Back To Hogwarts

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Sapphire's POV:

The sound of footsteps coming towards me made my heart start pounding. I grabbed for my wand and lit it up. "Merlin. Blind me why don't you?" Sirius whispered. He held his arms up to block out the light, and I felt guilty for blinding him. "Sorry." I said as I put my wand light out. "It's okay. Here... this came for you a few minutes ago. I thought you might like to read it." He said in a hushed tone as he handed me an envelope. "Is it from Gellert?" I asked him curiously. "I guess. And don't worry, I always checked it for jinxs and hexes." He answered my weary look. I took the envelope he was handing me and opened it to see if it was from Gellert.

Dear Sapphire,

I'm glad you're having a good time with your friends. And yes, I am aware that Snape has told you his secret. I'm actually the one who convinced Dumbledore to allow him to tell you everything. I wish you could have seen his face when I stormed into his office; it was priceless. Anyway, I wanna let you know that I'm perfectly safe and sound at Hogwarts. I understand why you're so worried. I wish I could wrapped my arms around you and kiss all your stress and anxiety away. But you'll be on your way back to school in a few hours. I'm sorry for having to send this letter so late, or early... however you want to look at it. I've been so busy making study plans and attending meetings. Maybe when you get here tomorrow evening we could meet up in the room of requirement after dinner. Then we'll be able to spend some time together before we're both busy again. I'm sending you all of my love. I can't wait to see you again.


- Gellert

I read the letter a few times with a smile on my face. I desperately wanted Gellert laying in bed with me with his arms around me just like he said in his letter. 'He's probably just falling asleep in his private quarters.' I thought inside of my head. I folded the letter and put it back into its envelope before putting it away in my trunk with the others he had sent me. I snuffed my wand light and laid back down as I wrapped the covers around me. Imagining Gellert's arms around me helped me drift back to sleep even though I knew I'd probably have to get back up in a couple of hours. A pair of arms gently tightened around me, and I realized that I was naked. Gellert's warm large hands were gently rubbing my bare sides. I giggled and a richly soft chuckle escaped his lips before he left feather light kisses on my shoulder and neck. "How did you sleep?" He whispered in my ear. "I slept like a baby." I replied before I gently turned around so we were facing each other. Our legs were all tangled up and I gently placed my hands on his smooth chest. We nuzzled our noses against each other's for a few minutes before we captured each other's lips in a tender kiss. "Wake up! We have to get ready so we don't miss the train!" I heard Hermione say as she gently shook me awake. 'But I was having such a sweet dream.' I groaned inside of my head as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. After stretching I eventually got out of bed and started getting dressed. Then I made sure everything was packed up before takin gym trunk downstairs where everyone else were eating breakfast. "There she is." Remus said. "Well, good morning sleeping beauty." Sirius said with a smile on his face. The others laughed slightly at his words, but Arthur and Remus exchanged glances. "Sorry. I was in the middle of a dream when Hermione woke me up." I said as I left my trunk near the door. "What were you dreaming about?" Nick asked. "It wasn't another nightmare I hope." Molly said with slightly furrowed brows. "It wasn't a nightmare, but I he honest I can't really remember." I said, which wasn't entirely a lie. It definitely wasn't a nightmare. I felt myself burn from blushing slightly and I noticed a small smirk on Sirius's face that made me even more embarrassed. 'Merlin! I hope he doesn't know what I was dreaming!' I said inside of my head as I sat down at the table and filled my plate with food. After we finished eating everyone broke off to brush their teeth and do some last minute packing. "Could I speak with you, Sapphire?" Sirius asked me curiously. "Sure." I replied. The two of us stepped outside and I dragged my truck alone. Since we were going outdoors I didn't see why I couldn't load my luggage into one of the Ministry issue cars that were waiting on us. "I know we don't know each other well, but I'd like to change that. Especially since I view you as the daughter I never had." He said. "Sirius, we'll get to know each other better over the summer. We have the Order meetings to look forward to as well. Besides I start my wand making training this fall. I won't have anything really to worry about for a couple of months." I replied as he helped me put my trunk into the car. "Yes, but what I'm trying to say is that if you need anything.... anything at all... I'll be here for you. And if you need a place to stay you're always welcome to come live in 12 Grimmauld Place with Remus and I." He said and I felt a little emotional. Maybe it was just all the stress lately or something else, but I honestly felt touched by Sirius's kindness. My throat got a little dry as I tried swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat. "Thanks. That... that really means a lot." I said with a small smile as I fought back tears of happiness and gratitude. A moment of comfortable silence passed between us before he broke it. "Come here." He said with a smile as he opened his arms to me. We closed the distance and pulled each other in a tight hug that warmed my insides. After we broke the hug everyone else came clambering through the door with their trunks. Sirius, Remus, and Arthur helped the others with their things. We said our goodbyes even though Remus accompanied us on our journey to the station. Molly was in the other car with her children plus Harry and Hermione. Nick, Draco, and I was with Remus. The entire ride was drowning in silence. My friends had fallen asleep while I just stared out of the car window at the passing scenery. "I saw Sirius and you hug each other earlier." Remus said, breaking the silence. "There's something I need to tell you, Remus. Sirius views me like the daughter he never had. He doesn't have any romantic feelings towards me at all." I said, and he let out a deep breath mingled with a chuckle. "Do you have any feelings towards him then?" He asked me curiously as he ran a hand through his thinning hair. "No, no." I said with a small laugh. There was a look of relief on his face when he heard this news. I just wanted him to know that Sirius and I were basically just friends. He deserved to know that his best friend wasn't interested in a seventeen year old. Despite the fact that I'm actually in a relationship with someone slightly older than the pair of them. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as we reached the station. I woke Draco and Nick from their little naps. The two of them looked rather rumpled and tired, but they were able to function properly. We got our trunks and loaded them into trolleys so they were easier to move around. Once we were on platform nine and three quarters there was a rush of excitement that went through me. I was so excited to be going back to Hogwarts. Deep down it was just the thought of seeing Gellert after dinner tonight. Molly and Remus were wishing us luck on our classes and exams. All of us helped each other getting our trunks onto the train. After that we looked around for compartments to sit in. Fred and George went off with Lee Jordan while Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny got a compartment of their own. Nick, Draco, and I found one near the back of the train. I was about to close the door when someone stopped me. A pair of wide blue eyes were looking straight at me. "Do you mind if I join you? All the other compartments are full." Luna Lovegood said in her dreamy sort of tone. "Sure." I replied with a small smile. After she stepped in I closed the door and took my seat next to Draco. Luna sat down next to Nick, who's cheeks turned a little pink. I didn't say anything though. The four of us talked about going back to our classes. Then Luna brought up the fact that Nick and I were going to be taking our N.E.W.T's before graduation. Once the candy trolley came rolling down the hall we all stepped out to get a few things. I grabbed some chocolate frogs, fizzing whizzbees, and sherbet lemons. A comfortable silence filled the compartment as we pigged out on candy. Before too long we all changed into our robes so we didn't get points taken on our first day back from Christmas holidays. I could barely keep still as I sat in my seat waiting to arrive at Hogsmead station. 'After dinner you'll be meeting Gellert in the room of requirement.' I thought inside of my head, which just made me even more antsy. Luna's laugh made me jump slightly. I had been staring out of the train window for very long time just hoping we could get to Hogwarts just a little faster. When I turned to see why she had laughed I seem that her an Nick were chatting like they were old friends. Draco and I glanced at each other with smiles on our faces. I had feeling he and I were thinking the same thing. 'Maybe Nick will finally get a girlfriend.' At least that's what I was thinking in my head. The last few moments on the Hogwarts express went by fairly quick. All four of us got out of the compartment and jostled our way up the hall. The sound of chattering students and twittering owls filled the cramped passageway towards the exit of the train. Anyone in a sour mood probably would have started to her a headache, but I doubted anyone was disappointed to be back at Hogwarts. Luna, Nick, Draco, and I were the last ones to get into a thestral drawn carriage. "I hope they have pudding." Luna said, breaking the silence. "So do I." Nick said. Draco and I exchanged another glance. When we finally reached the castle we got off of the carriage. Nick offered his hand to help Luna out of the carriage, which she took. They talked behind Draco and I as we walked through the large doors into the entrance hall. A few students were milling around just outside the Great Hall, but we walked straight in. I wanted Nick to a have a little alone time with Luna anyway. Sitting down at the Slytherin table I spotted Pansy Parkinson who had a smug look on her pug like face. "Did you two spend time at the Weasley's house? I mean if you can call it a house. What did you all do? Sleep in one room?" She said loud enough for the Gryffindor table to hear. Her filthy little friends laughed very hard at her tasteless jabs at the Weasley's financial issues. I saw Ron stand up in fury, but Harry and Hermione pulled him back down before he could do anything. "The Weasley home is much nicer than yours by a long shot, Parkinson. At least they don't have bed bugs like you." Draco said. Half of the Slytherin table snickered and the entire Gryffindor table laughed. A proud smile spread across Draco's face and I couldn't help but some as well. Apparently she was too embarrassed to say anything or maybe Draco had hit a nerve, because she didn't say anything else. The buzzing murmur of students sharing what they had done over the holidays died away as Dumbledore stood up to make a speech. It kinda felt like we were starting a brand new school year in a way, but I knew the freshness wouldn't last. Within a week or so and we'd all be burned out again from studying. "Welcome back! I hope all of you had wonderful and rejuvenating holidays." He said as his sparkling blue eyes landed on me, and I gave him a slight nod. He continued with his speech for a few more minutes before allowing us to feast. Food appeared on the tables and everyone started filling their plates. The Hall filled with chatter once more; it was a bit like living in a bee hive. "I hope Nick and Luna start dating. They really look cute together." Draco said, breaking the silence between us. "So do I." I replied. Deep down I hoped that Draco could fine someone to be with as well, but he did seem fine being single. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my head and focused on my food. Then I started thinking about Gellert. A surge of excitement filled my stomach just thinking about he and I getting to be alone. Obviously we couldn't spend long with each other, but getting to be with him for a few minutes was better than nothing at all. Dinner went by quick and we were dismissed. Tired students with full bellies meant it would take a long time for everyone to clear the entrance hall. But I whispered where I was heading to Draco who smirked slightly. I laughed slightly before slipping away and heading upstairs to the room of requirement. When I reached my destination I spotted Gellert standing in the hallway waiting for me. "Hey." In said with a smile on my face. "Hey." He replied smiling as well. He offered me his hand and I took it before he lead me into the hidden room. As we walked in I noticed that the entire room was covered in pillows and there was a pile of comfy looking blankets nearby. On the far side of the room a fireplace was lit with blue colored flames. "I think both of us could use a nice cuddle." He said, and I agreed. With a flick of his wand a cosy little nook was assembled in a corner near the fireplace. I cuddled into his chest and he pulled a soft blanket over us. As I listened to the rhythmic beating of his heart I played with the buttons on his jacket. "I could stay like this forever." Gellert said as he gently tightened his strong arms around me. "So could I. Being in your arms is the best place in the entire world." I said as I snuggled closer to him. After a while my eyelids started feeling heavy. I looked up at Gellert and he captured my lips in a sweet kiss. His lips felt feathery soft against mine as I kissed him back. "You look tired baby." He said softly as he gently rubbed my back with his large hands. "I am." I replied sleepily. "You can go to sleep if you want, sweetheart. I'll be here when you wake up." He said before kissing the top of my head. I slowly drifted into a deep sleep to the sound of his heart.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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