Phase 1.15

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Third Person POV

By the time the rescue team had arrived, it was already morning and the Empress Crown had already sunken into the ocean. Jimin and Yoongi were watching the ship sinking from the rescue boat and Jimin noticed Yoongi staring out into the horizon. “What are you looking at?” Jimin asked Yoongi and he pointed out to the sparkling light reflection in the water. “I don’t hate beautiful things.”

After some time, they all reached back to the docks safely. Ji Hyo was the first to exit from the ship but just as she was making her way down the wooden stairs which connected the dock and the ship, Namjoon’s police team was waiting for her and all of them were brought to the police station.

Jimin’s POV

“How did you know that I was the culprit?” Ji Hyo asked us. “You Lied.” Yoongi replied to her. “You introduced yourself as the daughter of a wealth person.” “How did you know that she was lying?” I asked Yoongi “She has this habit. She walks a few paces, then turns around and comes back” he spoke as he showed us what he meant.

“Right?” “What’s right?” “It’s not how a person who grew up in a spacious mansion movies. It’s the habit of someone who’s spent a long time in a place where she would bump into a wall if she walks five steps. For example, a prison cell, hospital room or the attic room in a mansion.” “Ahem!” Namjoon interrupted Yoongi and he glared back at him. “That was just a generalization. Don’t read too much into it.”

“Eh? What do you mean?” I asked Yoongi. “Moving on… there is one more important thing.” Yoongi ignored my question and continued talking. “That gun you used to shoot Jin Young, you had it on you the whole time. Jimin, do you remember getting hit in the head with that purse in the lounge?” Yoongi asked me. Just remembering that made my head hurt again “Yeah, it knocked me real hard.” “However, when I picked the purse up, it was as light as feather.”

Ji Hyo’s POV

All I could do was let out a sigh, all that blond boy was saying was true. And I knew lying would mean nothing right now so I decided to tell the truth. “We were all orphans. Ten years ago, I was put on a black, iron-barred carriage. I lost consciousness and woke up on that cursed ship. Our nationalities were different, so even our conversation were faltering. But because our circumstances were the same, we were able to communicate. And yet…” I continued to tell them the story of how Jeonghan’s fake death was the same as the one I had seen ten years ago on that ship. That time, all the orphans there had lost their trust in each other and had started to kill each other… thinking that one of us had killed the other kid.

“My mind was on the verge of snapping, but I held it at bay, and we finally arrived to the top deck where the radio room was. Me and 5 other kids opened the door of the room and walked inside it, only to see room with adults waiting for our arrival. They called us ‘Rabbits’. And were talking about which rabbit had survived and were asking for our nationalities.”

‘Where is my alley?’ ‘What’s their nationalities? Which rabbits survived?’ we couldn’t answer them back and all of a sudden we heard a voice from the back answering the question instead of us ‘France, Italy, America and Crete’ I searched where the voice was coming from and saw that it was the kid who had died on the stair case but he wasn’t dead. One of the men must have saw us being surprised ‘oh, he’s England and the Hunting Dog. He performed his role splendidly. This is, he threw you rabbits into a state of chaos and drove you into a corner’. Just as he had finished talking, a woman on a wheel chair came into the room. ‘A young man will die soon. That death will be the beginning of everything. The world will turn to stone and start to tumble. The running of the rabbits will end here. Sink the box immediately and fulfill the revelation. Then fatten up the rabbits!’
*end of flashback*

"The running of the rabbits, you say?” Namjoon asked me. “We can surmise that it refers to a large-scale omen.” Yoongi told us.

Yoongi’s POV

“Omen?” Ji Hyo asked. “Bellion raised rabbits and used them as an augury tool. She would release them amongst hunting dogs and predict the future based on which rabbits survived.” I explained. “So you mean that we were the rabbits?” Ji Hyo asked me. “Data can be analyzed from several fragments of chaos: the orphans who were gathered form 11 different countries around the world… the meaningful words of Bellion and her people… and the fact that the original incident occurred ten years ago in the spring.”

“Ah… there was that incident in Sarajevo and the outbreak of the Great War. But that has no connection right?” Jimin said. “No, that is the answer.” I told him. “At the end of June 1914, the archduke of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo. When this triggered a war, people in the government used fortune tellers in an attempt to read the future of the world. It was a large scale stage. The prepared a ‘box’, the Empress Crown, and there let loose the rabbits collected from each country.” I told them.

“No way…” Ji Hyo said. “Hey, halfway-bright Jimin, tell us the outcome of the war.” “Tch! The great war ended with a victory by the allies.” “And those countries were…?” “Umm, France, Italy, England, America and Crete.” Everyone in the room gasped. “The prediction was right.” “Then they based their political activity afterwards on our action that night.” Ji Hyo exclaimed.

“Tell me, little detective, when did you realize that I was behind it?” Ji Hyo asked me. “I first suspected you when we woke up in that lounge. You made a fuss about the door being locked but that was a lie. You persuaded the guests to stay in the room and showed us the threatening words so we would think it was some sort of ritual.”

“I see… I understand now why you held the boy’s hand firmly. It’s because he spoke to me amiably not knowing I was the culprit. I am right? Aren’t I?” Ji Hyo asked me but i chose to stya quiet. “Well, I have heard enough. Its time.” Namjoon said as he stood up and took Ji Hyo to the cell in the police station.

*Back to the school*

Jimin’s POV

“YOONGIIII!!!!!!” I called him as I ran up the stairs of the library. “What are you kicking up a racket for?” I sat down in front of him as I catch my breath. “Look at this Yoongi! ‘Another job well done for inspector Kim! He splendidly solved the affair of the Empress Crown!’” I read out the newspaper headline as I showed him the page where Namjoon was posing in front of the ship. “The police caught the criminal because you tipped them off! Your deductive reasoning, everything you explained to them is all written right here!”

Yoongi yawned and said “My brother is an egomaniac.” “Exactly! That inspector is the most… wait a second. What did you say?” “I said my brother is egomaniac. Why?” “Oh, I see… WHAAAAT?!” “Well, I say ‘brother’, but we have different mothers. He’s a marquis, the legitimate son of the Kim family. And my mother, a mistress was seen as a dangerous figure by the government. I was isolated deep inside the Kim family mansion and raised there. Even after entering the academy, I haven’t been allowed to go outside without the duke’s permission. I’m a captive prince.” He said as he smiled sadly. “But that doesn’t sit me, does it?”

I stared at him trying to understand what he just told me know and all he did was yawn. “And that’s why the prince is always bored.” “Oh.. Huh?” “Go downstairs to the real world and find me another interesting mystery.” “Eeehhh?”

Well that was the end of Phase 1 i will try to write and update Phase 2 quickly before the semester break ends. :)

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