Reaction to : Learning That You're Pregnant

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"Jagiya, this is the best gift anyone's ever given me."


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Though Jackson does like to indulge in theatrics and be dramatic here and there, that would all go out the window when you said the magic words to him. He liked being funny and energetic, but something of this magnitude could only be handled by ~manly~ crying and kisses all over your face and hands. It was the absolute best day of his life. Once you told him about the pregnancy, he'd forget everything except this moment with the two of you, and immediately yank you into a strong hug, his face buried in your neck. He'd try to get a hold of himself and wipe away the annoying tears, immediately wanting to plan. What will you name him if its a boy? A girl? What colour will the room be? Seeing Jackson so excited and happy like this just made you more confident than ever that your child was going to grow up with the most amazing father.

"Oh love, there's still so much to sort out! We need to buy a crib! The guest room needs to turn into a nursery and we definitely need to decorate it!"

"Oh love, there's still so much to sort out! We need to buy a crib! The guest room needs to turn into a nursery and we definitely need to decorate it!"

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Youngjae would let out the most ear-piercing, high pitched squeal you'd ever heard. It would be very very obvious how happy he was since he'd be jumping and waving his hands, unable to physically contain the sheer amount of joy he was experiencing. And why wouldn't he be happy? There was suddenly a reason to celebrate like never before, and he planned on partying. He'd press sloppy, excited kisses all over your face, mumbling between them how happy you make him and that you two were going to turn into three, and how it was the best thing he'd ever heard. He'd just be alight for the next few weeks, so incredibly ready for this next step that you two have taken.

"This is the best day of my life. You are the best thing in my life."


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When you tell Bambam, you tell the whole world. This bean would be so stoked that he'd scream "YOU'RE PREGNANT?" right back at you, alerting at least the entire street. This would be so thrilling to him. Its something the both of you had wanted, and it just felt so right. Like Mark,  despite being a few years younger, he'd feel kind of completed. like the two of you, who had been a single unit for so long, were finally extending your group to three, and he just could not wait for the day to come. If he had loved you before this announcement (he certainly did), his love had just grown a millionfold, because you were no longer his second half; you were the mother to his child. And there was absolutely nobody else he would rather have take on that role and navigate parent hood with him. With you by his side, Bambam felt confident and right heading into this new stage.

"We're gonna be complete, finally!"

"We're gonna be complete, finally!"

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Yugyeom would be, frankly, less surprised if you told him you had been a horse wearing a human costume for the whole duration of your relationship. He would not expect the announcement, taking the idea of it being a surprise to a whole new level. However, this did not mean that he wasn't happy, because this little sunshine was completely overjoyed. He'd be so thrilled to meet the new arrival. Right off the bat, he'd be excited to teach the little tot his dances and how to sing, to hold his or her hand and walk the street, to make hot cocoa in the wintertime together. There was so much he wanted to do with your child, and he was damn grateful for you and for his life for giving him this joy.

"I'm so lucky to have you, jagi. And we're lucky to have this baby. I love you, baby!"

 I love you, baby!"

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