talk to the crew and borrow something for you both to wear." Scarecrow said and went out of the cabin. "Oh, I'll go..." "It's gone." The young lady said as she started to look something. "What's wrong?" "Excuse me, Mr. Knight... I'm feeling chilly from the night air. Would you mind asking the lady to borrow something on my behalf as well?" she said to the knight.

"Not at all." He said and was about to get out of the room when the woodcutter stood up. "Um..." "You wait here, young man. It's the duty of a knight to fulfill a princess's request." The knight said and followed the scarecrow.

"They're both taking a long time." They sure did take a long time to go take some clothes. "I'm sorry...about your private affairs being brought up earlier." I apologized to the young lady. "I don't mind." She said. "I hope you find your birthday." I told her and looked outside of the window and saw a lady, who wore clothes which looked awfully similar to the ones Scarecrow wore, fell off the train with blood on her body. "I-I just saw someone outside!" "Wait!" Yoongi said and stared at the door. "Sorry it took so long. Look, dry clothes!" The knight said as he held clean dry clothes for me and Yoongi. "Um, where's Madame Scarecrow?" I asked him. "She ran into an acquaintance and changed rooms. She passed on her regards." He answered. "But..." "Let's go change our clothes, Jimin." Yoongi said and dragged me out of the cabin.

"What you witnessed was definitely not an illusion. I don't know if the person is alive or dead, but somebody exited the train early." Yoongi said as he motioned me to pass his shirt. "Don't tell me...! Don't tell me that I saw..." "Yes. The woman who called herself a scarecrow. All the people in that room are minions of either the Ministry of the Occult or the Academy. It appears we've found ourselves in the midst of a grotesque masquerade. But we're lucky, depending how you look at it. Likelier than not, at the center of this dance is... But I don't have enough fragments of Chaos to make a firm statement. Problem?"

I kept staring at what he was wearing… a maid dress… he actually looks cute in it

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I kept staring at what he was wearing… a maid dress… he actually looks cute in it. "No, I was just thinking that outfit suits you..." wrong words… I got kicked in the shin. "It suits me? Are you telling me to wait on you? You've become quite the big shot!" "I didn't say anything like that!"

"A radio room?" I stopped to take a closer look at the room but the door suddenly opened and the Woodcutter came out of there. "Mr. Woodcutter, who were you talking to?" "Nobody..." He answered. "Oh? You're all here?" Knight asked as he and the weird young lady walked towards us. "You took so long that we came to look for you. What are you doing here? Well, Mr. Woodcutter?" the lady asked him. "How about going to the buffet, perhaps? Shall we drink until the dawn?" The woodcutter asked and changed the subject. "Sounds good. But it's your treat." The knight said made their way to the restaurant cart. "We're invited too, aren't we?" Yoongi asked him. "Of course."

"The vodka, please." The woodcutter asked the waiter. The waiter came back with a bottle of vodka and poured the content into a bowl of raisins. The woodcutter then lit a match and brought it close to the vodka raisins to light them on fire. "The raisin-snatching game, I presume. A game where you grab raisins out of the fire quickly, eat them, and state a wish." Yoongi said. "You're well informed." The woodcutter said to Yoongi. "So, who will start?" The lady asked us. "Well then... If you'd like, I'll..." I stood up to get a raisin but got elbowed in my ribs by Yoongi, causing me to sit down unsteadily. "Very well, I'll go first." The woodcutter volunteered and quickly took a raisin and swallowed it with water. "I want to see my hometown in the spring again next year. You see, I love the beautiful irises." He said. "I see. And would you betray your fellow woodcutters for that?" the knight said the woodcutter but he did not say anything back. "Okay, I'll go next. There's no need to worry about food poisoning with these raisins, is there?" the lady asked as she took a raisin. "Of course not." The woodcutter answered her before she did the same as him. "Are you all right? You should drink some water." The lady drank the water that was in front of her. "Let me think..."

I glanced at Yoongi to see him staring at the lady drinking water. "Is something wrong?" I asked him "No..." "I hope you'll make it back to your hometown safely too." The lady wished. "What do you mean?" the woodcutter asked. "For example..." the lady said and lifted her glass of water. "No! Don't drink that water!" Yoongi warned the lady. Just then, the lady grabbed her throat and chest, looking like she was suffocating and fell on the floor. "Are you okay?!" the woodcutter asked her. "Wha..." "Stop the playacting. You poisoned her, didn't you?!" Yoongi asked him. What the hell is happening now?

灰色オオカミ「Grey Wolf」Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant