Taken By Surprise

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Sapphire's POV:

"I don't even understand half of this stuff." Nick said as he and I was doing our homework. After breakfast he and I walked down by the black lake to help each other with our homework. I asked Draco if he wanted to join us, but he said no. Honestly, I kinda wished he'd came along with us; meeting new people might be good for him. He really needs to get what happened with Pansy off of his mind, but... I kinda had a feeling his mood didn't have everything to do with her. There was something else bothering him that he didn't wanna tell me. But I respected his privacy, and refrained from asking him questions. "What are you having trouble with?" I asked Nick, curiously as I leaned over to see what he was working on. "My potions homework." He replied. It took me no time to help him, especially since potions is one of my favorite classes. "Wow. I'm glad we're friends, otherwise I'd be stuck with this until the end of time." He replied, and I laughed slightly. He laughed as well and we talked a little while we continued our work. I really hoped I'd get my homework finished before the end of the day, because I wanted to explore the castle a little more. This school is ancient and enormous; I knew it had to have secret passageways and whatnot. After a while lunch rolled around and we walked to the Great Hall together. I kinda wished that we didn't have to sit at our house tables, but I guess we have to for a reason. While I was filling my plate with food I spotted Draco walk in and he sat down in front of me. "How was your morning?" I asked him curiously. "It was alright I guess. How was yours?" He replied, shrugging his shoulders as he filled his plate. "It was good. I'm almost finished with my homework." I replied before I took a drink of my water. "I haven't even started mine yet." He said as he too a bit of his food. I sort of wondered if his emotional state was getting in the way of him completing his homework, or if he wasn't doing it on purpose. "Do you need any help? I'd be willing to help you with your homework if you need it." I said with slightly furrowed brows. "No, I don't need any help. I might start it later today." He replied, but I couldn't ignore the sadness that was in his blueish green eyes. I knew it would he useless to ask him any more questions, so I just quietly ate my lunch. Once I was finished eating, I left for the library to finish my homework. Nick joined me as well, but he couldn't stay the whole time. Apparently they were having Quidditch tryouts early, and he wanted to see if he could join the team this year. He said he tried out for the team last year, but he didn't make it. I wished him luck, and he wished me luck on my homework. 'If he does make the team, how will he be able to juggle that and his homework as well?' I wondered inside of my head. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my head as I finished up my homework. I breathed a sigh of relief once everything was finalized and put away in my school bag. "What are you doing inside on a beautiful day like this?" I heard a slightly familiar voice say. I looked over and saw professor Grindelwald standing a few feet away. "I was finishing up my homework. Studies come before play." I replied with a small smile. A small smirk spread across his face, and I felt my cheeks heat up a little. 'Stop it Sapphire!! He's your professor, you shouldn't think he's handsome!' I said inside of my head, but I couldn't help it. He really is an attractive man. "At least your serious about your studies. Most students goof off half of the year and expect to pass into the next grade without a hitch." He said, and I really wasn't sure how to react. I just smiled slightly and looked down at the desk. "I was raised to take school seriously, but not too seriously." I replied as I looked back up at him. He had a smile on his face and a couple of books tucked underneath his arm. "You must have very knowledgeable parents, Miss Vander. I better get going before I'm late for my staff meeting. Have a wonderful day." He said before he sauntered towards the librarian desk. "You have a wonderful day too, professor." I replied before he was out of ear shot. I sat there and waited before he left the library before I left myself. 'Why does he have to be so attractive and mysterious?' I thought inside of my head as I made my way to the common room. Once I walked through the portrait hole, Pansy pounced on me. "There's the slut!" She yelled as she stormed towards me. I instinctively retrieved my wand from my robes, which caused her to step back a little. "You wouldn't cast any spells on me. You're the teacher's little pet, there's no way you'd do anything that would break the rules." She said with a slight smirk on her bulldog shaped face. "There's a lot you don't know about me, so I suggested you just leave me alone before you get hurt." I said in a deadly clam tone. She just stood there staring at me with a faint hint of fear in her eyes as I put my wand away and walked up to my dorm. I dropped my school bag off and came back into the common room to see that Pansy and her friends had left. I honestly felt quite pleased with myself to be honest. 'Alright, now it's time to explore.' I said inside of my head as I ventured around the school. After an hour or so, I ended up running into Draco... quite literally. He was coming out of the boy's bathroom and I ran right into him, because I wasn't paying attention. "I'm so sorry, Draco. I wasn't watching where I was going." I said with a slight laugh. "It's okay." He replied with a laugh as well. He and I walked down the hall for a bit before he spoke up again. "Did Pansy harass you today?" He asked me suddenly, which surprised me a little. "Actually, yes. But I didn't hear what she had to say." I replied. "What did you do to her? Usually there's nothing that can stop her big mouth from running a million miles a second." He replied curiously. "I drew my wand on her." I said, and his mouth dropped open. The shocked look on his face looked comical, and I had to fight the urge to laugh. "I would have loved to have seen her reaction." He said after a few moments of silence. "It was quite amusing actually." I replied. I convinced him to go on a walk, so we ended up walked towards the main doors of the school. That's when we met up with Nick. I introduced them to each other, and they seemed to hit it off. Draco and I waited on Nick to get changed out of his Quidditch practice gear, before all three of us headed out onto the grounds. We all talked and Draco said he probably wasn't gonna try out for Quidditch this year due to everything that has been going on in his life. "Well, I doubt that I'll ever make the team anyway." Nick said as he ran a hand through his light purple hair. "Really? Why? What position were you trying out for?" Draco replied. They talked about Quidditch, but I didn't mind. I was busy taking in the beautiful weather and scenery that surrounded us. I figured they were blind to how beautiful this place looked due to being here for so long, but this was all new to me. "Hey, I'll be back. I have to go to the bathroom." I said as I stood up from where we were sitting. "Okay, just meet up with us in front of the Great Hall. It's almost dinner time anyway." Nick replied. After we said our goodbyes I walked up to the school and entered the front doors. I walked as quickly as I could to the nearest girls bathroom and hurried into one of the stalls. Once I locked the door behind me, I relived myself. 'Thank god we didn't decide to go to the Quidditch field, or I probably would have peed myself. When I was finished I got out of the stall and walked up to the sink to wash my hands. Suddenly, I had the strange feeling on being watched, so I turned around and saw a face I didn't wanna see. "It looks like we caught you all alone, slut!" Pansy said with a smirk on her face. Her friends laughed before they started closing in around me. I went to retrieve my wand, but I was too slow. She grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me off of my feet before slamming me into the wall. The wind was knocked out of my lungs, and an excruciating pain spread through my shoulders and spine. When she released me from her grasp, I fell down to the floor and my legs folded underneath me. All of the strength left my body for some odd reason. I looked up to see Pansy's friends pointing their wands at me. A sickening feeling settled in my stomach, because that's when I realized this wasn't over. She punched, slapped, and kicked the hell out of me. I was surprised I was still alive. I guess she made sure she didn't kill me because she wanted to watch me suffer. Warm blood was gushing from my nose and various cuts on my face. My entire body was aching and burning with pain. "That's what you get for stealing my boyfriend!" She yelled, and her friends giggled before they left the bathroom. I mustered up all of the strength I had left and got up on my hands and knees. I reached up towards the sink to try and pull myself up, but I couldn't. 'Crawling it is, then.' I said inside of my head. With every little move I made, I felt weaker and weaker. 'You're not gonna black out on the bathroom floor.' I kept telling myself over and over. After what felt like forever, I managed to push the door open and crawl out into the hallway. But as soon as I did I collapsed; I used up all of my energy. I saw three pairs of blurry looking legs running in my direction along with shouts and screams. Then everything went black. The sound of rain hitting the window woke me up, but I didn't open my eyes right away. I noticed a few other noises as well. I could hear a couple of people talking in hushed tones, along with someone snoring. The person that was snoring was way closer then the ones who were talking. I went to stretch, but stopped when my body protested of my actions. A mixture of dull and sharp pains spread through my body. That's when things started flooding back to me. 'I'm in the hospital wing.' I said inside of my head as I slowly rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Oh, she's awake." I heard a female voice say, followed my several sets of footsteps. When I opened my eyes I saw the mediwitch at my bedside, handing me a cold glass of water. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" She asked me curiously, and I said I felt horrible. Then I noticed that Dumbledore, professor Snape, and professor Grindelwald were there as well. When I looked to my right I realized where the snoring was coming from. Draco and Nick were sitting in chairs; the both of them were fast asleep. Draco was the one who was snoring. "Miss Vander, I know you must be feeling horrible... but you must tell us what happened to you. At least tell us everything you can remember." Dumbledore said in a soft and soothing tone. I told them that I was hanging out with Nick and Draco before I went to the bathroom. That's when Pansy and her friends attacked me. Professor Snape looked passive, but I noticed that his jaw was clenched. Professor Grindelwald's different colored eyes blazed with a whirlwind of emotions; it was kinda hard to decipher what he was thinking. "Do you know why those girls would want to hurt you?" Dumbledore asked me curiously. "Pansy and Draco broke up, and she thinks I stole him from her. But he and I are just friends." I replied, stifling a yawn. "Alright, that's enough questioning. She needs some rest." Madam Pomfrey said. Professor Snape and Dumbledore left the hospital wing to question Pansy no doubt. Madame Pomfrey went to get a sleeping potion for me to take. Professor Grindelwald walked over to my friends and gently woke them up. Both of them jumped up and their eyes grew wide once they opened them. "You boys go to your dormitories. I'm sure Madam Pomfrey can take good care of your friend." He said, and they slowly stood up as they rubbed their eyes. Nick and Draco said their goodbyes to me before they left the hospital wing. I desperately hoped that neither of them got stopped by Filch on their was to their common rooms. "Don't worry, Miss Vander. If those girls ever attack you again, you'll be well trained to defend yourself against them soon. I'm going to make sure of that." He said in a soft whisper before he gracefully left the hospital wing. After I took the potion Madam Pomfrey gave me, I slipped back into a dream less sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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