Untitled Part 6

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I don't own Naruto.

Madara wasn't going to kill Tobirama, not like that anyways. It wouldn't have been fair to take out the Senju male that way. He had been defenseless and that was a coward's way of getting rid of their foes. Don't kick a man when he's down, Madara supposed as he looked over the white haired man curiously. The white haired male seemed surprised that he would actually release him of his binds. "Now that I've helped you... You owe me." He said and Tobirama glared up at him. "What could you want my help with?" he ground out and Madara smirked. He wasn't exactly sure what the Senju could help him with as of yet, but he was sure he could figure something out eventually.

"I'll let you know when I think of it." he said and Tobirama furrowed his brow at him. "Now go on, tell your brother I helped you out like a good little Senju." He said and pulled Tobirama to his feet and ushered him out the door. Tobirama spared him one last glance before he took off into the surrounding woods. Madara looked over at the Hyuuga when he entered the house once more. "You let him go?" Neji asked and Madara nodded. "Of course." Madara said and Neji nodded in approval. "You guys find the Uzumaki?" he asked and Neji nodded. Tajima was dragging the older man in and tossed him against the floor. "He's right here." Tajima said and the Uzumaki man looked up at the group nervously.

Madara crouched next to him and smirked visciously. "Now... what good would you Uzumaki have with a senju? You already have Hashirama in Mito's pocket." He said and his eyes spun and changed, the sharingan blaring fiercely at the man. Madara held his chin still so he couldn't look away. "I wonder what it is that you fear." He said and the man began screaming the moment they locked eyes. Madara gagged the man and tossed him over his shoulder, the others in the room watching him as he did so.

"Well come on then, we have set the senju free and now we are free to go play with our bargaining chip." Madara said and received nods from everyone in the room. He was honestly surprised that they all were following him, he supposed that his father should be the leader of the group but it may just be his turn to take over and lead for a while.


Hinata engulfed him in a hug the moment she saw him. She searched everywhere for any injuries, but other than being roughed up he was ok. He just stared at her, not a word escaping him as she looked him over. A soft pink blush adorned his cheeks but other than that he gave nothing away. "What happened to you?" she asked, turning away from him only to look towards Hashirama who was running up. "Apparently some members of our clan were conspiring with Uchiha and someone from the Uzumaki." He mumbled through Hashirama's tight embrace. She frowned and her brows furred as he struggled to get out of his brother's embrace.

"Let me go you fool!" he ground out and Hashirama deflated but released his younger brother. He crouched on the ground and the sad aura that overtook him made Hinata sigh. She reached over and patted him on the back, only to look up at her with gloomy tear filled eyes. She sighed once more and continued her 'there, there, it will be ok' routine. When he recovered Hinata was trying to get more information out of Tobirama, who had clammed up the moment he said Madara had saved him.

She furrowed her brows at this and couldn't quite understand why Madara would help Tobirama, but she wasn't going to question it further. She was just grateful at this point... she turned to see Butsuma rushing up and he crouched beside his son only to embrace him as well. This was a shock to all of them, they all knew the man had a temper. She was still curious as to why Madara would help him. Her question would have to wait though. Her chakra pulsed and her eyes scanned the area. She furrowed her brows as she saw them coming their way. She supposed it wouldn't have to wait too long after all. She crossed her arms over her chest as the group came into view.

Madara had a haughty smirk on his lips as he approached with the man slung over his shoulder. Butsuma jumped up and grabbed for his blade, but Hashirama held up a hand to stop his father. Butsuma didn't draw his blade, but awaited the moment he could. "What do you have there?" Hashirama asked and Madara threw down the Uzumaki man. Mito made her way up to them to check out the commotion at this point. Her eyes went wide and she crouched next to the man Madara had dropped on the ground.

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