Untitled part

Depuis le début

"Goodbye Ino, Sasuke." She said and the two barely heard her, but they did and it made their hearts clench tightly. The way the woman had spoken, was as if she knew them and cared deeply for them.


Hinata sat by the river awaiting her friends as they were taking a bit to show up today. Neji had gone to get more supplies for them, seeing as he helped civilians in the village out and they thought nothing more of him than a young teen trying to help. Hinata had noticed that the majority of shinobi in this time had severely under developed chakra systems. Hashirama was stronger than most of the adults of this time...Madara was strong as well but it seemed he knew Hashirama was a lot stronger than he was.

Hashirama landed beside her and she squealed in surprise. "Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you, Hinata-chan." He said and she laughed lightly, her hand over her racing heart as she watched him scratch the back of his neck nervously. She beamed up at him and he blushed lightly. "Hashi-kun...where is Madara-kun?" she asked and he shrugged. "I don't know... I haven't seen him around today..." he said and she smiled. He looked around and furrowed his brow. "Where is your brother?" he asked and she smiled.

"He went to go get us some new clothes and stuff...we don't really have anyone to return to that can supply those things, y'know?" she asked and he nodded. "I could ask my father if you could live with us, Hinata-chan..."he offered and she blinked then fiddled with her fingers, a slight blush on her face. "I...I don't know if nii-san would want to..." she said and he shrugged. "It would keep him from having to do everything himself. Everyone needs a little help sometimes." He said and she looked at him.

He was smiling up at the sky his shoulder length hair was blowing lightly in the small breeze. In that exact moment she saw a familiar blonde boy sitting in his place grinning up at the sky, causing her to blush and look away while fiddling with her fingers. He turned to her and blinked in confusion. "Hinata-chan? Is there something wrong? Your face is awfully red..." he said and reached to put his hand on her forehead, which made her blush deepen. "A-ano...I uh..." she stammered and he furrowed his brows as he leaned around to take a better look at her. He didn't think her face could get any redder but it did and she turned away from him and fiddled with her fingers more.

"Hashirama...if you don't quit, you may kill her of embarrassment." Madara's voice rang out and Hinata jerked her head to look at him he had that familiar stance, the whole cocky I'm-better-than-you stance. Hashirama blushed lightly and his head fell. "Sorry Hinata-chan." He said and Madara snorted. Hinata looked up and could see Sasuke in him...and then he blushed a bit when he noticed her staring. That was when she smiled at him and waved him over. "Madara-kun, come on over and sit with us." She said and he was going to look defiant but she frowned at him and he sighed, he knew what would happen if he didn't. Those tears were awful...

Hinata smiled brightly as he moved to sit down on her right side, Hashirama on her left. "So where is your brother?" he asked and she shrugged. "Helping old people." She stammered lightly and he rolled his eyes. "You must be a very weak shinobi if you can't even talk to your friends." He quipped and she looked at her hands. I'm not weak...I'm just mousy..." she said and he blinked. "Alright, I guess that can work." He laughed and leaned back on his hands to stare up at the sky that peeked in through the tree tops.

"Who wants to play hide and seek?" Hashirama asked suddenly and Hinata smiled brightly. "Ok!" she chirped and Madara shrugged. "Could be fun. If you find someone you have to be able to take them down or you lose." Madara said, setting the rules and Hinata beamed along with Hashirama. "Alright, Hinata-chan is it!" Madara said and she blinked but then nodded. The two boys vanished and Hinata closed her eyes. Her eyes shot open and the veins bulged out around her eyes.

In Another LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant