(13) サマーキャンプ Samākyanpu

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By the time the trip ended, the class had ridden the trains back to their homes with just enough time to recover and prepare for the summer camp. Soon enough, the time came for everyone to gather once again for a long bus ride. 

Iida made sure every time that everyone made it there on time, which means that he scolded you and Bakugou for arriving late.

"You two are late! Unacceptable!" 

You nervously rubbed the back of your head. There was a good reason for it. "Sorry dude. I was making sure that someone could look after Ivan for the week. I couldn't just leave him alone." Iida relaxed a bit in his lecture. He turned it around again when his cobalt eyes met Bakugou. 

"And! Why is Mr. Explosion late?" Bakugou calmly hitched a thumb over his shoulder at you. "This one was at my house talking to my old hag about their little nuisance. Wouldn't get off my ass until she made me walk with them." 

Surprisingly, Iida took the excuse and ushered everyone onto the bus. Getting on, most of the spots were already taken. Midoriya and Shasha weren't sitting too far off where Bakugou chose to sit. Kirishima was sitting beside an empty seat when the bus started moving. Quickly, you sat in between them. 

Soon, the bumpy rode on the way towards the mountains. Your backpack sat squarely on your lap, attempting to ground your body onto the seat. Your head ached, and nausea crawled on your insides. 

A small groan escaped between your clenched teeth. "Ugh, never again. I'll take to the sky next time, please." Kirishima looked at you with curiosity. "Motion sick? Want to lay down, sure Bakugou will help make some room." 

Bakugou grabbed the backpack clenched between your arms. "You can't even handle a small bus ride? Weak." Bakugou and Kirishima pushed you down into the seat until Bakugou's hand gently pushed your head downwards. 

"Shut your ass and lay down." Your cheek gently connected with his thigh as Kirishima stashed the backpack by his feet and offered a set of headphones. With a thankful smile, he slid them over your head, drawing out the voices and loud sounds of the bus. The tension in your shoulders relaxed as your eyes fluttered shut. 

A warm weight rested on your shoulder, pulling you further into restfulness. The bus lightly bumped your sleeping self back, almost smacking the boys with the wing that rested over your shoulder. 

Kirishima moved the wing gently back. "Man, they fell asleep quickly." Bakugou leaned into his palm, looking out the window at the green blurs rushing by. "So? I didn't want them puking on me." 

Kirishima laughed under his breath. "Dude, admit it already." Bakugou shot the redhead a glare. "Admit what?" 

He blinked in disbelief. "Admit what? You that dense?" The blonde never turned to look, instead of keeping his gaze on the mountain flora. 

"Shut the fuck up. I don't like (y/n)."

Kirishima's mouth twisted into a grin. "I never said who, bro." He could only watch as the male's mouth opened for a retort, but no sound came out. Instead, a red tint seared across his face, deepening his cheeks and ears. The only response Kirishima got was a low pissed-off groan.  

It was a few hours until the bus slowly came to a stop at an overlook out. It surveyed a big wooded forest area of distant hills and depressions. The movement awoke anyone who was still sleeping, including you. Your eyes fluttered open to the stillness of the machine. It's been years since you've been able to sleep or be in a large vehicle. 

You sat up, the headphones falling from the messy hair around your neck. "Sleep well (y/n)?" You sleepily turned to Kirishima with a warm smile. The motion sickness was much less than when the trip first started. 

"I did, thank you, Kiri." You pat Bakugou's hair, earning a harmless hiss. "You too, thanks." His expression dropped into shock before soft words fell from his mouth. "You're welcome, dumbass." 

Taking the headphones off, you handed them back to Kirishima, who slid them back into his back. Most of the students worked on their way off the bus, leaving the students at the back to get off last. 

You stepped off, arms stretching towards the sky with wings reaching for the heavens. Rainbows splattered over the student's and people's faces. It sparkled in their eyes, illuminating the pretty color of each of their eyes.

Except for a bit of shit grape, he was running around screaming about a bathroom until someone jumping in kicked him out of the way. He splatted into the side of the bus with little attention. 

"Hey, Eraser! Long time no see!" Two adults, all dressed in maid cat-like costumes, stood in a pose—a long-haired blonde in blue and another with burgundy hair and a themed dress. "Lock on with these sparkling gazes! Stingingly cute and cat-like! Wild, Wild Pussycats!"

Aisawa stepped at their sides. "These are pro heroes working with us during the summer camp."

Midoriya started his fanboying, saying something about them specializing in mountain rescues until he mentioned their ages. Then, while he was getting chewed out, the class said hello and greeted them. 

You stared at the brunette; she looked like your aunt. She caught your gaze with a sweet smile and continued. Her arm stretched out towards the large patch of land. "All of this is owned by us. You'll be staying at the foot of the mountain." 

You stared at the tiny dot at the foot of the mountain. Was she serious? Most of the class rushed back to the bus, but it had already left before they reached it. 

"It's 9:30 AM right now," Mandalay's mouth curved into a grin. "If you're fast, maybe around noon. But, of course, kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get lunch! But, ladies and gentlemen, training has already begun!" 

Pixi-Bob jumped in front of the clustering students as Shasha held onto your mild form. Several others already figured that was the case, so they didn't bother moving.

The blue kitten's paws pressed firmly onto the ground. Then, quickly, you gathered Shasha into your arms. Immediately, her arms wrapped around your shoulders as your wings brought you above the warping earth, throwing everyone over the edges of the hillside. 

You shot the pro heroes a small smile, catching the eye of a child in a red hat. His black eyes latched onto you, vanishing behind the wall of earth. 

Mandalay peered over the edge as the two floated down to meet the rest of the class. "Hey! Since it's private land, use your quirks as much as possible!" Your feet lightly touched the ground, dropping Shasha to your side. 

Everyone stared into the line of trees, the darkness lurking around each leaf and branch. "Get to the camp on your own two feet, through the..." Then, a loud screech tore through the air, ringing in each student's ears. "Beast's Forest!" 

The little boy's unique expression remains planted in your memory as you stare into the forest. It was now or never. Kota...

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