"Papa? Papa? Kid are you sure? I didn't know I had a daughter? Fran! Did you know I have a daughter?" He replied.

I heard Fran laughing in the background, before replying with what seemed like a "No honey, maybe you accidentally donated your sperm?"

I grinned despite myself, knowing the two were making fun of me.

"Papa I'm sorry! School's been so busy— you know that— it's my adjustment period."

"Calm down— weird girl— Fran! She's still calling me Papa, you think she's serious?"

I groaned into the phone, to which he laughed, "What? You expected a normal greeting? My girl hasn't called me in months— messages is all I got— quite bold of you to assume your old Pa knows how to work these devices."

I let out a light laugh, "You're an engineer, absolutely bold of me to assume— it's your job to know how to work those devices."

He chuckled, "You heading down to your mothers for the weekend, yeah?"

I nodded, forgetting he couldn't see me, "Yeah— Donny and I and, uh a friend, are going together."

He noticed my pause, of fucking course he noticed it, "Oh yeah? And this friend, is he Adonis' friend, your friend, or your special friend?" He teased.

I groaned, "That's so inappropriate, you know?"

I raised my voice, "Fran? Did you hear him? He used the 'special friends' term again!"

I heard Frans laugh once more, before she scolded dad. I giggled, smiling to myself because I missed the two— a lot.

"How are you guys? You're flying out to visit gramps right?"

"We're great sweetheart, Fran misses you a lot— I'm having a blast without you and your little  demon here— an' mmhm, that's the plan."

"Okay well I'll let you get to it, I love you, and Fran, and I'll call more often."

"Alright peach, stay safe, love you more."

I smacked a kiss into the phone, and with that I ended the call.

I glanced at Bane only to see him already looking at me.

"What?" I demanded.

"Special friend?" He asked slyly.

I ran a hand down my face, before looking at him straight, "My dad thinks we're fucking— 'special friend' is the term he uses for that."

He grinned, before furrowing his brows, "You could've told him you're my girlfriend."

I sat there stunned for a moment.

"But I'm not..." I said.

He looked taken aback, "What, did you break up with me without my knowledge?"

"Bane, you never asked me."

His eyebrows rose, "What do you mean I nev— Oh fuck."

I nodded, "Yep."

He cleared his throat, "Well that's mildly awkward— you do, uh, like me though, right?"

I nodded slowly, "Yep." I stated again.

He nodded too, "Okay. Well.. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"That'd be cool I guess." I answered teasingly.

He grinned, motioning me over.

I laughed lightly, getting off the bed and walking into his outstretched arms. His arms wound around me tightly, face digging into the hollow between my shoulder and neck.

"Sorry for forgetting to ask you to be my girlfriend." He mumbled as he straightened up.

I reached up on my toes, placing a kiss against his jaw, "It's okay."

I stepped back, "Are you done packing everything I mentioned?"

He nodded, "We're heading out in 10 right? I'll just take a quick shower."

I nodded, "Great, I'll tell Adonis."

Walking out of the room, I pulled out my phone, texting dad a quick update, smiling as I typed.

He's going to be a special friend.

I watched as the typing bubble appeared, signalling Papa was replying.

You're grounded, it read. I laughed, shutting off my phone and going to change.

We reached mama's place around three hours later— the ride taking longer than normal because of the heavy traffic.

As Donny parked the car, Bane and I got out.
We rounded the car, grabbing our bags, and Adonis followed suit.

Adonis took lead after grabbing his suitcase, walking up the path to the large house, setting it down to ring the door bell.

The door swung open on the first ring, mama coming into view. She gave Adonis a quick hug and kiss to the cheek before rushing past him towards me, grabbing me in a crushing hug.

She pulled back, grasping my face in her soft hands, "My baby girl."

I grinned, "Missed you mama." She let her hands fall away, "I missed you too darling."

She looked past me to Bane, "And you must be Bane?"

"Yes ma'am." He answered politely.

Mama shook her head, "None of that, it's Sam to you."

He smiled at her, nodding slightly.

She motioned for us to head in, "Let's get your stuff up to your rooms, then head down to meet the rest of the family— Adonis sweetheart can you show Lu and Bane to their room?"

Adonis grunted a yes, picking up his suitcase and lugging it up the stairs as Bane and I followed in tow once more.

I didn't know my way around this house, considering mama and them had moved recently.

He stopped at the door second last down the hallway, pushing the door open to reveal a large spacious room with big windows and two queen sized beds. The room was huge— not large; even with the two beds there was room to comfortably move around.

I admired the room as Bane dragged his suitcase into the room.

"This was the master bedroom before mama and James renovated the house when they first bought it— that's why it's fucking huge— there's an en-suite bathroom that's yours for the weekend, and my room is right next to yours." Adonis explained.

I nodded, grabbing my suitcase and shoving it into a corner of the room, next to Banes, taking a couple moments to adjust it so it was perfectly parallel.

Bane was waiting at the door for me, "You done?" He asked amusedly.

"Yeah I am." I huffed.

He grinned, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers; tugging on it to lead me to follow behind him.

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