Hogsmead Visit

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Sapphire's POV:

"Are you excited for your first Hogsmead visit?" Nick asked me curiously as I handed in my permission slip. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't." I replied with a small smile. "You're gonna love it. I'll show you the best sweets to get at Honey Dukes." He said with a smile as well. After a few minutes we were able to head towards Hogsmead, and my excitement grew. The sky was covered in dark gray clouds. It was a little cool out, but that didn't seem do damper anyone's excitement. A few tree's leaves has started to turn colors, which made me really happy. Fall is my favorite season after all. "I really wish that Draco could have came along." Nick said suddenly after a few minutes of silent walking. "I know, but he couldn't. He isn't in the same year as us." I replied in a sort of disappointed tone, but my mood soon brightened once we reached Hogsmead. Nick gently grabbed my wrist and lead me towards Honey Dukes first. I was amazed at the plethora of candy that filled the store; the walls were filled from floor to ceiling with all different kinds of candies. Nick pointed out the fudge flies, chocolate frogs, every flavor beans, acid pops, blood pops, etc, etc. He and I had our arms full of sugary goodness by the time we we got everything we wanted. I ended up getting a couple licorice wands, five chocolate frogs, jelly slugs, fuzzing whizbees, pepper imps, an acid pop, and a blood pop. Nick got a large gar of sherbet lemons for he and I to share along with some droobles and a package of Birtie Bott's every flavor beans. He and I paid for our candy and then headed over to Zonko's to look around. Neither one of us bought anything there, but it was nice just to see the many joke and prank items they had. I needed up purchasing a couple new quills and bottles of ink, just in case I ran out; you can never have too many quills or ink. "How about we stop in at The Three Broomsticks? I could really go for a good butterbeer." Nick said as he and I walked around a bit. "What's butterbeer?" I asked him curiously, and he looked as if I had grown a second head. Apparently he figured everyone should know what butterbeer is. He ushered me towards The Three Broomsticks right away, which made me laugh slightly. "You have to try it! You'll love it, it's amazing!!" He said smiling as we walked into the building. He ordered our drinks while I took a seat at one of the booths. My arms thanked me when I sat down my overly heavy Honey Dukes bags. Nick came back a few minutes later with large glasses filled with a golden colored liquid with what looked like whipped cream on top. He waited until I took a drink, and I was surprised at how delicious it tasted. It had a smooth butterscotch taste, and the sweetness from the whipped cream really brought out the flavors. It warmed me up from the inside out; it was purely bliss. "Well?" Nick asked, anticipating my thoughts on the beverage. "It's delicious!" I replied, and a huge smile spread across his face. "I knew you'd like it!" He replied happily. We talked about visiting the shrieking shack after we finished drinking our drinks, but our plans were interrupted. A couple members of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team spotted Nick and came over to speak with us. "Who's this? You're girlfriend?" A tall boy with short, golden blond hair asked Nick curiously. "No, this is my best friend Sapphire. Sapphire, this is Collin; he's the the team seeker." Nick replied, introducing us to each other. Collin shook my hand and asked if he could join us, which we said yes. Then I was introduced to Fletcher and Damon. Fletcher was the other beater on the Hufflepuff team, and Damon was one of the chasers. After the introductions were over with, the boys started discussing Quidditch. My mind wandered off as I looked out of the window and finished drinking my butterbeer. Students walked around outside laughing and smiling with shopping bags in their hands. Some were busy sucking on lollipops or blowing large bubblegum bubbles. "Hey, I'm gonna go and walk around a bit. I'll let you guys talk and stuff." I said after I had drank the last drop of golden liquid. "Oh, okay... I'll see you later then." Nick said with a disappointed look on his face, but he seemed to understand. Quidditch just isn't my thing, and I figured he should bond more with his team. Next week was the first game of the season after all. We said our goodbyes and I paid for my drink before I walked outside. 'I might as well go see the shrieking shack after all, even if I am alone.' I thought inside of my head. When I reached the fence that surrounded the shack I gazed towards the oddly crooked sort of house. I read that it was the most haunted place in London, but a part of me wondered if it really truly was haunted. 'Go ahead and get a bit closer.' I said inside of my head. Beyond better judgement I walked down the path that lead towards the shrieking shack. I figured the only way to find out if it was haunted, was to go and check. When I reached the front porch I cautiously climbed the small set of steps that lead up to the front door. Then I quietly turned the doorknob and pushed the weather worn for open. When I closed the door behind me I noticed that the place creaked and cracked with every little breeze, no matter how small. I carefully walked around downstairs to find dusty furniture and rusty pots and pans. After that I walked upstairs; each step creaked in protest as I climbed upwards, but that wasn't a surprise. What else would you have expected from an ancient house like this? I reached the landing and heard a soft noise coming from within the room in front of me. 'Maybe this place really is haunted.' I thought inside of my head, but the noise could have been inside of my head. I slowly and quietly edged forward towards the doorway and peeked inside. To my surprise I saw someone sitting on the floor with their knees in their chest. They were curled up into a ball, with a large black trench coat wrapped around their body. I wouldn't have known who it was if some of his hair wasn't sticking out for me to see. Then I realized that the soft noises I heard was sniffling and crying. "Professor," I said softly, and he quickly looked up to see who had caught him crying all alone. "It's okay, I'm not going to tell anyone I found you like this." I asked him curiously as I inched closer towards him. He just sat there and watched me with bloodshot eyes and a tear streaked face. When I reach his side I sat down next to him. I hoped he didn't mind that I was here with him, and I desperately hoped I wasn't making him angry. "What happened? What's wrong?" I asked him curiously with furrowed brows. He slowly turned his head to face me, and the look in his eyes broke my heart. Professor Grindelwald looked so heartbroken and depressed. "You aren't supposed to be in this place. It's strictly off limits to students." He said in a hoarse voice that shook slightly. "I didn't know we weren't allowed to come inside." I said, wishing there was some how I could comfort him. We sat in a heavy silence that seemed to just weigh on my shoulders. "Why were you crying, professor?" I asked him with furrowed brows. I wondered if I was overstepping some sort of boundary, but I couldn't just leave without trying to comfort him. He sat there silently for a few minutes before he finally spoke up. "It's a long story, but... I... I guess I'm just really lonely," He replied as tears filled his uniquely colored eyes. "I never said that out loud." He murmured as tears escaped and streamed down his cheeks. "Hey, come here," I said as I wrapped my arms around him. He scooted closer to me and slid down the wall a bit more so he could rest his chin on my shoulder. "You aren't alone, you have me... that is... if you want me." I finished as I gently rubbed his back. "I'd love to have you... as a friend of course." He replied as he tightly wrapped his arms around me. His hug felt so comfy and perfect; he held me so tight all of my little broken pieces fit back together. I knew I was trying to comfort him, but I couldn't stop the way he was making me feel. Warmth spread throughout my body; it felt like I was having another butterbeer to be honest. But butterflies fluttered in my stomach and my heart sped up a bit, causing me to blush. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck and I did the same to him. I breathed in his scent and almost swooned. He smelled like grapefruit, eucalyptus, and blood orange. There were undertones of black tea and old books as well; it wasn't an overpowering smell either, it was quite soft and faint. We stayed like that for a while, but I was still a little upset when he started breaking the hug. "That was probably the best hug I've ever receive." I said, hoping I wasn't still blushing. "Well, I'm glad you enjoy my hugs. Now that we're friends you'll be getting a lot of those." He said with a sweet smile on his face that made my heart melt. I cautiously reached up to wipe his tears away. When I was finished he gently grabbed my wrist and gave my palm a sweet kiss. His lips felt warm and soft as a feather on my hand, and I suddenly wondered what it would feel like to be kissed by him. 'Stop it, Sapphire!! He's your professor, he's older than you, and he'd never fall for a girl like you.' I said inside of my head. But I couldn't keep my heart from beating in my chest as if it wanted to escape, just so it could be closer to him. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind when he suggested we got something to eat for lunch. "We could go to The Three Broomsticks. I'm sure Madam Rosemerta would be willing to make us a bite to eat." He said, and I admitted that I was feeling quite hungry. The both of us got up off of the floor and dusted ourselves off before leaving the shrieking shack. Deep down I hoped that no other students noticed him and I leaving the shack together. If they did, rumors of all kinds would be spreading through the school like wild fire. He and I entered the warmth of The Three Broomsticks and took a seat at one of the tables near the back. I noticed that Nick and his Quidditch fellows had left, and I wondered where they had gotten off to. 'Maybe they went back to Zonko's or Honey Dukes. After we ordered our food professor Snape walked into the place. Honestly I was shocked, because Draco mentioned that he never leaves the castle for Hogsmead visits. "Professor Grindelwald, Miss Vander. What calls for the two of you having lunch together?" Snape asked with glittering suspicion in his onyx black eyes. "We ran into each other by the shrieking shack and started up a conversation. We simply came in to warm up and figured we might as well join each other. There's no sense in eating alone." Professor Grindelwald said, but I could tell that Snape wasn't buying it. After they discussed a few lesson plans together, Snape left us be and walked up to the bar to order a fire whisky. Madam Rosemerta came by with our food and drinks before she attended to Snape's order. Grindelwald and I ate in comfortable silence, but I didn't feel comfortable with Snape being so near. It was like he was trying to figure out what Grindelwald and I were up to, but in all seriousness, we weren't up to nothing. We simply became friends. I hoped nothing got in the way of Grindelwald and I being friends, especially since I enjoyed his company; I was looking forward to more of his hugs as well. After we finished eating we went our separate ways. I don't think he wanted Snape to suspect anything, and neither did I. "There you are!" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see Nick jogging up to me with a bright smile on his face. "I was looking for you everywhere." He said as he gave me a side hug, and I hugged him back. "Sorry, I was whisked away by professor Grindelwald." I replied with a slight laugh, and he laughed as well. We ended up just sitting underneath a tree snaking on the candy we had bought at Honey Dukes. The sky was starting to get dark, and the professors were rounding up students. It was time to go back to the castle. After professor Grindelwald, professor Barnabas, and a few others took roll call we started on our journey back. The entire group was still buzzing even though we were all tired and hungry. Nick told me what he had done with his Quidditch team mates, and it turns out I was right; they did go to Zonko's. Apparently Damon and Fletcher bought some fireworks to light come Halloween. Once we reached the school, we split up to go to our common rooms. As soon as I walked through the portrait hole I spotted Draco sitting on one of the chairs next to the emerald flames. "So, how was Hogsmead?" He asked me curiously once he noticed my presence. "It was marvelous!!" I replied as I gave him some of the candy I had gotten. He thanked me and I told him everything that happened. I left out the Grindelwald part though, even though I really wanted to tell him. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner. Draco and I talked admittedly about Hogsmead and the many wonders of it. I was surprised that he was so fascinated about it to be honest. "A good Hogwarts feast is exactly what the mediwitch ordered." I said once we sat down at the Slytherin table, and he chuckled lightly. "You can say that again. I'm starving." He said as we both filled our plates. Half way through eating I glanced up at the staff table and spotted professor Grindelwald glancing down at me, which made me smile slightly. But my smile faltered when I noticed that professor Snape was looking in my direction as well.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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