Phase 7.3

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Yoongi's POV

After deciding not to follow Jimin and that Taehyung, I went to the clock tower and went to the room Jimin had been talking about. When I got in that room, I met a man who was already in the room. He didn’t speak and kept staring at me. "Who are you?" I asked him. "Just a traveler looking for something." He answered. "There's a lost item in a place like this?" I asked again. "There is. A beautiful monster." "Monster?" I said. That red hair... "You're the companion of the Oriental who died in this room." "Yeah. Han Song the Conjurer. Heard of him?" "No." "Han was interested in that movie, Illusion of the Dark Tower. He apparently snuck into this tower, the model for the film, but..." "And you're a magician too?" I asked him. "Oh. How did you know?" He asked me back. "Because I'm the monster." I answered him. "Then as to the question of who I am..."

"I already know. I also know what you're after...and the name of your partner." "Very impressive." "There's nothing I don't know." "You're just a tool. What could a tool that was raised without love possibly understand?" "There's nothing I don't understand!" I argued back. Just then an old man came into the room. "What are you two doing in here?" the old man asked. "Who are you?" I asked him. "A carpenter. I and a big shot are evaluating whether or not to tear this place down. As you can see, it's a very old building. In fact, it's dangerous for you to even be here." "I see. I'll be careful." The red hair man said and went outside. I waited till I was sure that he was gone and turned to the carpenter. "There's something I want you to investigate."

Jimin's POV

"We heard quite a bit, huh?" Taehyung said to as we walked back to the library to meet with Yoongi. "Yeah." I answered him. Just then, I saw Yoongi sitting in one of the pavilions near the library. I ran to him with the bag of snacks. "H-Huh?! Jimin" I could hear Taehyung calling my name but I was too far from him to go back to him. "Yoongi! Yoongi! Huh? Hey, Yoongi! You can hear me, right? I have something for you." I said as I handed him the paper bag. "I'm sure it's just another weird hat or something." Yoongi said while focusing on the book. "It's a raspberry sandwich." I said and instantly, his eyes lit up. "Jimin... You're a surprisingly fast runner..." I heard Taehyung's voice while I was telling about the things we had found out to Yoongi but I was too busy to notice him.

"We found out some old buildings in the area have hidden rooms that the Protestants used. Also, do you know African songs? It seems even the kids in this village know them. I heard the songs are about Africans who once lived here long ago. No one really knows where they came from or what they did here, but apparently, they all died at once from an epidemic."

"Ah, you must be talking about the end of 1873. By the beginning of the next year, the previous king passed away. I remember it well." I remembered what the old man at the cemetery told us. "Walk, walk, and we're finally there! Cute sisters, Papa and Mama! Gold and black skin! Row, row, row, and row!" I sang the song to him "Did you catch the "gold" in the lyrics? Doesn't it make you think?" I asked. "Jimin!" "Taehyung?" "I said this is a competition! Why are you sharing the information we dug up?!" Taehyung asked angrily. "Well, I thought we could make more progress by exchanging information." I answered him. "Is the farting lizard going home?" Yoongi asked.

"What, you frilly wizard?!" Taehyung yelled. "Y-You called me a frilly wizard?! What the devil is that?!" Yoongi asked looking surprised. Ughhh they are arguing again. "I don't know! But I won't lose when it comes to bad-mouthing!" Taehyung said "Enough of that." Taehyung said and sat down on the seat in front of Yoongi. "Now, let's announce our theories! I think the ghost of Leviathan haunts the clock tower. And he doesn't like it when outsiders enter the place." Taehyung told us his conclusion of the theories. "But Leviathan disappeared right after he was shot with poisoned arrows. He might still be alive and murdering people for some reason." I added. "You're both idiots." Yoongi said after a few seconds. "W-What was that?!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Especially you. There are no such things as ghosts. Wake up."

"So you're saying he's still alive, like what Jimin said?!" Taehyung asked. "Leviathan died a long time ago. He just kept his death a secret. He wasn't immortal by a long shot. And his alchemy was phony too." Yoongi answered him while eating his sandwich. "You're wrong! Leviathan is an alchemist! He's incredible!" Taehyung argued.

"Taehyung, calm down..." "Certainly, he turned a white rose into a blue one." Yoongi told us. "That's right! He did it in front of the king, the queen and a lot of others!" Taehyung said. "Very well, I'll show you the technique. But you'll want to die of embarrassment once you see how silly you are." He said. "Wh-Wh-Wh...?!"  "Calm down." I had to hold Taehyung back before he actually punched Yoongi. "Hmph! As if you can do it!" Taehyung said as we waited for the white rose in Yoongi's hand to turn blue. After a few minutes… believe it or not… the white rose turned blue…

"I don't believe it! W-What happened?!" Taehyung asked. Yoongi opened his hand, revealing an ink soaked cotton. "Cotton?" "If a white rose absorbs ink through the cut end of its stem, it will be tinged with the ink's color. It's a simple trick." Yoongi said. "That can't be..." Taehyung said in a disappointed voice. "Is Leviathan really dead?" I asked Yoongi. "I've seen through most of his tricks. But it's not quite complete. I'm waiting for the final, necessary piece so I can reconstruct the truth." "The final piece?" I said to myself. Just then, I noticed someone with red hair walking towards the clock tower.

"Bang... That's right. Bang Sihyuk." Anna told us.
"Bang Sihyuk came to this village 10 years ago. 10 years ago also coincides with when that photo was taken." Yoongi said.
*End of flashback*

I had to ask that man something. "E-Excuse me, I just remembered something I have to do!" I said and ran to the man.

Third Person POV

"Wait, Jimin!" Yoongi called out but Jimin had already walked away, leaving him alone with that Taehyung. "Yoongi... I'm sorry for calling you a monster." Yoongi heard Taehyung say to me. "You're amazing, Yoongi. Maybe I am a little... you know, dense... What do you think?" "Indeed, you are dense. But you're free." Yoongi said. "M-Maybe it's like this. Jimin is with you a lot, so maybe he just sees me as a stupid boy. What I'm trying to say is... I don't want you to take Jimin from me! W-Wait, strike that! I didn't say anything!" Taehyung confessed with his eyes closed and quickly got embarrassed. To his luck, Yoongi was already gone before he had said anything about Jimin. "Phew!" Taehyung let out a sigh… feeling relieved that no one had heard his super loud confession but he was wrong. "Ah, youth..." Hoseok said quietly after hearing Taehyung while hiding behind a tall shrub.

'You, who have acquired this volume in the future... Are you a man? A woman? An adult? A child?' "I'm saying it's better for you and my brother to behave yourselves, helpless baby squirrel." Jimin could hear Namjoon warning him in his head while he was running to the tower. "You have business with me, boy?" The red-hair man asked him when he got to the room in the clock tower. 'You shall learn more of my tale. And understand. The tale of my crime and remorse...'

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