(27) インディゴの炎 Indigo no honō

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This time when you came too, a blinding light pierced your sore eyes before they even opened. Your skin and body ached with a new kind of pain. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't move. Your skin was pulsing with pain as your eyes slowly opened.

A searing white light hurt your already sore eyes. It was a change from your consistent darkness. Soft clicks of a keyboard and the gentle hum of the bright lights filled your ears. Groggily, you lifted your head, only to see you were in a different room, arms chained above your head.

Something slapped your cheek as a ringing slowly got louder in your ear. "Hey. Wake up." A warm hand lightly slapped your cheek, only to see a pair of blue eyes looking at you. You dazily met his gaze, feeling overheated. "Sheesh... I don't want to see what they injected you with." Two fingers probed the side of your neck that now ached when he mentioned it. "A quirk modifying drug. Come on, ruthless bastards." You guess he did think of you like an animal in pain and help. You wondered what he was talking about, a quirk modifying drug? Why in the world would they inject you with that?

Your head dropped between your shoulders, too exhausted to keep it up. After a moment, a hand tilted your chin upwards to meet icy blue eyes. "I normally don't give a shit about the people they torture... But you seem different, and I find it amusing." Dabi leaned in to talk against your ear. "So... For my entertainment, I'll help you." His breath gently blew against your ear, making your mind go blank. No one had even touched you in a kind way in a week. Now the sudden touch felt weird to you. 

A small weary smile pulled on your lips at the idea, but it faded quickly. You were going to die at this rate. "Sorry about this." Dabi let your chin go and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a necklace with a different red feather attached to it. Dabi carefully threaded it around your neck before shoving the feather into your torn shirt. Dabi took your chin between his thumb and forefinger when something cool touched your lips.

It took a moment for you to realize it was water. Gratefully you drank until it soaked the front of your shirt. You leaned forwards, trying to get more until the restraints held you back. Once the water was gone, you panted, trying to calm down.

"Later, little sparrow." With that, you blinked, and Dabi was gone. Your smile of hope faded, giving way to how dire your situation was. Your stomach writhed with hunger pains, and you weren't sure how much more you could take. The pain was fogging your brain, making it hard even to think, let alone breathe.

The light stayed on, boring into your mind to keep you awake at all times. There was little relief from the constant spotlight. Now, on top of your exhaustion and hungry, there was a lack of sleep.

You were chained there, not able to move, not able even to sleep. Was this their way of getting you to comply? First restful darkness, but it's cold, now consistent light and no sleep? Your chest moved up and down slowly, painfully taking in every breath.

It was more than just a slight tingle that ran underneath your skin. No, it was as though someone had attached a live wire to each of your nerves, and your body convulsed as the violent electrical current pulsed through you. You painfully yanked on the chains, attempting vigorously trying to make the sound go away.

From the other side of the glass, you couldn't smell the burning. It made it more sanitized than actually being in the room with someone being cooked by electricity. Your hands and feet were straining involuntarily against the leather bands that held you down.

The searing pain came to an abrupt stop as your quirk materialized unwillingly. The large crystal wings dug into your exposed back. You panted while slowly regaining your sense of self. The scent of your flesh burning singed your nose. Your dull gaze looked out into the brightness, barely able to see the male standing behind the pane of glass.


Kite held a crying Ivan in his arms, wanting his older sister back as he walked into U.A. gates. Right away, he was met with All Might, Hawks, and Eraserhead. "You found Ivan?" Ivan flinched and clung to the white-haired male tighter.

"Yes, he wasn't their target in the first place. They're attempting to break the seal. From what Ivan told me, the seal only needs one bracket left before it breaks." All Might turn to the ten-year-old child, whimpering in the male's arms. Not only him, but the rest felt that you were sacrificing yourself for your younger brother.

After all, Kite had found you first, but he couldn't take both without being discovered. So you begged him to get Ivan out. "Well? What's her current location?" Hawks turned towards Eraserhead with a frown.

"In a lab outside of town. From what I saw, she never spoke and just endured it. Resulting in even more torture in an attempt to break her." Kite set Ivan down, thinking for a moment. What would that do to your mindset? Seeing everyone around you as a threat could be dangerous. Animal instincts would kick in and end up hurting those trying to help.

"Might I ask who the closest to her is at this school?" Ivan clenched onto Kite's hand and looked up at him. "Baku-Kun and Sha-Kun." Eraserhead turned to All Might and Hawks.

"You mean Bakugou and Shasha?" Kite held his chin in thought for a moment. Those two could help stabilize your mental state. "Eraser head, bring them here, and Hawks and I will take them nine o hundred tomorrow." With that, the white-haired female just walked off towards the U.A. gate with Ivan clinging to him. Barely, his wings of light flashed as they walked off.

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