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"We want you to join our team." Flora repeated.

"But... I'm already on a team..." I told them.

"Yeah, we know, but you would just be perfect for our team." Flora said now.

"How?" I asked.

"We are Fire, water, and earth. The only other thing that we need is ice. Which is you." Phoenix explained.

"Can't you get someone else?" I asked.

"No! You are the best person for this!" Aqua yelled.

Jack then came in and said "are you guys going to stay there all day? Come in!"

"We'll be there in a minute." I smiled at him. He smiled back and went back inside.

"Oh. I see why you don't want to join the team." Phoenix laughed.

"Why?" Aqua asked her.

"Because she has a little thing with that "jack" guy." Phoenix rolled her eyes.

"Is that true?" Flora asked.

"A little bit?" I said.

They all blinked at me.

"Okay. Yes it is. If you came to me like 3 days earlier, I probably would have said yes!" I replied.

Phoenix grumbled. "I told you we shouldn't have let Aqua lead us here. She got us lost 5 times! We could have got here before her and Jack got together."

"Hey! I am a great leader!" Aqua yelled.

"Says the girl who got distracted by a penny on the ground." Phoenix rolled her eyes.

"Girls." Flora tried to stop there arguing, but it didn't help.

"I couldn't help it!" Aqua said and pulled out a penny. "It's so shiny."

"Do you know what else is shiny?" Phoenix asked her.

"Oh no." Flora face palmed, and then pulled us out of the way.

"Fire." Phoenix smirked.

She lifted her hand, and fire went shooting at aqua. She jumped out of the way at the last minute.

Aqua gasped and dropped her penny, lifting her hand up and shooting water toward Phoenix, missing her completely.

Phoenix and Aqua glared at each other, and then raised there hands. Fire was shot at aqua, and water was shot at Phoenix. They two elements met in the middle and battled to win.

"Don't worry, they do this a lot." Flora says.

"A lot?" Elsa asks.

"Yeah..." Flora said, then she got up and yelled "GIRLS!"

Both Phoenix and Aqua stopped what they were doing and turned away from each other.

"WHAT? We're kinda in battle here." Phoenix glared at Flora.

"Yeah!" Aqua said.

"And I was about to win." Phoenix said.

"Yeah." Aqua said and then realized. "Wait-"

"This is not the type of impression we want to make." Flora crossed her arms and scolded her two team mates.

"Oh come on. She's not joining us, so what's the point? Can't we just like ransack this place and leave." Phoenix said uncaringly.

I glared at her. "Yes, maybe you should go, but WITHOUT ransacking my home." I said sternly.

"Elsa, I'm sorry. That's just how she is... She wouldn't actually do that." Flora tried to apologize.

"Haha, I so would." Phoenix said under her breath.

"But maybe you should just go, I mean. I'm not joining your group. I already have my own and I don't think it would be smart to have your team destroying my backyard." I say to Flora and the expect the dance that happened.

The river next to the house is over flowing with Aqua's water, and the other side of the back is completely charred from Phoenix's fire.

Flora nodded. "Maybe you're right. Come on ladies."

"Please tell me Aqua's not leading us again." Phoenix yells.

"Oh she is. All because of that stunt you pulled today." Flora said as they were walking back to the front, I followed.

Phoenix grumbled to herself as Aqua cheered.

Aqua jumped us and down. "Yay! I told you I'm a great leader. I'll be better then I was last time. No distractions I pro- ooooo look another Pennie!"

"I hate all of you." Phoenix said as they walked away.

I went inside of the house, glad that I got rid of them.

Jack saw me without the girls and tilted his head. "No girls?"

"Nope. They left." I sighed in relief.

"To bad, they were..." Jack tried to find the word.

"Fiery, ditzy, and controlling?" I asked.

He laughed. "Took the words out of my mouth."


I am Phoenix. Phoenix is me.

Phoenix was always going to be a bitch (excuse my language, but it's true) but I didn't realize until this chapter that everything I was writing her to say is things I say on a daily basis / would say if something like this would have happened to me.


I should probably stop writing on my phone and start writing on my computer to make sure that it's long enough, but I'm to lazy and writing on my phone is just easier for me.

Hm, I probably should stop writing and do my homework especially since it's 11 PM and I have a buttload to do.

Okay, bye.

The Big Five [ON HOLD]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ