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Sapphire's POV:

"What other exams do you have today?" Nick asked Draco and I as we studied underneath a tree by the black lake. "I have my potions exam left, and I'll be finished." Draco replied. "All I have left is my Astronomy exam, which is after dinner tonight." I replied as I ran a hand through my hair. I was looking over my text book and several star charts I've made over the course of the entire year. Occasionally Draco would ask me questions about potions, and Nick would ask me questions about Herbology and Divination. A couple fluffy white clouds floated across the beautiful blue sky. The sun was shining brightly, which made the temperature outside a lot warmer than usual. Deep down I couldn't believe that summer wasn't far off. Before too long I'd be spending time in the potions classroom with professor Snape. 'I hope we'd get to go outside sometimes, even if I'm just here to learn the ropes for a potions assistant. After a while Draco had to leave for his exam. Nick and I just hung out together and studies until he had to leave for one of his exams. Since I was all alone I decided to take a little break from looking at star charts. I took a walk around the school grounds and enjoyed the lovely weather. "How has your studying been going?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I turned around to see Dumbledore standing there. Honestly, I was kinda surprised that he was out and about. I thought he'd probably be inside of the school having a bunch of end of the year meetings and stuff. "Oh, studying has been going well. I thought I'd take a break just so I don't burn myself out before the exam." I replied with a slight smile. "That's good," He said as he put his hands in his pockets. "I bet you'll be glad when summer starts, even though you won't be leaving Hogwarts like the others." He said as he joined me on my walk. I didn't mind though. A few minutes of silence passed between us before I spoke up. "Yeah... it'll be a little lonely being here without my friends, but at least Christmas prepared me a bit. Besides... I'll be filling my time with lessons from professor Snape most of the time." I replied, and he just nodded. For the rest of the walk he and I kept quiet. The only noises were coming from singing birds, and the light breeze that rustled the leaves. As we walked onward we eventually ended up at the bridge that lead towards Hagrid's hut. "Why don't you go down and visit professor Hagrid? I think he could use your help right about now." He said as his bright blue eyes sparkled. I didn't ask any questions; I just went ahead and went to Hagrid's after Dumbledore and I said our goodbyes. I couldn't help but wonder what Hagrid would want with me. 'How on earth could I assist him?' I thought inside of my head as I reached Hagrid's place. The faint sounds of students drifted to my ears, and I figured that he was giving a group of students an exam. When I got closer I noticed he was teaching a group of seventh years. "I'm sorry to interrupt, professor Hagrid, but... professor Dumbledore sent me down to see if you needed any help." I said, feeling slightly awkward. "Oh. Well, as a matter of fact I could use your help." He said with a small smile on his face. You could barely see it though, due to his thick beard. He actually put my on Demiguise capture duty. Apparently he had one for the first part of the exam, but he got loose. The thing about Demiguises is that they're able to turn invisible on their own accord. And they can see a few minutes into the future. I've always found them very interesting and fascinating. Now I was in the midst of attempting to capture one. The entire time I could feel eyes on me, but I tried to not let it bother me too much. 'Just capture the Demiguise and you can go back to studying or something.' I said inside of my head. Within twenty five minutes I successfully captured the creature. I went back to Hagrid with him safe and secured in the cage I was given. "Wow! That's impressive, Miss Vander. I've never met anyone who could capture an animal so elusive in all of my years." Hagrid said with a proud look in his beetle colored eyes. I suddenly felt very embarrassed, especially since we were still in front of his seventh year class. Everyone clapped. After he thanked me I left and went up to the castle. When I walked into the Slytherin common room I went up to my dorm and studied a little bit more. The sound of tapping on my window took me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a beautiful great horned owl on the windowsill. After I sat my books and star charts aside I walked over to the window and opened it. I took the letter it had and the bird flew away. 'I wonder who this is from.' I thought inside of my head as I opened the envelope.

The Dueling Professor | Gellert Grindelwald [Complete] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora