Memories Of A Lost City: Part Eight

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"The vaccine worked and Sherry recovered but time was running out. The seconds of the countdown to self-destruct slipped by and our only chance of escape was through a hidden subway." Leon continued, remembering the incident as he realised they were on a boat, travelling in the clear, transparent waters. These memories sent him back in time again.

"Initiating final stage of facility self destruct protocol." the voice announced through the speaker as the trio left the security room. "All employees must evacuate to the platform immediately."

"Let's go. We're done here." Leon continued as he stood beside Sherry.

"Yeah!" Claire replied, agreeing with Leon as she faced Sherry. "Come on Sherry."

"Ok." she replied with a soft voice.

As they turned to the direction of the elevator, two of the plants appeared right in front of them. As they fell onto the ground, Sherry rushed while Leon and Claire aimed their pistols, ensuring that there were no more mutated things following them. After that, they moved on towards the elevator, hoping it was not too late to get out of here. A growling sound was heard behind them. As they turned back, a swarm of lickers followed them, still crawling stealthily towards them. They retreated, moving backwards as they faced the lickers.

 "Great. I guess this is the farewell party." he joked, his voice still calm despite of everything that is happening right now.

"Sherry, you run on ahead!" Claire beckoned as she waved to Sherry, telling her to go to the lift first.

Sherry ran headfirst immediately as they faced the group of lickers. The lickers shuffled towards them as it raised its claws on one of its arms, slashing nothing but air as they continued to move back. As the group of lickers were shot down, they continued to move back as more lickers came down, approaching them. It was as if there was a spawn point in a game somewhere; it would be impossible to defeat a swarm of them.

"Claire! Leon! Come on!" she shouted as the lift opened for them. Both of them rushed towards the lift as the lickers crawled towards them at a faster rate. "Hurry!" she shouted as they made it into the lift. One of the lickers attempted to attack them but only felt the metallic doors as it slammed shut in front of them.

"We'll be outta here in no time." Leon comforted as they felt the lift decending, their legs plunging down.

"Yeah." Sherry agreed as they waited patiently for the lift to come to a stop.

As the lift opened up the way, Claire continued, "Here we are. Let's go." The area looked like a subway station as a train was stationed in front of them.

"A train!" Sherry exclaimed as they saw the train in front of them.

"This'll probably get us out of here." Claire continued as they tried to find a door to the train. "Come on, hurry!"

A growling sound was heard behind them and as they turned to face the source of it, they were greeted with a totally new monster.Only after moments later did Leon realise that they met this monster earlier. 

"Wait! You're..." Leon shouted in disbelief, lost for words as they looked at the monster. It has large claws on its left hand and its chest is exceptionally large. Its skin looked as if it was being damaged by acid.

"I thought he fell into the blast furnace?!" Claire questioned as it growled at them again.

"God dammit!" Leon swore, pulling out his pistol and firing at it again. "He's supposed to be dead!"

 "We've got to stop him. Sherry, get in! Hurry!" Claire cautioned hurriedly, pushing Sherry into the train.

"Alright, be careful!" Sherry warned as she rushed into the train, avoiding a battle with it.

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