Chapter 22 - "What they say isn't true."

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Before she realized it, she was at her balcony door staring across at Jace's room. The curtains were still blocking her out. Not knowing what to do, she edged back to her bed and sat down. Her mind whirred, looking for an answer to solve the problem before her. From somewhere back in her mind an idea popped into her head.

Snatching some cash from her wallet, she left the house and headed down the sidewalk. The day was warm as always, but the heat wasn't oppressive, hints of spring still holding on. After a brief stop at the lone corner market, she was back at her house and standing in her room.

She didn't know whether what she was about to do would work or not, but she opened the balcony door anyways. Pausing, she listened for movement within Jace's room but didn't hear any. Not sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing, she ripped open the top of the M&M bag. Racking her brain for the meanings of the colors, she picked out a green one. With a silent hope, she tossed it at the glass. It hit with a plink and fell to the ground.

Nothing happened.

Haley searched for another green one and threw it. Again there was no sign that Jace heard the candy hitting his door. Settling onto the balcony, her legs crossed, Haley continued the routine. The pile of green M&Ms began to grow at the base of the door. When Haley was about to open the second bag to find more green, the door opened.

Jace stood there, shirtless, hair disheveled and his expression half irritated, half curious. At the door's opening, a few M&Ms tumbled inside, bouncing against his barefoot. He glanced down and focused back on Haley.

"Why green?" he asked.

She shrugged. "You said that they stood for peace, it was as close to apologizing I could get."

A faint smile tugged at Jace's lips but it didn't make it all the way there.

"I'm sorry," Haley said. "Clearly, I said something really wrong and I'm sorry."

Letting out a heavy sigh, Jace ran his hand through his hair. After a second of saying nothing, he held up his hand for Haley to wait and disappeared inside. Not sure what he was doing, she waited.

As she was biting into her second M&M, Jace returned with a shirt on. He crossed the balcony and took up his normal position on the railing, feet hooked around one of the posts. Unsure what to do, Haley tossed him a yellow M&M. Jace caught it and popped it into his mouth. His expression was serious, almost thoughtful.

"What they say isn't true," he said, his voice quiet.

"It's not?" Haley couldn't help the doubtful tone that slipped into her words.

"No," he said. She threw him another yellow M&M and he ate it. "Do you remember Amber? She was here a week ago?"

The image of an auburn-haired girl came to Haley's mind.


"Her boyfriend had just broken up with her."

A touch of confusion flickered over Haley's face. "So she came to you...?"

Jace nodded and held his hands out for any piece of candy. Absentmindedly, she tossed one to him.

"Did you know I have ten female cousins all about my age or older?" Haley shook her head. The barest hint of a smile darted over Jace's lips. "I have seen more tears and heartbreak than most girls in high school." He shrugged as if it weren't that big of a deal. "For this reason, I also learned how to just be quiet and listen at a very young age. This is why a lot of girls come to me.

"Really?" Still, Haley couldn't figure out why they would go to Jace instead of their other friends.

"Yeah, a girl friend can tell you a guy is being an idiot," he said as if reading her thoughts. "Being a guy I can tell you why a guy is being an idiot. Sometimes it helps them realize they really weren't the problem, sometimes it makes them realize they were the problem. Either way, they get some sort of closure."

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