(5) 火の怒りHi no ikari

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You sat there at the desk, twirling a pen back and forth in your hand. During the day were the standard classes that were very like the ones in middle school. You were alright in that department, but it wasn't the best.

"Here I am, coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might burst through the door. You jumped up, spooked by how loud he was. Sure, everyone was excited but was it necessary to be that loud?

Your (e/c) eyes widened at the mere fact he was here none the less. All Might strides into our classroom before taking a stance at the center. "Hi! I am your teacher for basic hero training! And Today..." Everyone started to get even more excited. You stopped twirling the pen to look, unamused Today. Usually, you would be excited, but All Might wasn't your hero. Your hero was Crystalize; she was otherwise known as your mother.

"Today is something special! Battle training! And being apart of heroes is lookin' good!" He yelled while pressing a button that made suitcases come out of the wall—each with its number.

You grabbed the 14 out of its slot and started to walk towards the locker room. You were leaving as you heard familiar voices call out your name. There in the hallway was Todoroki, Shasha, and Kirishima. "What's up, guys? Where's mister hot head?" The three just looked at each other before shrugging.

"I'm not sure, off making explosions?" You gave a small chuckle to Todoroki's dry sense of humor. In return, he let a little smile slip through his persona. It made you happy that he could smile after all. It looks like Today might be a good day after all.

You walked along the dark hallway with the other students who wore their costumes, some simple, some not. You felt a little more excited but had to remain calm; we had stepped into the light of ground beta where All Might stood. Mine wasn't that exciting; you based it off your mother's costume. The light was reflecting the symbols she wore when your mother was a hero.

Just as you walked into the light, you spotted Kirishima, Shasha, and Bakugou. Kirishima's was rather fitting for how his personality was, 'very manly' as he would put it. A smile formed on your face at the costumes; they were very fitting.

"Hey (y/n)! I love your hero outfit! It's manly!" Kirishima sparkled. You gave him a light hit in the shoulder. "Thanks, I love yours too." When you were looking at Kirishima's weird little face thing, you felt someone eyeing you.

There was the one and only Bakugou looking at you. You shot a devilish smirk from afar to mess with him. That's when you noticed how his costume showed off his sculpted back and arms, a little bit of his chest too. It all fit him perfectly in his own right. It made you feel a bit off about your body, sure it wasn't perfectly toned like so many others, but it would serve for what you needed. After all, you had to be on the lighter side, or else you wouldn't be able to fly.

You looked up at the sky, wishing that this was an outdoor training. That way, you could reach the sky. You extended your fingertips upwards, wanting to touch the clouds.


"Do they expect us to memorize this whole floor plan?" You sighed. The plus side was that you would get to see his quirk in action and not out of the corner of your eye. "D-Deku? You're sweat through your costume..." Shasha was freaking out over the fact that Midoriya was nervous. Midoriya slowly lowered his plan with sweat streaming down his face.

"Well, uh, we're going up against Kacchan so. That won't stop me, though." He mumbled. A look of confidence shined in his emerald eyes. Who was Kacchan? Whoever it was seemed important, but could It be Bakugou? Where Midoriya and Bakugou that close? Even still, that must make this tense.

Your wings formed, letting the light refractions spread across the street. You held out a hand to Midoriya since Shasha could make it to the second story independently. Midoriya clung to your side as you took to the sky. In a matter of seconds, the window was broken, and the three climbed inside. Your entire body felt tense, feeling as though the world was on edge. Your feeling made your wings puff.

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