Chapter 28 - "Why didn't you invite me?"

Start from the beginning

Ty turned from her best friend to Haley.

"Have you made your decision?" she asked.

"Decision?" both Haley and Jace said.

Josie perked up, knowing what Ty was talking about and eager as well to hear the answer.

"Yeah, about going to see Seven Ships," she clarified.

Understanding dawned on Haley and she realized she had completely forgotten the offer the girls had made the previous day. She had wondered afterward if it had been a joke, still unable to see why they would want her company. Under their expectant gazes, she shifted, not knowing what she wanted to say.

"I'm not sure yet," she said.

"Okay," Ty said.

Jace leaned forward, elbows planted on his knees. "What's this all about?"

Looking at him, Josie motioned between Ty and herself. "We're getting a group together to go see Seven Ships this summer."

"Why didn't you invite me?" Jace asked.

Ty sank back on her hands, shaking her head as Josie frowned at Jace.

"We just solidified the fact that you don't like people screaming at you," she said.

"So, I like Seven Ships. I would go to see them."

"Seriously?" Josie said, exasperated. Haley held back a laugh at Jace's grin and obvious delight in exasperating Josie. "You boy, are baffling."

Jace propped his chin on his fist, bringing himself closer to Josie.

"I like to think it adds to my charm."

"It doesn't," Josie said, swiping his arm out from under his chin, making him falter forward.

As Josie smirked, Haley and Ty laughed. Jace righted himself, scowling but not seeming that upset about it. The sound of footsteps snagged Haley's attention and she glanced over. Rachel was making her way towards them.

Halfway there, Nick crossed her path and the two of them hesitated. Nick looked like he hadn't slept at all, his clothes were disheveled and his hair was unkempt. To Haley, he had the look of a man lost in his own life. Before Rachel could speak, he mumbled something, ducked his head and walked in the opposite direction. Rachel's gaze traveled with him, concern in her eyes.

Haley watched as Rachel took in a breath and continued toward them. When she stopped before their group, everyone looked up at her. Josie squinted against the light and Jace shaded his eyes with his hand.

"Josie, Ty," Rachel said, voice controlled. "Did you get the flyers distributed?"

Both girls nodded. Rachel let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, prom is only two weeks away," she said.

"Are you running it?" Haley asked, trying to imagine how this girl managed to do everything.

Rachel shook her head. "No, simply helping the student council with prep. Hopefully, all the work will pay off and it will be perfect."

Ty scoffed, gaining everyone's attention.

"Prom is never perfect and stressing about it is worthless," Ty said.

Tilting her head, Rachel cocked an eyebrow. "Not to some, it isn't."

Ty waved Rachel down. "I'll explain. Rach, sit down, I'm going to break my neck looking up."

Hesitating for a second, Rachel settled down between Haley and Ty.

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