Chapter Nineteen

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Jircniv's POV.

I don't believe it. Those workers were completely wiped out? Tsk. So that's the strength of Ains Ooal Gown. He is powerful enough to destroy multiple worker teams at once.

Jircniv: Old man. Hey?

Fluder: Excuse me, your highness. I was lost in thought.

Even the old man's speechless about him?

Jircniv: No, do not fret. Though I know you are getting on in years, I cannot help but depend on you. Forgive me.

Fluder: Thank you for your kind words, your Highness.

Jircniv: So, in regards to the workers...are things set up so that the head of one foolish noble will resolve this?

Fluder: Of course, the people here are the only ones who know everything.

Jircniv: Great, just in case we-..

A violent earthquake interrupted my speech. I quickly stood up and ask what in the world is going on. The earthquake subsides and a frantic guard told that there was a dragon on my inner garden. A dragon?

With my knights, we went to the balcony to see the huge dragon who landed and my sharp eyes caught two dark elves coming down behind the dragon's back.

The old man can't identify the dragon's type nor species. My soldiers surround them as Nazami Enec immediately took an action and confronted the intruders.

Soldier: Your Imperial Highness, please take cover.

Jircniv: Where would I run? Where do you think I would be safe?

Soldier: ...even so you still need to-..

???: Hey! Everyone, can you here us? I am a servant of Lord Ains and Lady Y/n, Aura Bella Fiora!

He was too quick to make a move, he already send his henchmen's on my territory as an answer to my plan. But that's what not bothers me. What bothers me is when he spoke another name beside Ains.

Y/n..who's that? Is she also one of Ains Ooal Gown's subordinates ? No.. She's merely like as the same position as him. But, there's no record or information about her. I sigh deeply, why on hell did my informants slipped an important information like that? *Sigh* I shall set that aside, for now, I know that Ains isn't alone, I should be more careful now.

Aura: The emperor of this country has sent some rude people to the home of Lord Ains and Lady Y/n, the Great Tomb of Nazarick! Our Supreme Ruler's weren't on their good moods because of that. So they delivered a message for the emperor. If no one comes to apologize, they will destroy this country! And as a start, we will massacre all the humans here.

The other elf swing her rod and harshly tap the concrete floor. The ground starts to shake again and what we saw was clearly unbelievable. The ground starts to crumble and all of my soldiers were being swallowed underneath the deep cracks until no one was be able to seen..alive. The elf swing her rod up and within a second, the ground turns back into its normal form.

Aura: There, We massacred all of them! Next, we will massacre the humans in this castle...but we don't know which one is the emperor is so we don't do that! But we will destroy this country if the emperor does not apologies to Lord Ains and Lady Y/n! So Emperor, please hurry up and step forward!

Ains Ooal Gown and Y/n... Just who are they?

I step forward and put my hands on the balcony's railing and show myself to them.

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