Phase 4.3

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Yoongi's POV

I listened to Jimin's side of the story carefully. "Okay, let's put the pieces together. Jimin, go find a paperweight. A glass one." I told him "We have one." He said after a while. "Now drop it on the floor." "Eh?" "Whatever, just do as I say-achoo" "It broke. So?" "You dropped a paperweight in a room at Talos. But it didn't break. Do you know why?" "Why?" "The Blue Rose you dropped wasn't made out of glass. Now, if it was blue diamond, it wouldn't break. Jimin, what you saw in that room wasn't a paperweight. It was what was stolen from the Crete royal palace during the Great War. The real Blue Rose. And I'm afraid Talos is the stage where works of art lost in the darkness of history are smuggled."

Jimin's POV

By night fall, we were already back at Talos with lots of police officers searching through the department store. "Take a look there too!" "Yes, sir!" the police officers ordered. "We've found it, Inspector." One of the officers informed Namjoon hyung. We followed the officer and found the changing room that Lisa told us about. "Monsieur Minwoo, this is proof. This is where you kept the missing people-" "It's just a cellar. One we don't use very often." Minwoo said in a very calm voice. "But!"

"That's enough, Jimin! This isn't proof enough! We can't do anything about it if he says this is just a cellar." Namjoon hyung held me back. "Let go of me, Inspector!" "No! Calm down, Jimin!" Namjoon hyung said "No! This isn't a mistake! This is where the missing girls were imprisoned!" "Jimin, what you need to find is proof that is more concrete." We remembered what Yoongi told to us. "Inspector, let go of me!" "That's enough!" Namjoon hyung blinked at me telling me to stop. "Use the Blue John stone. The works of art taken from the royal palace... The girls who were imprisoned... They're definitely somewhere within that building. It's in there somewhere. The Blue John stone will definitely lead you to where the truth lies." Yoongi told us before, that's why Namjoon hyung ordered every police officer to place their hands on each and every window in Talos for handprints.

"I'm sorry you did not manage to find anything. May I ask you to leave the premises?" Minwoo told us. "I wonder about that." Namjoon hyung said as he chuckled. "Do you know about it? The mysterious Blue John stone. Phony psychics often grind it to a powder and use it to represent ectoplasm. As for the reason why..." Namjoon hyung snapped his fingers and all the lights in Talos went out. "It's fluorescent. A blue light amidst darkness. The girl Lisa told me this. She could see the royal palace from the window of the room where she was imprisoned. That's why we marked all of the windows facing that direction. However, there is one window that hasn't been marked. Monsieur Minwoo, that's the window of the secret room where you imprison the girls!" I explained to Minwoo.

His face expression changed to a scared one. "Namjoon! It's the seventh window on the fifth floor!" I heard General Sejin tell Namjoon hyung the location through the earphone. "The fifth floor! Search all the rooms on the fifth floor!" Namjoon hyung ordered. The officers ran to the location but were stopped by mannequin secretary lady. She beat them all up. "No way..." "What are you bastards waiting for?! Stop them!" Minwoo ordered his employees. While the officers and employees were fighting, I ran towards the stairs to go the fifth floor but the secretary lady was already there. "You're not going any further!" she said. Just then, Namjoon hyung came and held her hands from behind her.

"Leave her to me, boy!" "T-Thanks!" I used the lift and went to the fifth floor and tried to find the location of the hidden room. I felt around for some hidden switch and heard something click when I pressed the wall. "Found it." I told to myself and went into the room. I opened another door and found a room full of people. "What's this?" "The bidding starts at 30,000." "35,000." "Anyone else?" "37,000." "40,000." "42,000." "50,000." "We have a 50,000 bid! Anyone else? Well?!" "Okay, 60,000!" This isn't a demonic ritual. This is an auction to sell lost works of art and girls!

灰色オオカミ「Grey Wolf」Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt