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Finally filming is over. Now I can focus my attention to something else.

I've made a decision of what I thought I needed to do so I could feel better. I thought I needed to leave again, thinking as how I felt better when I was alone.

I called my two friend groups over to my house to explain and it... didn't end well to say the least.

"All you ever do is run away! When things get hard, you're instinct is to leave! Why is that? When are you going to grow up and stop running away like a coward?!" Camille's voice boomed through the house. My heart dropped even lower than it already was as I internally winced at her words.

"Hey, now! Don't yell at her. Let's just talk about this logically." Corey said, civilly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"And why did you invite Dr. Phil Jr?" She spoke, gesturing to the tall boy standing beside me.

"You don't have to stay you know. You could keep the little pride that you have and walk out the door." Rowan rolled her eyes at her, huffing.

"Nobody asked you!" She snapped at the short haired brunette.

"Don't talk to my friend like that!" Jake responded.

"Who's going to make me, Bakayarō?" A large argument erupted in the fairly large room between the two groups, without Sabrina getting in between anything. She just kept glaring daggers into the Camille, and I swear if looks could kill she'd be long gone.

"Can I help you?" Camille snapped at her when she noticed how her gaze got even more intense with every word that tumbled from her mouth.

"Excuse me?" Sabrina responded, annoyed. "I wasn't doing or looking at anything."

Camille smirked evilly and walked closer to the blonde who was sat on the sofa with her legs crossed. "Your Royal Highness, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you're a terrible liar. And also a bad girlfriend." Sabrina stood up, now face to face with the girl.

"What did you just say?" Her eyes instantly turned to a darker shade.

"Sabrina, don't." I said, grabbing onto the dirty-blonde's hand. She quickly glanced up at me and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I said that you're a terrible girlfriend. A terrible person. Over all, awful. Not to mention that you're with someone that is just like her dad. Always leaves, never stays. I bet that you're like him in ways, too." Sabrina's grip on my hand tightened.

"You see, I can already tell that you have anger issues. I can tell that you're struggling to keep calm. So I'll continue and prove just how weak you are."

"You left her, broke her heart several times. Almost got her killed. Got her beaten up. Maybe you wanted that to happen to her."

"What?" Sabrina responded back, and I could tell that complete anger was starting to fill her small body and soon overflow if she didn't stop listening soon. My hand started to have slight pain in it, because her nails were now digging into my skin. I know she didn't realize she was doing it though. I think she did it subconsciously.

The blonde shook her head. "That's not true." I swear it felt like she was about to break through my skin. I slightly wince, but she didn't notice.

"My point is that you're just like her dad. Someone incapable of love, someone who is insensitive, and who's most likely abusive towards her."

"Abusive?" She unknowingly pressed even harder and held on tighter to my hand, making it painful.

"Sabrina, let go." I said quietly, but she was too involved in what Camille was saying to her to listen to me.

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