Phase 2.3

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Jimin's POV

I watched him stand up and took my hand "Aren’t you going to give me the grand tour?" after showing Bogum around the school, we walked back towards the classroom buildings "I'm sorry from making you waste your time on me." He said "it's not like I have any other plans…" "Wait... what's that?"

He asked as he pointed to the library

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He asked as he pointed to the library. "Oh that.. That’s the library." Seeing the library made me remember of Yoongi. I wonder if he's reading a book right now… both of them are boys, but they couldn’t be more different. After all Yoongi's overbearing and a hothead. He's mysterious not to mention dangerous as well.

"My mother was seen as a dangerous figure by the government. I was isolated deep inside the Kim family mansion and was raised there. Even after entering this academy…"
*end of flashback*

I should make up with him, shouldn’t I? But what's 'not boring…'? I was too deep in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Bogum being inches away from my face. "Jimin ssi!" I stepped back from surprise... he was too near... TOO NEAR. "What's wrong?" he asked. "N-Nothing!" I need to calm down. Hold on… why do my cheeks feel hot? "Were you thinking about what just happened?" that turned me redder. "N-NO!!" I answered back.

"Then… lets go that way!" Bogum pulled me towards the canal bridge. Blond… my dream girl… but my thoughts were disturbed when I felt Bogum's hands wrapped around my left arm and reminded me of his injured hand. "Your injury… what happened?"
He suddenly stopped walking and looked serious "nothing really. I just fell." "Jimin!! Bogum!!" we both turned towards the sound and saw Mr.Hoseok running towards us. "Are you two taking a walk?" he asked "Yes. Jimin-ssi is giving me a tour of the academy." Bogum answered.

I was surprised with the sudden change in Bogum's mood when I felt a hand hit my back. "W-What was that for?!" "You!" "Ssaem! Stop it! I'm serious!" "Hey… since you two are already so friendly, I've got a favor to ask the both of you!" we followed Mr.Hoseok and reached the part of the academy I didn’t know it existed, the cemetery.

"The caretaker passed away. I need to prepare the funeral but would you two assist me?" Mr.Hoseok explained to us as we waited for the crypt door to open. "One, two… " There were already two men trying to open the door."Looks like it's rusted through…" Bogum said "That’s because the last time we used this was eight years ago." Mr.Hoseok replied back.

Since the men were struggling to open the door, I went to help them. "One, Two…" the door slowly started to open as we pulled the door open. But as soon as the door opened, saw a dead corpse that was slowly falling down. Why does these stuff happen to me only?

I screamed and moved out of the way and the corpse hit the grown but the head and the body separated from the impact

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I screamed and moved out of the way and the corpse hit the grown but the head and the body separated from the impact. The corpse wore an old soldier uniform and head a small bundle of dried flowers on his chest. Well the corpse did surprise me but Mr.Hoseok fainted so I had to go help him.

Hoseok fainted so I had to go help him

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