Chapter 10

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I do not own Naruto.

Ino grabbed Sasuke by the shoulder and forced him to look over to the pile of scrolls that hadn't done anything for months now. The one sitting at the bottom of the pile was glowing brightly and rattling the entire pile. She rushed over and grabbed it to keep the rest from scattering across the floor. She unravelled it to see that just as last time, the writing was vanishing from the paper. This time it was coming back, it was someone else's writing. Ino gripped the paper tightly as tears trailed over her cheeks. Sasuke took the scroll from her gently and furrowed his brows.

"Miyu Otsutsuki?" he asked and Ino motioned for him to keep reading. He got to the point where it said she was impaled by the woman and had fallen in the battle. He frowned at this, she couldn't have died... not like this. He kept reading, seeing as Ino had been caught up on that part. They were pulled away from the scroll by the sound of thunder, but he didn't think it was honestly thunder. They walked outside and the thunderous noise continued, only louder now. Off in the distance they could see a plume of dust rising from the valley of the end.

They ran to go see that other people were gathering now. However, none of them seemed too concerned with the destruction occurring across the way. They took off towards the valley and once they got there, all of their classmates from the academy were standing there with them, watching as the carved stone fell to the ground below. He looked back to the village to see that life was carrying on as usual. Were they not concerned with what was happening?

His eyes widened slightly as he realized that the only ones there with them were all of the ones who had touched the scrolls. The entire group of them were looking from one to the other, trying to figure out what was going on and why no one from the village seemed to be concerned. "Naruto..." "Yeah... I've noticed too." The blonde said, knowing exactly what he was going to say without having to say it. He looked back to the large sculpture that had been crumbling and his eyes went wide.

It was rebuilding itself from the ground up, as if rewinding time to change its shape. When the rumbling stopped, a new statue stood in place of the old one. The smooth features of her face seemed ever so calm, so gentle even in stone form. Her eyes were closed, but he knew who it was. Her hand was extended outward and his eyes widened once more, the small carving on the palm of her hand standing out. Naruto looked over at him once more as if asking him a silent question, and he nodded in agreement, they both knew what that was.

They all turned to see that the statue of Madara had changed as well. His palm was held out to hers, although there was no marking in the palm of his hand. Ino gripped his hand tightly and he looked over to her. Not a single one of them understood what was actually happening, but it seemed like everything was going well. Judging from the sole fact that the scrolls kept changing and things kept changing in their surroundings. Whatever Hinata was doing, she needed to continue because they had started seeing faces around that they new were people who had died.

Sasuke didn't understand it, but he knew that eventually he would get to see his family once more. His brother... he wanted to see his brother once more...


Hinata's eyes fluttered open and she looked around her. She was sitting atop a dark lake that rippled with her every movement. She couldn't find any discerning detail of the walls around her, so she had no idea of where she truly was. She looked down to see that the blade was still protruding from her chest and she frowned. Was this death? She jerked her head up to look around the moment she hear water droplets hitting the surface of the water before her. She jumped to her feet as she watched where the ripples were coming from. "Who's there?" she called out softly, only for a white haired man to appear from the darkness.

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