“Where are we going?”

“To take some photos.”

“Just like that,” I told Melanie as I took some shots of her on my balcony. She had her bare back turned to me once she told me that she had a tattoo. I had to talk a picture of it and it came out perfectly.

“Lilly, Niall wants to know- oh…sorry,” Harry said coming into my room and stopping in the doorway, only seeing Mel’s back.

“It’s alright,” Mel answered as she put her shirt back on.

“What did Niall want,” I asked, mentally smiling in my mind.

“He wanted to know if…”

“Haz?” I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

“Sorry.” He lowered his head and for the first time, I saw Harry Styles blush.

“Harry, Melanie. Melanie, Harry Styles.”

“Hi.” She extended her hand out for him to shake like we did earlier. He took her hand and placed a small kiss on top.

“I’ll go see what Niall wants since you won’t tell me.” I ruffled his curls as I walked past. He gave me a death glare but I just laughed it off. “What’s up Nialler?”

He got up and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Just making Harry meet a new girl in his life.” He pecked my cheek.

“Two minds think alike. It was the first time I’ve ever seen Harry blush.”

“Thanks for taking my HazBear away from me.”

“Louis, you have Eleanor, which by the way, when am I meeting the other girlfriends? It’s boring with it just being me around here.”

“You can meet them next week when we go on tour,” Liam said not looking up from his computer.

“Thank you for telling her Liam,” Niall said shaking his head behind me while his arms were still around me.

“Tour?” I turned around and faced Niall. “When were you going to tell me that you were going on tour next week?”

He sighed. “You knew we were going on tour.”

“Not next week.”

“Guys, let’s go for a walk,” Zayn said slowly standing up.


“Louis, we’re leaving,” Liam snapped. Lou huffed and then followed the rest of the guys out the door.

“Seriously, when were you going to tell me?”

“I was going to tell you later on tonight.”

“This morning would have been nice.”

“I didn’t want to ruin your morning.”

“So ruining my day would be better.” He sighed and I tried to calm down. “I have school to worry about. And what if Mark-“

“He hasn’t done anything yet. How do you know he’s planning to attack?”

“He’s Mark. He’s going to attack.” I walked over to the table where the newspaper was laying. I handed it to him. “10 people have been missing and are now named dead. He’s making an army, Niall.”

“So, what are we going to do?”

“You’re going to go on tour and I’m gonna stay here and wait for him to attack.”

My Immortal (A Niall Horan/One Direction Story) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now