Chapter 3

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Hey guys and girls! Thanks for reading, and if you like, please vote! It really gives me lots of encouragement to write this story for you guys.

Here's chapter three. Enjoy! xx


Chapter 3

It has been two weeks since the first day of school. Adam and I have chatted quite a bit here and there during lessons, but have not held a full conversation yet. Elle had also got together with Greg, which means she has lesser time to spend with me. I still go to school with her daily and walk with her to classes, though.

Currently, it is third period Literature in class. I was quietly taking notes and listening attentively in class. Adam sits beside me, textbook propped up against his thighs and table. He was staring at his textbook, but he looks like he is daydreaming.

"This term, you will have to work in pairs to come up with a script about any genre. You may wish to use plays as reference from famous playwrights like, Shakespear to give you some fresh ideas. You won't be able to choose your own partners as your partner would be the person sitting next to you. You may begin discussion," the teacher, Mr Lee said. He is an old and senior teacher in my school. He is known to be very grumpy sometimes.

I was dazed after hearing Mr Lee's words. Me? Get to work with Adam Kinder? I must be dreaming. But hell no, I wasn't; because Adam was the next to speak, snapping me back into third period Literature.

"So what genre do you want to do?" Adam asked, giving me a friendly look. A lazy smile spread across his face and showed his dimple. How cute!

"Ummm... Adventure? Romance?" I tried, saying the first few words that popped up in my mind.

"Ditto that. I was thinking the same thing," he said.

Just then, the bell rang, signalling the end of third period.

"Hey, do you wanna come over to my house tomorrow to do this project? Well, I live just 4 blocks away from you..." Adam suggested as he packed his books into his crumpler bag. Actually, I did know where he lived. Call me a stalker, but hey, that's what a crush drives you into, right? Insanity.

"Oh, yeah, s-sure."

"Let me give you my number so that we can contact each other."

He grabbed my hand -oh my god- and flipped it so that my palm was facing up and wrote down his number using a black Sharpie. I was still hyperventilating from the shock when he finished writing and put my hand down.

"Call me alright?" He winked at me and left the classroom. I probably looked like the world's greatest idiot, standing there grinning from ear to ear, and I let out a small sigh.

"Ms Summers, please proceed to your next class." Mr Lee said sternly.

It didn't even matter to me that I was the only student left in his classroom. Still in a daze, I gathered my books and slung my bag over my shoulder and strolled out of the classroom.

I felt like the happiest girl in the world.


Apparently, I had decided to attend the tryouts for the swim team. The coach was holding tryouts, open to all students, this afternoon after school. My parents encouraged me to join and assured me that I would make a great swimmer. Which parent wouldn't say that?

Greg was taking Elle out for a date at the movies, so Elle had to go home to prepare and could not make it for my tryouts. I had told her that it was okay, I would survive on my own. I hope.

I quickly got changed in the girls' room to my swimsuit and pulled my shirt over it. After my little encounter with Adam that day, I decided to play it safe and cautious by dressing more appropriately. I made it over to the swimming hall. Our school was niche in swimming, so joining the team and entering competitions would be really prestigious and an honor.

I was one of the earliest, so the coach told me to do some stretching up at the bleachers, while waiting for the rest of the hopefuls to arrive. I rarely did stretching, and it was really painful when I stretched. What a way to start the tryouts.

Coach asked us to line up in front of the pool as she took down our names. While waiting for her to come to me, I looked around the hall and spotted the swim team swimming laps in the other pool. There was the boys and girls team. I scanned the boys team, not sure who I'm looking for. However, I managed to spot a certain someone with dark hair, as he finished his laps and climbed up the pool stairs.


He was wearing a pair of blue trunks. and, oh my god. Those set of abs is one that everyone would kill for. It was an eight-pack. He rounded to the side and was about to dive into the pool. He arched his back like a dolphin and-

"Excuse me?" I found myself staring straight into coach's eyes. Ouch.

"Erm, Anna Summers," I gave my name.

"It would be appreciated if you would pay more attention, Ms Summers."

"Sorry, coach."

She moved on and I heaved a sigh of relieve. First day meeting her and I probably am on her bad side already. Sigh.

We were instructed to sit on the bleachers to wait for our turns. We were dispatched five by five into the pool to swim. The fastest two from each batch would get on the team, but not necessarily the competitive team.

I counted and there was roughly three groups of five before me. I was starting to get nervous. I played with my fingers and glanced at Adam's number on my palm and smiled. It gave me strength for a while just thinking about him.

Before I knew it, my batch was called to enter the pool. I took a few deep breaths and steadied myself. Come on Anna, you can do it!

"Ready, set, GO!" The whistle went off and I jumped into the pool swiftly and swam breaststroke style all the way. We were to swim three laps and I tried to pace myself. While swimming, I thought of Elle as my competitor, as she was the only one who had the ability to motivate me to swim faster. I finished my three laps quickly and when I came up -breathing hard- I realised that I was the first to reach. I smiled to myself, obviously happy with my performance. Coach gave me my timing and it was a personal best! She congratulated me on making the team with a smile. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

Just as a I pulled out of the pool, I spotted a flash of teeth from the other pool. My eyes refocused and I saw that he was smiling at me. I smiled back at him and waved. He mouthed "congrats" and I giggled. Just how girly had I become? He gave me a last wink and swam on his back to join his team at the other side of the pool. He had watched my tryout? A blush crept up my wet cheeks.

I felt much more confident about myself and walked to the bleachers to grab my towel and belongings.

What more could a girl asked for?

I thought deeper and asked myself more questions.

Why suddenly now, of all the times I had been crushing on him? Why had he started noticing me?


So, what do you think? Why is Adam being so friendly with Anna?

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Thank you so much peeps C: xx

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