Shit, where are you I'm on my way. He linked back as I sent him my location.

I knew it would be only a matter of minutes before the pain started and that would slow me down and possibly even stop me in my tracts so I picked up the paces. Pretty soon there were 6 wolves total chasing me and I was still about a mile from the castle. The first wave of pain hit just as Ty's golden wolf leapt over me letting out a fierce growl at the males chasing me. I stumbled as I felt like my insides were boiling and tearing at the same time. Go I'll hold them off Tessa is at the front door and had ordered all unmated males out of the castle. Ty linked me as I pushed through the pain and continued towards the castle.

I barely made it to the front door as I collapsed in pain shifting back into my human form. Tessa was right there and helped me up as she led me to a spare room. She had already got the tub filled with cold water and ice cubes as I screamed out in pain. This was worse than all the pain I had endured over my life put together. She helped me into the tub as I was whimpering and crying in pain. "Shh it's alright Rebel I'm here. If you want I can get Aero so he can help you." She told me and I shook my head.

The fight still fresh in my mind although my wolf and body were crying out for him. Ty had finally made it back as the pain continued to get worse and I felt my body heating up the cold water which was quickly turning warm. "Holy hell, Rebel I have never seen a heat like this. We need to get Aero to help." He stated as he looked at my pained and distressed face.

As he turned to leave I barely managed to growl out, "No! I don't want him here."

He looked at my confused as I sent him the argument we had earlier. Ty's face contorted into rage as he stormed out of the room. This was going to be a long and painful night. I thought to myself as Tessa pulled the drain on the now hot water and began running the cold water.

Ty's POV

After Rebel showed me their argument pissed doesn't even cover how I felt. He knows what she's been through and decided to act just like the rest of those assholes. So as soon as I left Rebel and Tessa I stormed into his office. He turned around angry that someone just barged in but then he looked confused seeing me standing there.

"Ty what's with the intrusion?" He asked confused and slightly pissed that I just slammed his office door open.

"Oh I don't know maybe it's the fact that you were such an asshole to Rebel earlier that she called me to help her keep your men away from her. Or maybe it's the fact that she is screaming in pain going through her heat with Tessa because she's so pissed and hurt at you she doesn't want you near her! Why don't you take your fucking pick?" I growled at him as shock ran across his face before sorrow and regret.

"W-Wait, she's in heat? Why doesn't she want me there?" He asked confused.

"Yes she is and I had to fight off 6 of your men because they were chasing her! And probably because you were a complete fucking dick to her earlier when she came to you about training!" I shouted and he just looked even more confused.

"What the fuck are you talking about I just got back to my office an hour ago I was out helping train the new females. I haven't seen Rebel since this morning I told Ben to let her know where I was when she got done with her doctors appointment but she never showed. I figured she got caught up doing something else." He said which only caused me more confusion.

"Wait a second, you mean you haven't been here since this morning?" He nodded and my eyes widen, "then who the fuck was she talking to that was a total dick to her and looked just like you?" I asked semi terrified.

Before he could answer I heard Tessa scream and we both took off towards the room. When we got there Rebel was trying to shield Tessa from a wolf that had jumped in through the window but she was in a lot of pain and could barely stand. The wolf was large a little bigger than Rebel but about the same size as me. Both Aero and I let out vicious snarls and the wolf turned and saw us before dropping a note and jumping back out the window.

I ran over to Tessa and Rebel who was still burning up and gritting her teeth in pain as Aero picked up the note as he mind linked his warriors to find the wolf.

After I made sure both girls were alright I heard Aero growl lowly. "That son of a bitch!" He shouted and I stood in front of them protectively. It wasn't until Rebel whimpered in pain that Aero snapped his head towards her and his face softened.

"Rebel I am so sorry for what he did to you early today, but you must understand it wasn't me. Please let me help you." His voice soft and caring and I watched as Rebel barely nodded her head. Aero had her in his arms in an instant and you could see the relief she felt.

"What does the note say?" I asked as Tessa had finally calmed down. As he read the note out loud Rebel and I both snarled.

'To my dearest Aero,

I hope I didn't cause to much trouble with you and your mate today. But it was too much fun torturing her from your perspective. I couldn't believe she went into heat as well but perhaps next time I will be there to soothe her pain. By the way your pathetic guard Ben is locked in the hallway closet I had to knock him out for a bit. Hopefully I didn't hurt him to bad. I will see you again soon.


P.s. thanks for the new mate and pup I'll be sure to take great care of them.'

"Who the fuck is Rae? And what pup is he talking about?" Rebel growled out.

"He was my best friend until my father killed his mother, he's Alpha Braxton's son. He must've had a witch cloak him to look like me. I-I don't know who he is talking about though." Aero said and realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Where's Taylor?" I asked and everyone's face dropped. Aero began mind linking someone and his face contorted into rage.

"She's gone. He must've went down to the cells afterwords and had her released, my men thought he was me so they didn't ask any questions. Damnit!" He growled as Rebel groaned in pain and his face softened. "Let me help Rebel through her heat and we will discuss this tomorrow. I already had someone find Ben and take him the infirmary he should be alright."

With that I took Tessa out of the room as Aero picked up Rebel and carried her up to their room.

"Tessa do you know of any other witches who could help us find them and who may be helping them?" I asked as we made it back to our room.

"I-I'm not sure I haven't had any contract with them for several years but I can try and find them. As for who would help them I don't know. They wouldn't be doing it willingly unless they were their mate but even then they would probably not want to get involved like they are. They must have someone they love using that against them or something. The only witch I know who can cloak someone like that is my sister Anna." She said her voice shaking.

"It's ok doll, we will figure this out and find your sister." I told her as I wrapped my arms around her. She instantly leaned into me and I kissed her mark causing her to let out a small moan. Goddess I love this woman.

That's Miss Rogue Queen to youWhere stories live. Discover now