Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Dakota's POV:

It had been a long day practising with the swim team, and boy, was I shack. I gathered up my belongings and started for the boys' changing room. However, hushed whispers in furious tones caught my ears. It was Naya, the cheerleader-swimmer blond and Anna. This is bad, I thought to myself. Naya, famous cheerleader and richest girl in the school, talking to Anna?

Personally, I didn't like Naya. She flirts with boys way too much and treats other girls like crap. She isn't afraid to show her true personality. And- Naya Quilter has this major crush on my buddy Adam Kinder. The whole school practically knows that. I've even asked Adam about it before, and all he did was just shrug it off.

Then there was Anna Summers. This fat chick has been in the same class as me for the past eight years, since middle-school. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against her. Its just that I find her quite... Amusing. I think she looks cute, all chubby and hyper. I like her best when she's in her swimsuit, which hugs her body and flaunts her curves. Basically, she is my ideal type of girl, odd as it may seem.

Anna was looking afraid while Naya was talking. Well, I was right about this being bad. After one last blow at Anna, Naya took off, swinging her towel over her shoulder as if nothing had happened. I wasn't too far away from the conflict. Soon after, I heard sniffles and saw Anna grab her things and made her way to the girls' changing room, using the same route as Naya used. Anna must have been bullied by that bitchy Naya. I cursed and followed Anna secretly into the girls' changing room. I know I risk getting detention for going into the girls' changing room, but heck, I wasn't going to stand there and watch poor, innocent Anna get bullied by Naya.

I trailed behind Anna and hid behind one row of lockers. I had decided to play it safe. Suddenly, a loud, shrill scream erupted. I scrambled out of my hiding place just to see Anna lying on her back in a puddle of water. She groaned and went limp. A loud laughter then came. It was Naya.

Rash as I was, I made my way to Naya. Halfway there though, I decided to check Anna first. I knelt down beside her limp body and found that there was a bruise at the side of her head. I clenched my fist and jaw and glared towards Naya's direction.

"Oh hey Dakota. Why aren't you with the other guys?" She faked a smile and batted her eyelashes at me.

"Why do you have to make Anna slip?" I barked, not answering her question.

"No, I didn't. She slipped on her own. Like, duh. She's careless and the swim team doesn't need a water hippo." She puffed her cheeks and looked at me innocently.

That really broke my limit. I stood up and marched over to her. The urge to punch her was so strong, I almost couldn't resist. But, I sure as hell do not hit girls. "How dare you insult her like that?" I yelled, rage evident on my face. I towered over her at full height and stuck my index finger in her face.

"Try that again and I'll not hesitate to tell coach to let you off the swim team, you got that?" I barked in her face. Without giving her a chance to reply, I quickly knelt down beside Anna and scooped her into my arms. I carried her to the school clinic without a backward glance, walking at full speed and leaving a shocked Naya Quilter behind.


Anna's POV:

My eyes flew open and squeezed shut again. It was just too bright. I tried opening my eyes to allow them to focus. What was I doing in the school clinic. I was lying in one of those trolley beds, where it easy to push the injured around.

Then it all came back to me- Naya insulting me, asking me to stay away from Adam, the puddle of water, the fall. What happened after that was all fuzzy. I sat up, just as a shot of pain hit my head. I lifted my hand to touch my spinning head. It didn't touch skin, however. I felt fabric and it took me a while to realise that it was a bandage. It was that bad, huh?

At that time, the school nurse entered the room. She smiled and walked towards me.

"Hey Anna, how are you feeling?" She asked gently.

"My head hurts."

"Well dear, you have just been given some painkillers just a while ago. The pain will wear off soon. I need to assess you now alright?"

I nodded my head lightly.

"What's your name?" She started.

"Anna Summers."

"What's your dad's name?"

"Bob Summers."

"What subjects do you take in school?"

"Maths, Advanced Maths, Literature, English, Physics, Chemistry, History, Spanish." I answered quickly.

"Alright. There seems to be no problem. Your father is here to pick you up. Come, I'll help you down." She used the same gentle tone.

When I got on my two feet, the world was spinning. I staggered and had to lean on the bed for support. The nurse steadied me. Everything stood still again. Or at least my headache had subsided.

Just as I was about to leave, a sudden question popped into my mind. I turned around and asked the nurse, "How did I get to the school clinic? I know I fell and passed out..." I trailed off.

"Oh, a young man who gave his name as Dakota carried you here," she answered with a smile.

I mumbled a quick thank you, reeling from shock. Dakota, that bad-ass who keeps calling me Fat Chick, carried me all the way from the girls' changing room to the school clinic?

I walked out of the clinic and spotted my dad's car. I made my way towards it, wondering if my weight had caused him to shed about ten pounds after carrying me, and most importantly, what had gotten into him? How did he know that I fell and why had he bothered to save me?


Heya! Sorry about the late update. It was fun writing in Dakota's point of view~

Well, what do you think? Let me know :D

I'm looking for a new cover and would really appreciate if someone does one for me C:

That's all and thank you once again ^^

Big love from me

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