For The Greater Good

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Sapphire's POV:

The rest of October and November went my smoothly without anything strange going on. Filch was furious about the dung bombs Fred and George set off though, but that was the only big thing that happened. Draco left the hospital wing before Halloween and was glad. Eating meals all alone was getting boring. Today I had to get some stuff for my friends, professors, and boyfriend for Christmas. Gellert got me a beautiful Slytherin inspired promise ring for my birthday, which made my heart melt. I wanted to get him something just as special for Christmas. Especially since I wouldn't be staying at Hogwarts for the holidays this year. Deep down I really wanted to stay at school since that meant Gellert and I could spend more time together, but Dumbledore insisted on having me stay at the Burrow with my friends instead. The Malfoy's were still being investigated and I figured Draco's parents didn't want him getting involved. But I think he told him mother and father he'd be staying at the school, because they despise the Weasley family. Apparently Draco says his parents have a crazed pure blood thing. Nick's parents were going to be very busy at St. Mungo's during the holidays, so he'd be joining us as well. I honestly had a feeling that everyone was going to send Mrs. Weasley insane, especially with a bunch of teenagers in her home. As I ate breakfast I couldn't help but wonder what I'd find today. I already had most of my shopping for my friends and professors finished. All I really needed was a gift for Snape and a gift for my boyfriend. So ended up convincing Snape to take me to Diagon Ally. I mentioned the low potion ingredient supplies and he figured we should get some since I wasn't going to be here during Christmas. The owls started flying into the Great Hall and I wasn't expecting any letters or packages. Any mail I was receiving was still being examined by Dumbledore and other professors. Ever since then I haven't gotten much, not that I got much mail to start with. "So, do you really think Snape will let you look around the shops while you're out buying potion ingredients?" Draco asked as he, Nick, and I walked out of the Great Hall. "He should, especially since it's Christmas. He let me look around that last time we went to the apothecary this summer." I said, which seemed to surprise my friends. Honestly I think I'd be surprised myself if I hadn't gotten to know professor Snape as much as I have over the past few months. I really don't know a lot about him, but I do know he has a heart. Snape isn't the cold dungeon bat everyone thinks he is, but I know he'd be displeased if I let anyone know about that. After a few moments of talking we eventually said out goodbyes. I met Snape outside. The ground was covered in snow, yet more fluffy flakes still fell from the overcast sky. Despite the cold the grounds always looks beautiful during the winter. That's one reason I liked being here during Christmas even though I was the only Slytherin present last year. "Are you ready to go?" Snape asked me curiously, and I told him yes. We quietly walked through the snow, which squeaked with every single step. 'I bet Gellert would like a nice winter walk. But it would have to be during the night... when there's a full moon' I thought inside of my head. I couldn't help but remember the night he saved me from Filch and how beautiful he looked in the moonlight. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as Snape and I reached Hogsmead where we met up with Remus Lupin. "Lupin, I wasn't expecting you here." Snape's lip curled slightly. I knew that he, Remus, and Sirius had some kind of bad blood between them, but I wasn't sure why. But it was obviously something to do with their school days. "Yes, well, Dumbledore thought it would be best if I joined you two. I hope you guys don't mind." Remus replied with the shy kind of reserve I recognized when I first met him. "Not at all, professor." Snape replied even though it obviously bothered him. I wasn't sure why Dumbledore wanted Remus to come with us, but I didn't mind his company. I held onto each of their arms before the three of us apparated. The strange squeezing sensation took over my body and it ended just as quickly as it started. We appeared in Diagon Ally, which was filled with bustling Christmas shoppers. "Let's go to the apothecary first and then have a look around. Obviously all of us want to get a few presents for our friends." Remus said. "Yes, let's get a move on shall we?" Snape said with a slight curl to his lips. I flashed Remus a sympathetic smile, and he returned the gesture. We walked down the busy street together and I suddenly got the strange feeling that we were being watched or followed... or both to be honest. I had my hands in my pockets, so my right hand was firmly grasped on the handle of my wand. As I glanced over at Remus I figured he was feeling the same way. He too had a firm grasp on his wand as well. Entering the apothecary went smoothly and Snape did the talking. It didn't take long for Snape to get the potion ingredients he needed. Even if the store clerk seemed a little nervous and out of character. Usually he acts like slimy git. "Remus, you go on with Miss. Vander. I have some other business to attend to." Snape said, and they exchanged a look that let me know something was up. 'Maybe we're actually on some kind of mission for the Order.' I thought inside of my head as Snape went his own way. "Where would you like to go first?" Remus asked me curiously as he and I walked away from Knockturn Alley. "It doesn't matter." I replied, which was the truth. He took me into Flourish and Blots first. I looked around but I didn't really find anything. After looking around at the other stores I found a beautiful necklace I thought Gellert would like. It pendant was black with silver theastrals all over it. Everything looked so carefully carved and designed. To top it all off there was a white, triangular stone in the center of the circular pendant. On it was the deathly hallows symbol. I honestly would have bought it for myself, but I had a feeling that Gellert would like it more. I picked the locket up my it's silver chain and took it to the cashier where I paid for it. I wasn't surprised that it was expensive, but I knew my boyfriend spent a lot of money for the promise ring he got me for my birthday. Once I was finished I met up with Remus who was waiting on me near the exit. "Did you find something you liked?" He asked me curiously with a smile on his face. "Actually, I saw something I think someone else will like." I replied with a smile and we laughed together as we walked into the falling snowflakes. Everything suddenly went in slow motion. I looked up and saw a familiar face I never thought I'd see again. Panic rose inside of me causing to freeze right on the spot. "Sapphire! You will die at the hands of your own parents!" My mother yelled, causing everyone to turn to the commotion. Remus quickly stepped out in front of me and drew his wand just in time to block a jinx. Then my father jumped out of nowhere and joined the attack. I stood there in absolute shock as Remus fought off my imperious charmed parents. Flashes of my nightmare that seemed I had years ago started coming back to me. The one where I saw that pale red eyed snake man command my parents to murder me. All of a sudden I came back to my senses and retrieved my wand from my pocket. Everyone who had been staring and looking were now running for cover. People were ducking into stores or apparating. 'Petrificus Totalus!' I yelled inside of my head as I pointed my wand at my father. It hit him and he fell on the ground with a loud thump. "Good shot." Remus said, and I could hear the pride in his voice. My mother was still casting spells at Remus like crazy. 'Protego!' I said inside of my head as I pointed my wand at my mother. Every curse, hex, and jinx went flying back at her. She wasn't quick enough to block all of them and one hit her. I didn't know what spells my mom was using, but they didn't look friendly. She fell to the ground and laid still. Everyone who had hid for cover were suddenly poking their heads out of doors or looking through windows. "Be careful now, they might just be stunned." Remus said. As if on cue my parents got up off of the ground and dusted themselves off. They seemed a lot more powerful with Voldemort controlling them. I stepped out from behind Remus. He tried to stop me, but I didn't let him. 'They aren't going to stop until they've killed Remus and I.' I thought inside of my head. Memories of my dream resurfaced in my mind, and I found that it was the only way out of this. "Mom... dad..." I said, trailing off as they looked at me with venom in their eyes. They weren't the ones who had raised me and a part of me felt as if they never would be again. For some reason I felt like I'd never have my real parents back even if there was a way to save them. "I love you... I love you both." I said in a soft whisper I doubt they even heard. Tears filled my eyes as they pointed their wands at me. But I was too quick for them. "AVADA KADAVRA!" I yelled, and two sparks of bright green light left the tip of my wand. One hit my mother in the chest and the other hit my dad in the torso. Their limp bodies fell to the ground with a loud thud, and they never moved again. At first I was numb and then the sudden realization that I killed my parents started to sink in. I fell to the cobblestone street on my knees, but I didn't feel the pain from the fall. Tears poured down my face, blurring my vision. Everything hurt. My heart, my soul, my body, and my mind all ached. I've never been hit by a car but I had a feeling this is what it probably felt like. "It's alright, Sapphire. You had no other choice. They would have killed us if you hadn't killed them first." The soft, soothing voice of Remus Lupin said closely to my ear. I had completely forgotten that I wasn't alone, and the sound of his voice seemed to bring me back to reality. After he helped me to my feet I suddenly felt pain in my knees from falling on them. I wiped the tears from my face before I was pulled into a hug. I hurried my face into Remus's hollow chest and wished this was just another one of my nightmares. But deep down I knew this was very, very real. "I called for Dumbledore and the others." I heard another familiar voice, but it didn't belong to Snape. I broke the hug I was in and seen Olivander standing next to us with a worried expression on his face. "Thanks. Hopefully they get here before Cornelius Fudge, or he'll try throwing Sapphire in Azkaban." Remus replied. Olivander's eyes grew wide when he spotted me, and my stomach filled with anxiety. 'Great, I'll get my wand snapped in half and end up in Azkaban. All at the ripe age of seventeen.' I thought inside of my head. 'Well... at least I'll be in the record books.' I said to myself. With a wave of Remus's wand, a round table and some chairs appeared for us. "Here, eat some chocolate. It'll help." Remus said after he, Olivander, and I sat down on the chairs that were summoned. I took the large piece of chocolate that he handed me and nibbled on it. He was a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor after all. I remember reading that chocolate helps a witch or wizard recover from performing or being exposed to powerful magic. I was less than halfway finished with eating my chocolate when three loud cracks filled the alleyway. Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Gellert were standing beside of us. Dumbledore went straight over to the dead bodies while McGonagall questioned Remus. I guess I looked too distraught to be questioned at the moment, and I was thankful for that. Gellert sat down next to me, watching me with sympathy in his multi colored eyes. "Go on. Eat it all, it'll make you feel better." He said softly as he gently rubbed my back with his large hand. The adults talked and theorized on how Voldemort found us. But I already had some theories, because there was only one person missing from the group and that was Snape. I don't think he planned on my zombie like parents to attack us, but I had a feeling that the Order was hiding something from me. At least... Dumbledore was hiding something from me. Hell, he could be hiding it from all the Order members. Dumbledore is a nice guy and all, but no one can deny that he's one shady bitch. That's something I discovered from getting to know Gellert. Cornelius Fudge and other Ministry of Magic officials arrived and started asking questions. I had to provide a statement as well as Remus and Olivander. They wanted to know every single detail on what had happened. By the time everything was sorted out it was going on six o'clock in the evening. McGonagall, Remus, and Gellert assisted me back to Hogsmead where we stopped in at the Three Broomsticks. Apart from us ordering food we all stayed very quiet. I got shepherd's pie as well as a butter beer, because I needed something to warm me up. After we ate the four of us walked up to the school together. Gellert volunteered to walk me to the Slytherin common room, but that's not where he took me. We went to his private quarters where he hugged and comforted me. We drank a pot of tea together, which made me feel better than I could have imagined. I really wanted to spend the night with him just so we could cuddle, but I knew I couldn't. "What you did was necessary, Sapphire. I don't want you beating yourself up, because what you did was for the greater good." He said after he eventually walked me to the common room. "I know, Gellert. It's just gonna take a while for me to accept what I did." I replied and he gave me a hug as we said our goodbyes. I slowly walked into the common room and thanked Merlin that Draco hadn't waited up on me. I went up to my dorm and changed into my pajamas even though I doubted I'd get a wink of sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3 I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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