The Unexpected Illness

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18 years later, Cassandra and Dominick have grown much older and still rule Dulcinea together. But things have changed a lot now. Regina and Edward are still together and ruling Annivia together.

Regina and Edward's twins, Tom and Lora are now 14 years old, and both only have 2 years time until their time of marriage begins.

However, one day while reading with her granddaughter Lora, Cassandra started coughing non stop and collapsed to the floor in front of Lora's eyes.

"Grandma!", Lora cried. Lora was scared and she screamed for Dominick. "Grandpa, help me!", she cried. Dominick and Tom  arrives to the scene and saw Cassandra on the floor and Lora crying.

"Cassie!", Dominick cried, as he ran. "Lora, get back!", Dominick cried, as he held Cassandra in his arms. He felt her forehead and it was boiling hot!

"Tom, I need you to take your sister to her room right now!", Dominick replied. Tom agrees and takes Lora away. "It's ok, Cass. I'm here now.", Dominick sighed, as he held Cassandra in his arms. 

Dominick screams for help and Ada came in to assist, while Dominick summons a doctor. After the doctor checked on Cassandra, he told Dominick some devastating news.

Cassandra has caught a really bad flu, the same illness that King Richard and Queen Celestria has suffered before they died.

This is the scariest news of Dominick's life, as he had to go through of losing another loved one again.

Dominick spread the news throughout town and even sent a letter to Cassandra's family and to Regina, who all went to Dulcinea for support.

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