Phase 4.2

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Jimin's POV

I was talking on the phone with Yoongi when someone grabbed me from my neck and pulled me into the moving horse carriage. "Ow... You...!" Guess who my kidnapper was, mannequin lady. "I'm... I'm Lisa." The lady said. "Are you Russian?" "Yes. I came to Heraklion. I was looking at the clothes in front of that store. A woman said I could come in and try them on. And then..." "So you were held captive somewhere in Talos ever since?"

"Yes. There was a window. I could see the royal palace of Crete. There was a two-headed eagle. I escaped by myself..." she said as she explained how she got there and how she escaped. "And hid in there, right?" "The demons! The demons are coming!" Lisa said again. "Calm down." She really needed to chill. "We're... live sacrifices... The demons are coming... The incantations for the ritual... They pointed at us... and cursed us... The girls who were cursed were taken away... And never came back! Please!" She cried... I didn't know what to do so I tried to pat her head, it calms me down so why not try. So the ghost story Taehyung told me about is true. But how do I prove it? For as long as there isn't anyone to watch over Talos...

I remembered something. "Tell the police my name and ask for Inspector Kim." "But..." "Don't worry. I'll go straight there afterwards. I'll definitely save the other girls." I told Lisa and went off the carriage to find someone. I went into an alley thinking that he might be there and I heard some people talking. "How much will you pay for it?" "About three coins at most for something like this."

"Then this conversation's over!" I looked carefully and I saw the boy I was looking for. "Ah, I finally found you!" I called out to him but he started to walk away quickly. "Hey!" "What is it?" The boy asked. "Huh? That hat..." he was holding my hat. "Just saying, I didn't do anything bad-" "I want to talk. You correctly reported how much money I had dropped. You probably counted up all of the coins in the blink of an eye. Then there's also your account of the interior decorators. Your memory's amazing. I'm sure you'd remember the people who went into Talos but never came back out." I said. "No thanks. I met someone just like you before. I went to the police station and told them everything. But they didn't believe me.

Nobody would believe anything a dirty little brat like me said. Nobody..." The boy said. "I believe you. I know a kid just like you. He's also really smart. It's amazing. He always treated me like an idiot though...That's right. Yoongi has always called me an idiot. But isn't it his own fault that he caught the 'flu? He also works me like a slave and, just a while ago, didn't even take me seriously... Does he even think of me as a friend?" I was complaining to the boy, he didn't tell anything back but all he did was put my hat on my head back. "What?!" "Let's go, Mr. Nice. I just have to testify, right? In return...Just give me another coin afterwards." "Okay!" and we made our way to where Namjoon Hyung was.

Yoongi's POV

"Hoseok. Get me the entire week's worth of Heraklion's newspapers. It's urgent! ACHOO... ACHOO" I asked... no... I ordered Hoseok. "You know, Yoongi... Even if you took a 'flu shot, you still-" Hoseok tried to stop me. "It's urgent!" "Okay." He went out to take the newspapers.

Jimin's POV

On the way to the police station, a poster caught my attention. "What's... that?" "That's phantasmagoria. You like stuff like that?" "Phantas... what?" The greatest illusionist of the century, Bang Sihyuk, finally performing in our theatre... The greatest illusionist of the century, Brian Roscoe. I feel like I've heard that name before... I turned to see a crowd of people nearby and I went closer to get a better view of what was happening. "A doll?" "It's a chess doll!" The boy said. "Is it Bang Sihyuk?" "Yes, it's Bang Sihyuk the Teleporter." The people in the crowd said to each other. I remember him... the man who took my textbooks and turned them into a hat. "Be sure to carry the lady gently, boys." Bang Sihyuk told the people who were carrying the chess doll out.

"Lady?" "Haven't you heard? The lady fell sick with the 'flu this morning." Bang said again. "achoo" a voice came out from the doll and everyone grew quiet. "That's why I'm telling you. Carry her as gently as you can." Bang said. And stared at me. "Let's go. Something isn't right." The boy said as he dragged me out of the crowd. "Okay." When we reached the station, the boy stated to tell everything he had seen. "Winter last year, February 12th 3:05pm. Spring this year, May 3rd 7:12pm. She went inside Talos. And that was it. She never came back out." He said as he pointed out to the photos of the girls who were missing.

"Next, summer last year, August 30th. 10:02am. That's it." An officer came closer to where me and Namjoon hyung were. "The photos he picked are all ones of people who've been reported missing. The times they went missing and the times he reports coincide perfectly." The officer reported to Namjoon. "Well?" "I've questioned the girl. Something does seem to be wrong with Talos." General Sejin said as he entered the room we were in. "A daughter of a wealthy family, she was exiled out of her country during the Russian Revolution in 1917. She then lost both her parents and came to Crete with the help of her few relatives. We are currently confirming her identity.

We should be on the right track. And then we have... well... The whole live sacrifice to the demons thing..." the general continued. Namjoon hyung pulled me closer to him. "There's no other way. Go give that thing a phone call." He told me. "You mean Yoongi? Inspector, why don't you call him yourself instead of asking me-" I said quietly. "No!" all the people in the room were focused on Namjoon. He cleared his throat and pulled me out into the hall way. "You don't understand anything! Why do you think I have this hairstyle?" "Isn't it because you like it?" "I've asked him for help before when I had no other choice. It was a case we had to solve no matter what. And in return..." "No way, Yoongi made you?!" "Jimin! The favors you take from him are a strange and unique thing! It's like taking lots of money from a loanshark for free!" Yoongi. "I understand. I'll ask for him help. But this is the last time."

Yoongi's POV

I sat on my bed with the newspapers, the ones I asked Hoseok to bring, spread out around me. "I see. How boring. Achoo! Achoo!" "Yoongi! Another call for you!" I heard Hoseok say in a loud voice and brought me the phone. "Hey!" well.. Hoseok saw me wipe my nose with the cloth thing he was making, he took it away and gave me the phone instead. "Yoongi? Hello! Can you hear me? I'd like your help on something..." "Jimin, now why would you disturb my peace and quiet like that?

You probably got yourself involved in another case and gave up miserably, no?" "Um... sorry I'm always relying on you. But I really am very thankful...that I can ask for your help." "Most of the pieces of this Chaos have already been gathered." "How?!" "Isn't it obvious? The Spring of Wisdom told me. However, I still need a few more pieces. Tell me what you know, Jimin. And be brief."

灰色オオカミ「Grey Wolf」Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt