Chapter 26 - "I don't want to drown myself in ice cream."

Start from the beginning

"You going to stand there taking in my messy room, or are you going to sit down?" he asked, navigating the controller.

"Sit where?" she asked.

The one chair in the room was decorated with clothes and she had no desire to try and move them.

"The floor is an option," he said. "Or you can sit next to me on my bed."

Jace said this with no indication that it meant more than what he was saying. Not wanting to make a big deal about it, Haley climbed onto the bed and settled down beside him, cross-legged.

"Look at that," Jace said, his tone teasing. "I got Haley Day onto my bed."

Scowling, she shoved his shoulder. He laughed, barely moving, and threw her a mischievous grin.

"You're so dumb," she said.

Focusing back on the screen, he shrugged. "I am the cliché player jock so what else am I supposed to be?"

"Better than rumors," she retorted.

Jace grinned and took one of the cookies from his collection. The game began and Haley ate her cookie piece by piece as she figured out where Jace was stuck.

"Nope," she said. "Take the right tunnel, now duck there's a pendulum."

Jace followed her direction without comment, directing his character to leap, fight, and dodge obstacles. When he began to react faster than Haley could say, she held back, watching as he went on instinct. When her cookie was gone, she stole one of Jace's.

"Are you going to tell me what was wrong with you today?" Jace asked after they had remained silent for a while.

"Who said there was anything wrong?"

Neither of them looked at each, content to watch an animated character tackle the impossible.

"I did. You want to talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about. Besides, I said I was fine."

Jace laughed at this.

"You understand that I know girls. I've spent hours with them, listening to them talk. I know the phrase 'I'm fine' is equivalent to 'help me before I drown myself in ice cream'. Or it means 'talk to me while I drown myself in ice cream'."

"I don't want to drown myself in ice cream."

"No, but that doesn't mean you're fine." Jace's face took on a serious scowl as he hit the buttons hard, avoiding certain death. When the danger passed, his features relaxed. "So what is it?"


For a moment, Jace was silent and Haley wondered if he would drop it.

"Is that what you would tell Lettie if she asked you?"

The question caught her off guard and she shook her head, knowing it was true. With Lettie she would have told her everything, knowing that even if she couldn't offer advice at least Haley wouldn't feel alone.

"Since Lettie isn't here why not tell me?"

Jace didn't look at her and somehow that made it easier for the words to come out.

"My dad slept on the couch last night," she said, her voice quiet.

"And I'm guessing that's not a natural occurrence in your family."

Haley frowned and looked at him. "Is it in your family?"

Chuckling, Jace nodded. "About half the time I come home late from a party or hanging out with friends by dad is passed out on the couch. He usually finishes paperwork in front of the news and eventually ends up falling asleep. I normally wake him up and tell him to go to bed. Same goes for my mom, sometimes I'll find her sleeping on the couch in her office."

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