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Last night, Adam said he wanted to talk about what Coach was talking about. We stayed up a bit talking about it but we ended up falling asleep on my bed. 


The alarm blared throughout our room as Julie and Connie threw various things at it. It wouldn't stop blaring so Julie got up and turned it off. I look behind me and Adam was cuddling into me, snoring softly.

"You guys sure do have a great Coach," I said whispering since Adam was sleeping.

"He wasn't always like this. He was at first, but he changed." Connie trying to explain.

"Yeah well, apparently not," I said bitterly. I got up carefully and changed into random clothes which happen to be a pair of shorts and Adam's hoodie.

I walked out of the door and saw everyone there already so I go back to my room to wake up Adam so he can get ready. He looks up at me with a sleepy look and has me lead the way back to his room. 

I walked up to Dean and asked him to give me a piggy back ride to class.

"Hop on," he said leaning down for me to get on his back.

"What are you doing ?" Charlie smiled as we all walked to class together.

"Going to class, you?" I laughed.

"Babe I am not carrying you, don't even try," Guy told Connie.

Dean carried me all the way to my seat in between Adam and Ken.

"Thanks, Portman," I smiled. He winked and took a seat next to Fulton. 

 Ms. MacKay started in on her lesson and I laid my head on Adam, immediately falling asleep.

"Alex, Alex," She shook me awake.

"No mom, five more minutes," I whined going back to sleep. She sighed and went to wake up Charlie and Luis. 

After a few minutes of slumber, I was awakened by me falling out of my desk and landing on the floor.

"Ugh, Whatever," I muttered and curling onto the floor.

"Alex I-" Ms. MacKay started.

"Give her a break, Ms. MacKay. Trust me," Adam explained to her.

"It's fine, I'm up. Sorry Ms. MacKay," I apologized and sat in my seat. She gave me a look of concern.

"Alright, you guys aren't going to practice. You need rest,go back to the dorms, class is dismissed," She said.

We all got up and walked back to the dorm. I was walking to my room when Adam stopped me.

"Do you wanna cuddle?" Adam asked. I nodded and follow him to his bed.

 I nodded and follow him to his bed

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