Operation Javier: Part 3

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...And Leon remembered Claire's story. The Veronica Virus, despite Chris' best efforts was procured  by Wesker. He secured Steve's body, which has been infected. He was able to extract the virus, leading to its reappearance in South America. The virus was still continuing to grow, altering its form, strengthening perpetually until the day comes when it can be destroyed.

As Leon finished recalling about her story, he believed that Manuela was infected with the Veronica virus and that meant that the virus could spread throughout the land. Questioned remained unanswered in his mind. Why would Javier infect his own daughter? How did she maintain her human form when Alexia did not? How did she sustain it without transforming into something so horrific like Steve?

"Leon!" A voice cried out to him immediately, forcing him to open his eyes and face Krauser. He groaned in pain as he tried to stand up. "You okay?" he asked Leon.

"Not really but we have to keep going," Leon replied. As Leon's senses cleared up, he realised that they were now at the same area they entered from. 

"Well, that was a nice refreshing dip, eh?" Krauser spoke with sarcasm.

"We need to find Javier!" Leon continued, ignoring Krauser's sarcastic sentence. Leon stared at the water-filled pool now. It had no water before that.

The duo walked carefully, taking each step carefully as they passed by two dead bodies. The duo walked towards the same door that they went into before when Leon grunted in shock as a tug on his left leg stopped him. Leon flipped his body to face the zombie, ignoring his wet back. Leon opened fire at the zombie but the few shots flew past the zombie. The zombie moaned to raise its arms but Krauser sent his boots smashing at the zombie, killing it with a stomp. Splashes of water and monsters echoed around the circular walls that surrounds them.

"It's dark, it's wet, there's monsters," Krauser complained when toad-like mutants have already landed on the platform. "Turning out to be one of them, huh? At least I got you here, backing me up, though, huh boyscout?" Krauser's shots landed at the mutant's heads, knocking tem backwards and falling onto the floor.

"You're not gonna ask me to hold your hand, are you?!" Leon teased although he sounded tensed. Two more reptile creatures had already swam towards them. The toad leapt from the water at them but Krauser managed to dodge the first one and kicking it into the water once more with Leon assisting him by shooting at it several times.

"If only your jokes were as good as your jokes," Krauser replied.

The duo continued their way to the door again. The pouring of the water fall was getting louder and louder as they walked step by step.

"We'd better be careful," Leon warned while he opened the door. The area was pitch black and Leon switched his flashlight on to navigate through the room of uncertainty. "I still can't believe Manuela is Javier's daughter..." Leon commented as soon as he gathered his thoughts.

"It wasn't in the report..." Krauser added on. "Maybe she was from one of his mistresses,"

"Regardless... She must have really hate her father if she came through all this just to get away from him," Leon noted, leaning onto the edge of a wall and peeking to make sure that no hostiles were seen. A body was seen leaning on the left side of the corridor.

"Well, we can ask her when we find her," Krauser suggested. "But Javier's the one we're after, not his daughter," 

A spine-tingling howl was heard and a second later, it screeched at them, right next to them. The duo were so concentrated on avoiding the dead body that they took some time to realise that they were in danger. Gunshots was heard, lighting up the room for a consecutive few seconds before the bat-like creature that they encountered fell down onto the cement floor, dead. The room was dead silent and only their footsteps were heard. Even the sound of the water fall had stopped. The next door at the other end creaked, allowing sunlight to fall on them.

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