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Sapphire's POV:

Spring fever was settling in once April drew to a soggy end, and a warm dry May began. Gryffindor won the Quidditch cup, which wasn't surprising. Harry Potter really is an amazing seeker. However, Slytherin was ahead of all the other houses in house points. If we were lucky Slytherin might win the house cup. Deep down I really wished we did. Today was Saturday and I actually had the time to relax. The whole week consisted of signing papers for the Ministry. I needed them to have all the paper work done for me to stay at Hogwarts over the summer. "What do you wanna do once we get our homework finished?" I asked Draco and Nick as we finished up our many essays and stuff. "I promised I'd meet up with Harry once I finished everything." Draco replied. "I'm free. We could go for a walk around the grounds if you'd like." Nick said with a small smile. Once we put our stuff in our school bags we said our goodbyes to Draco. He left to meet Harry while Nick and I went for a walk around the grounds. The sky was a beautiful blue color with white fluffy clouds floating around. Rays of golden sunlight warmed the green grass, which was getting brighter and brighter every day. Summer was on the way, and I actually couldn't wait. Obviously I'd be alone like how I was during the Christmas break, but at least I'd be feeding my mind this time. I had to have classes with Snape, and I wondered if I could schedule some classes with other professors.... particularly Gellert Grindelwald. Oddly enough, I wouldn't mind taking classes while everyone else was on break. That just meant I'd be on top of everyone else once school started back up in September. "I want you to know that I'm gonna send you way too many letters over the summer." Nick said, breaking the silence. "That's great! I'll really need someone to talk to since I'll be the only student staying." I said with a slight laugh. He smiled as we walked all the way over to the Quidditch field and took a seat on the bleachers. A comfortable silence settled down around us, but I didn't mind. Listening to the birds chirping and the breeze rustling the leaves was peaceful. It was way better than staying all cooped up in the castle studying. 'Finals will be coming up soon.' My subconscious reminded me. Before too long it'll be time to say goodbye to my friends. I couldn't believe that this year had flown by so quickly. "I can't believe this year is almost over." I said out loud, and Nick agreed. As he and I got up to walk around a little more, I spotted Pansy Parkinson walking into the Quidditch field. "Look what the cat dragged in." Nick mumbled. "Prepare for the worst." I whispered, and he nodded slightly. The two of us were prepared to grab our wands just in case things got out of hand. She was with her Slytherin and Ravenclaw friends. Most of them took part in beating the shit out of me earlier this year. "Aww, look who it is. Little miss teacher's pet and her loyal badger." Pansy smirked, and her friends laughed out loud. I just rolled my eyes as Nick and I walked past them, but Pansy ran right into me. 'Just remain calm, Sapphire. She's just trying to get a rise out of you.' I said inside of my head. "I guess you'll be preparing to go into an orphanage soon. Your poor and filthy parents couldn't even defend themselves against a pair of dark wizards." She said, but only her Slytherin friends laughed at those words. The Ravenclaws that were with her just exchanged uneasy looks. "At least my parents didn't raise a spoiled brat." I replied and raised my eyebrow. I was just waiting to see what her reaction was gonna be. The smirk that was on her face disappeared, and she drew her wand to jinx, hex, or curse me. "Miss Parkinson, would you and your friends like to have detention when you all come back from summer holiday?" A familiar female voice said, and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "No professor." The lot of the replied. "Then I suggested you go back up to the castle and tend to your studies." Professor McGonagall said to them. They turned their backs on Nick and I as they left the Quidditch field and marched up to the school. "Thanks, professor." Nick said, causing McGonagall to smile slightly. "Miss Vander, professor Grindelwald is looking for you. He told me to tell you he'd be in his office." She said, and we followed her up to the school ourselves. I told Nick I'd see him later an we went out separate ways. 'I wonder what Gellert wants.' I thought inside of my head. No matter what I'd be happy to see him. He and I haven't had time to be together for what feels like forever. When I reached his classroom I noticed that the door was open, so I went ahead and walked right in. He wasn't sitting at his desk or anything. 'He's probably in his office.' I thought inside of my head as I walked towards his office door. After I knocked on the door it opened. Gellert was standing there with a half opened white button t-shirt and a pair of black pants. I blushed profusely and he noticed right away. He looked so unbelievably handsome and attractive. "Come here, I've missed you." He said, and I quickly walked into his office. He shut the door and magically locked it with a very complicated spell I hadn't even heard of. Then he lead me into his private quarters. As soon as we reached the couch he pulled me on his lap and connected his lips with mine. I gently kissed him back and he ended up laying me down on my back. He was so sweet and gentle even though he was being so dominant. As we kissed I placed my hands on the soft skin on his torso. Everything about him was perfect and beautiful. 'Dumbledore was a fool for leaving you, but I'm kinda glad he did. Otherwise I wouldn't be making out with him right now.' I thought inside of my head. When we broke the kiss we were gasping for breath. He sat up and I did the same so I wasn't laying down on the couch while he was setting up. "You're so addicting." He said once he had caught his breath. "You're addicting too." I replied, feeling myself blush. He smiled adorably as he closed the distance between us and nuzzled his nose against mine. I giggled slightly and cuddled into his chest. We held each other for a while before he made us each a cup of hot tea. "You didn't have any homework to finish did you? I'm sorry if I took you away from your studies." He said before he took a sip of tea. "No, you're fine. I finished my homework and everything; I was just walking around the grounds with Nick when professor McGonagall told me you were looking for me." I replied before I took a sip of tea as well. "Good." He said with a smile on his handsome face. We drank our tea and talked about my classes and stuff. He was so happy that the Ministry had decided to let me stay at Hogwarts since Snape offered me an assistant position. The two of us actually had the time to breath easy and relax a bit even though exams were drawing nearer. "Before too long you'll be here at Hogwarts all alone." He said as he continued drinking his mug of tea. "I know, but this time I'll really be alone. No other students will be here this time." I said, and I suddenly felt lonely. "Well... you won't be all alone. Most of the professors stay here over the summer holidays. And since you're going to be staying, I told Dumbledore that I'd be staying here as well." He said with a small smile on his face. I was so happy that he wanted to stay at Hogwarts instead of going on vacation during the summer months. But deep down I sort of felt bad that he couldn't go on a needed vacation from work. I was just very emotionally conflicted. "Really?! You'd stay here just for me??" I asked him curiously with a big smile on my face. "Of course, sweetheart. I love you and I don't want my girlfriend here all alone without anyone to hold or cuddle her." He said as he moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you so much, Gellert. You're perfect." I said as I peppered his neck and jawline with soft kisses. He chuckled lightly and then left a soft kiss on the tip of my nose, which made me giggle. He really was the best boyfriend ever!! Sadly I had to leave his private quarters after we finished drinking our tea. We said our goodbyes and I went outside to enjoy more of the lovely weather. I just sat down underneath a large tree next to the black lake and let the spring time sun warm my bones. "Hey, there you are. I've been looking all over for you. Where's Nick?" Draco said as he sat down next to me. "Oh, professor Grindelwald needed a word with me after Nick and I walked around a bit. I think he might be in the Hufflepuff common room... or the library." I replied, and he nodded to let me know he understood. After a while Draco and I went back into the castle. We ended up running into Nick before we entered the Great Hall for dinner. I filled my plate with food after I took my seat at the Slytherin table. Draco told me about the fun time he had with Harry and Harry's friends at Hagrid's. Then he asked me what Grindelwald wanted to talk to me about. 'Maybe I should finally tell my friends about my relationship with Gellert.' I thought inside of my head. But I knew I shouldn't tell him right here in front of the entirety of Slytherin house. "He just wanted to congratulate me on being Snape's assistant." I replied. "That's good. I figured he'd be happy that you're staying at Hogwarts. He never leaves, at least that's what the other students say." He replied. My heart ached. I hated the idea of Gellert staying at Hogwarts without a friend by his side. Especially when he was going through the second break up with Dumbledore. Deep down I wondered why he didn't mention the fact that he stays at Hogwarts anyway. 'When I graduate we'll go on some kind of vacation together.' I said inside of my head as I ate the food on my plate. After a while I glanced up to the staff table and noticed that Gellert was watching me. Being under his gaze made me feel comfortable unlike being underneath anyone else's gaze. His eyes shined with happiness, and I'm sure mine did as well. I smiled and he smiled back before each of us went back to eating. Now I had a bowl of delicious ice cream sitting in front of me. "Draco..." I said, trailing off slightly, hoping I had caught his attention. "What's up?" He asked me curiously as I turned my gaze towards him. "I have something to tell you and Nick after dinner tonight." I said. I was finally ready to tell them about my relationship with Gellert. I'm sure my friends wouldn't freak out about me dating him, even though he's a professor. 'I just hope they don't tell anyone. I'm sure they won't. They're really great friends anyways.' I said inside of my head. After everyone was finished eating, Dumbledore dismissed us from the Great Hall. We ran into Nick and we headed somewhere more private. Since exams were fast approaching we didn't think that going to the library was a good idea. "What's up? Why are we in a broom cupboard?" Nick asked Draco and I with furrowed brows. "Sapphire has something personal to tell us... something private. We don't need anyone eavesdropping on us. With a flick of my wrist I cast the Muffliato spell just in case anyone was lingering nearby. "So, what did you wanna tell us?" Draco asked me curiously after a few seconds of silence. I took a deep breath before I started talking. "Well... I... I have a boyfriend." I said, and their jaws dropped in shock and surprise. A long moment of silence settled down around us, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. "You do?" Draco asked. "Who is he!?!" Nick asked, looking excited. "When did you two get together? And how long have you two been together without us knowing?!?!" Draco asked as he started looking excited as well. "You guys are gonna hate me or something when I let you know who he is." I said. My stomach filled with anxiety and I couldn't help but be a little worried. "No we won't." Nick said. "We promise." Draco and Nick said at the same time. I took a few deep breaths before I blurted out Gellert's name and hoped for the best. Silence settled down around us once more, which made me feel unbelievably nervous. Their faces were filled with shock, way more than they were before. 'They're not gonna want to be my friends after this.' I said inside of my head. "You... you're dating a professor?" Nick asked slowly with raised eyebrows. It was like he was trying to comprehend what I had just told him. "Sapphire... you know he can get into big trouble if Dumbledore or the Ministry finds out." Draco said with the exact same expression on his face. 'Maybe I shouldn't have told them.' I thought inside of my head, but it was too late now. Deep down I really started feeling bad. "I know, but..." I said, trailing off slightly. "I love him... and he loves me." I said, not making eye contact with either one of them. When I looked up from the floor I noticed that they had exchanged a look, and it was filled with pity. All of this was just making me feel bad. "Look... we aren't going to tell anyone about your relationship or... whatever you have with professor Grindelwald." Draco said. "But you really need to find someone your own age to be with. It's just weird and creepy. I'm sorry, Sapphire." Nick said with an apologetic look in his eyes. We stood there in the dimly lit broom cupboard for a little while longer before anyone broke the silence. Draco said he'd see me in the common room, and Nick said he had to do some homework in the library. I was left all alone feeling sad and pathetic. Tears filled my eyes, and they slipped down my cheeks. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. Then I pulled my knees up to my chest. 'You shouldn't have told them.' I said inside of my head. But all I wanted was to tell my friends that I found someone to be happy with.... someone that I love who loves me back. 'Maybe they'll come around once they realize how much I love Gellert. Or maybe they'll understand once they see how much he loves me.' I thought inside of my head. All of a sudden the broom cupboard door opened and I was surprised to see Gellert walking in the room. "Hey, sweetheart. Come here. What's wrong? What happened?" He asked me sweetly as he wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest. I told him what happened, and he got an angry look in his eyes. All of a sudden I started feeling nervous because I thought he was angry with me. "They're idiots if they can't accept you and I as a couple. So what if I'm a professor and you a student?? We love each other and that's all that matters." He said before he kissed my forehead. Gellert wiped my tears away and we talked for a while. Then we took a nice long walk around the castle. Being with him made me feel better even though I was still kinda down. I couldn't understand why Draco wasn't happy about me finding love; I was happy when he found love with Harry. Nick was a different story, but I still didn't get why he wasn't happy for me as well. Yes it would have been nice to have fallen in love with someone my age or at least close. But I can't help it if I'm attracted to someone older, wiser, and more experienced than me. 'Just don't worry about it, Sapphire. Maybe you'll get lucky and everything will work out in the end.' I said inside of my head. Gellert and I said our goodbyes and I entered the Slytherin common room. When I walked through the portrait hole I spotted Draco sitting at one of the desks doing his homework. "What took you so long? I was attempted to go and look for you; I was getting worried." He said as I joined him at the table. "I'm fine. I was just taking a walk around the castle." I replied with a nonchalant attitude. "We're you alone?" He asked me curiously, and it rubbed me the wrong way. "What does that matter to you?" I asked with furrowed brows. He seemed taken aback by my snappy remark, but I really didn't care. I was mad, sad, and confused. He looked down at his open Herbology textbook, and then looked back up at me with a softer look in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Sapphire. I didn't mean to offend you, but I was just speaking my mind." He said, and I relaxed a bit. "I'm just a little fuzzy on why you aren't happy for me. I was happy for you when you started dating Harry." I said. "That's different." He replied quickly. "How?" I asked with furrowed brows. A long moment of silence settled down upon us. The only sound was coming from the crackling fire in the fireplace. He started gathering his things and closing his textbooks. "It just is." He said as he put the last book in his school bag. I sat there and watched him go into the boys dorm. I was left alone once more, but I didn't feel as lonely this time. A few other Slytherins were doing homework and stuff at other tables and couches. I sat there for a few minutes before going into my room. 'Be that way then.' I said inside of my head before I fell into deep, restless sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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