After a tedious patrolling shift with a boring Gryffindor prefect, Evelyn saw a Slytherin boy approaching her. But it wasn't the one she was waiting to meet.
"How are you, Evy?" Lestrange gave her his typical insolent smirk "He sent me to tell you that he'll be late. And that he's sorry".
"Late?" She snapped "Two hours ago he said it would take only some minutes to help that girl with her homeworks, and now he says he'll be even more late?".
Lestrange lowered his head and sat next to her on the stairs "That girl is pretty annoying, I agree with that. But I'm sure the one who is the most annoyed is him".
"I don't think so or he would have already found a way to get rid of her" Evelyn mumbled "Have you seen how much make up she started to put on?".
The boy laughed "She looks like a peacock, seriously. But you are more beautiful, you know that right?".
"I'm not sure that's enough" she admitted "But I am sure that she won't stop until he will be hers".
"Let's pray it will never happen. I'm sick of her".
"At least you have Emma" Evelyn forced a weak smile.
"Yeah" Lestrange smiled to himself "But you know, wealso had our hard times. We broke up, we stayed away for long weeks, until we found out that it was the best for us to be back together. That's what matters. That the person you love comes back".
Evelyn hugged her knees, fearing that her boyfriend would never come back. Tom Riddle left her the previous summer. And the one who came back to her was more a stranger than an echo of him.

Later Evelyn heard the door of the common room opening and she was forced to deal with him.
"How can you always open this passage? They should change the door and put a password" she complained.
"No way. I like riddles" Tom smirked.
"You're fucking late" she snapped keeping distance from him.
"I know. Thank you for your patience".
She scowled at him "Well, you came so far to tell me goodnight and I presume that now you'll go back in your common room and she's still there waiting for you".
Tom narrowed his eyes "Are you jealous? Seriously?".
"It's not my fault. I don't understand why you can't shove her away. You know what she wants".
"Yes, but it doesn't mean I'll be easy for her. She is a prefect too, she can manipulate teachers so they force me to help her. It's not that simple".
"It's you who don't want to simply get rid of her!".
"You're so silly if you even just think I can be interested in such a dumb girl, no matter how much she tries to look nice. You can ask me to cruciate her in front of you as your next Valentine's gift" he teased her.
"Don't try to turn me into someone like you" she spat "I am just surprised that you enjoy sticking around her, while if I do such thing with another boy you would just kill him".
"So is this the trade you want? To break with me so you leave me with that chick and you can give yourself to someone else? As if there is someone who can replace me. We both know you can't leave me".
"Just to point this out, Riddle. I'm not with you because you're handsome or brilliant or whatever. And I don't even mind if you're so arrogant, violent, dangerous and sometimes so blinded by the darkness in your heart. Actually I don't even know why I'm still with you. Maybe I'm just infinitely stupid. But don't try my patience. I can still leave you".
"And I like this challenge. It wouldn't be hard to give you some drops of amortentia or cast some bonding spell. Where would the fun be then? But you must agree that what started as a game ended up with the result that we helplessly need each other".
She bitterly stared at him, his word were hurting her, but she couldn't find a reply.
"I'll create the horcrux" he announced suddenly to break the silence "Tonight".
"Don't kidding me" she hissed.
"Do I look like I'm kidding?" He said coldly "I am not sleepy. I won't go back into my dorm because of your suspects. I won't sleep with you because you just showed me how much you dispise me. So I think I have to tell you my plans, otherwise you would use it too against me".
"Don't use your crimes against me. That's a cruel way to punish me for speaking my mind".
"It's just something that I have to do" he said firmly "I already delayed too much, for not worrying you. But since you found other things to blame me, now I can finally finish my work. Would you like to join me and witness the magic or should I invite someone else?".
"Look at yourself, Riddle. You are so broken" she said with sorrow and anger "Alright. I come. But it doesn't mean that I agree with whatever you are doing".

Extreme Ways ( A Tom Riddle fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now