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I am awoken by the sound of my door slamming open.

"you have a letter." Rapunzel rolled her eyes and threw the letter on my bed, turning away and closing the door behind her.

I groggily sat up and rubbed my eyes. Stretching as far as I could to reach the letter.

Once I did, I looked at it. I've never gotten any letters besides the ones I got for queen duties.

I stroke the pink envelope, turning it to the side where it opens. I slide my finger in an opening of the sealed envelope and slice it open, revealing a slip of paper.

I take it out and read it. It said,

" Dear Elsa,

I invite you to come to my party I will be throwing on 6/15 at my castle. We will be having a sleep over, so make sure you bring pajamas and a change of clothes. Can't wait to see you there!

42 Wallaby Way Sydney

Your friend,

Ariel "

I smile at the letter. A party at Ariel's house? I wonder who else is coming.

I get changed and walk downstairs grabbing some breakfeast from the table and walking out the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Hiccup asked me before I took a step out the door.

"To Ariel's. She's having a party." I shrug.

"Do you need one of us to take you?" Jack asked and started to get up.

"No, it's walking distance." I put my hand up and than walk out the door closing it behind me.

"Why didn't I get an invitation?" Rapunzel pouted.

"Because Ariel doesn't like you." Merida said simply.

Rapunzel shrugged. "And? Wait. Why weren't you invited?"

"Because I don't like party's." Merida said.

Once I got to Ariel's castle, I rung the door bell, and in about 5 five seconds, Ariel answered the door.

"Elsa! So glad you could make it, come In!" She gestures for me to come and and I walk through the door, carrying my back with clothes in it on my back.

"You can put your bag right over there." She pointed to an area of the floor that had five bags on them. I added mine to the pile.

She then led me to a huge living room where the other five girls were sitting an talking, I remember all of them.

"Elsa you may or may not know all I them, but this is Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Jasmine, and Belle!" Ariel giggled and we all went into a circle.

Then started talking about there princes.

Don't get me wrong, they sound like nice guys... But I mean, I have nothing to talk about. Jack's not my 'prince' no one is.

[ http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CtyOC6ayKoU : song... I suggest you listen to it. It's amazing.]

"Guys, look at this flower Eric got me, isn't i neat?" Ariel pointed to the flower on her head.

They all gushed about how pretty it was.

"Phillip never gets me anything." Aurora sighs to Cinderella.

I'm done with romance. Who needs it?



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