Game Of Oblivion: Part 6.1

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However, Leon recalled that this was not the end. The airplane carrying Steve and Claire begin to descend and made an emergency landing at an unknown facility, a forgotten game site that was yet just another one of Alexia's playground...

Both Steve and Claire woke up, rubbing their heads as it throbbed. They were still in the cockpit of the plane, greeted by the broken galss in front of them.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked Claire, leaning towards her from his seat.

"Yeah, I'm okay..." Claire replied. The snow was flaoting inside and the wind howled outside. Steve checked on his cooridantes.

"Latitude 82 degrees. 17 minutes south," Steve read out and stuttered out, "We're... We're at the South pole!"

"What?!" Claire gasped in shock. Around them was white snow. The cold air touched their skins, leaving them trembling slightly. 

The duo walked out of the plane. They needed to find cover from the cold that would threaten to kill them slowly. There seemed to be some sort of an abandoned building.

"Claire, this way!" Steve beckoned as he told Claire. The duo made their way into the building, jumping down through one of the holes on the roof.

They landed at the platform and looked below. Down there was nothing but light blue. Was it water? The duo did not have time to even think about it.

"Looks like we're not in the clear yet," Claire spoke as she looked around.

"I don't think this'll do us much good anymore," Steve responded, looing at the plane. The duo took sometime, surveying the area.

"What is this place?" she asked. "It dosen't look like anyone's been around for a while,"

"Another one of Umbrella's facilities?" Steve guessed. "Well, we need to find a way out of here before we freeze to death,"

"Right," Claire agreed. Claire jumped slightly and pointed her gun at Steve's right. "Wait... Look!" she called out to Steve and opened fire at a horde of zombies wearing military uniform with strips of white and dark colour.

"Great..." Steve grumbled as he did the same by shooting at them. "Zombies are popping out everywhere these days, huh?!"

"Crazy bastards!" Claire swore in anger, still pulling the trigger while the zombies walked towards them. 

The duo retreated to the far end of the platform. There were too many zombies for them to defeat. Steve climbed down the ladder that was found at the end of the platform quickly. Claire might wind up dead other wise. As soon as Steve felt the platform with his feet, he immediately focused on Claire on top, taking them down while Claire climbed down to join him. Just after Claire joined Steve, a few more zombies appeared at their backs, ready to attack them.

"They just keep coming!" Claire complained, now  terrified at the amount of zombies. They may as well drown in a sea of zombies.

"Were they kept in here?" Steve asked as he comtinued to open fire. 

As the group of zombies went down, the duo looked at the top once more. For some reason, they did not climb down or jump down to attack them. They just stood on top, looking at them as if they were in an exhibition.

"Let's go inside. Maybe we'll find something," Steve suggested, pointing to the direction where the group of zombies were after climbing down the platform.

"I hope it's something good for a change," Claire replied as they approached the door, pushing it open.

"Yeah, me too," Steve agreed. 

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chroniclesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें