The Royal Wedding

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2 days after Cassandra made the decision of remaining in Dulcinea with Dominick, she write a letter to her family about her decision and send it to Los Angeles.

Her family received the letter and opens it and were shocked of what they just read. "Is she?", Katherine asked. "It can't be.", Robert replied.

Dear Mom, Dad, Dillion and Steven,

By the time you read this letter, I won't be coming back home to Los Angeles.

I made a decision that I'm going to remain in Dulcinea with Dominick and we're getting married tomorrow.

Please come to the wedding, I would love it if you're there for me.

Please don't be mad at Dominick, this wasn't his choice, it's mine.

Yet again, I'm so sorry. I hope you'll understand my choice.

- Cassandra

"Are you seeing this?", Katherine asked. "She's not coming home at all and she's getting married tomorrow!", Steven cried.

"What do we do?", Dillion asked. "We have to stop her!", Robert replied.Cassandra's family packed their bags as quick as they can and jumped into the well that leads to Dulcinea.

They arrived, where bells rang, and people were cheering from a far distance. "What's all the commotion?", Dillion asked. "Today's Cassandra's wedding day, she's getting married today.", Robert replied.

"We better stop her before the ceremony starts!", Katherine cried. They all agreed and ran to the kingdom and barge into the castle, were they knocked every single guard in their way.

"Hey, you're not suppose to me in here!", one of the guards called out. Cassandra's family ran from room to room, looking for Cassandra.

Royal guests then start to arrive to the castle for the wedding ceremony, waiting at the royal garden, where the ceremony was at.

Meanwhile, Cassandra was getting ready in her royal chambers, with the help from Ada and other royal maids.

Cassandra put on her beautiful wedding gown, which was a light blue shoulders off dress with white puff sleeves.

"You look amazing, milady", one of the maids replied. "The prince will be so amazed to see you soon.", said another.

Ada and royal maids helped her get into her dress and Cassandra takes her sapphire heart necklace that Dominick gifted her from her jewellery box, while Ada and the maids did her hair and make up.

Suddenly, Cassandra's family burst into her chambers with four royal guards chasing after them and held them. "Mom? Dad? Dillion and Steven?", Cassandra asked with a confused and surprised face.

"Sorry, milady. These intruders just barged into the front door. Shall we lock them, milady?", one of the guards asked.

"No, release them. I'll take care of it from here.", Cassandra replied. "Yes, milady.", the guard replied, releasing her family and left.

"Ladies, take a break, I'll see you all back here in 5 minutes.", Cassandra replied. "Yes, milady", Ada replied, before curtsying at her and she and the others leave the chambers, shutting both doors.

After Ada and the other maids left, Cassandra confronts them. "What are you doing?", Cassandra asked. "Cassie, Princess, please don't do this.", Robert begged.

"It's too late, Dad, the wedding is happening, whether you all like it or not. I'm getting married and that's that!", Cassandra replied.

"Cassie, honey. We want you to come home, you have a life way ahead of you.", Katherine cried. "Mom, Dad, this is what I want, this is what Dom and I really want!", Cassandra replied.

"But you're only 16!", Robert cried. "I know, I know. But Dad, I love him, he loves me. This is my destiny. Mom, Dad, Dillion, Steven, you gotta let me go.", Cassandra cried.

Realising that there's no way that Cassandra will return home to them, they made a decision to let her go.

"Cassie, we love you, and all we want for you is to be happy. So if staying here with Dominick makes you happy, then we accept your decision.", Robert replied.

Cassandra ran to her family and hugged them all, forming a family group hug, "I love you guys so much.", Cassandra cried. "We love you too,", Katherine replied.

After accepting her decision, Cassandra's family get ready for the wedding, and return the Dulcinea outfits.

Ada and the other maids returned to Cassandra's chambers to resume helping her getting ready. Katherine came in, wearing an emerald green gown.

Cassandra was about to put on her sapphire heart necklace until Katherine stepped in. "Here, let me.", Katherine replied.

Cassandra gives the necklace to her mother and Katherine puts it around Cassandra's neck. "You look beautiful, sweetheart. Your father and I are very proud of you.", Katherine sighed.

Dominick gets ready in his room and Asa helps in get into his blue uniform. Then King Richard and Queen Celestria came in to see him.

"I can't believe my son is really getting married today.", Queen Celestria sighed. "I know, Mother. I can't wait to be married and become the King that you wanted me to be.", Dominick replied.

"We are so proud of you.", King Richard sighed. Dominick then hugs both of his parents. "I love you.", Dominick sighed. "We love you too, sweetheart.", Queen Celestria cried.

At the wedding ceremony, Dominick was waiting confidently at the end, waiting for Cassandra. Then, Cassandra arrives with Robert escorting her down the aisle.

"Wow.", Dominick sighed, as Cassandra walks down the aisle with her father with a big smile on her face.

After walking down the aisle, Cassandra finally arrives to Dominick. Robert kisses her goodbye, before he leaves to return to his seat.

As Cassandra and Dominick say their vows, they exchange wedding rings. "I know pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss your bride.", the friar replied.

Dominick pulls Cassandra in for a kiss as everybody cheered. Then everyone congratulated Dominick and Cassandra.

That night, Dominick and Cassandra spend their wedding night, making love as a married couple for the first time.

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