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I literally hate this chapter. Just saying.


"Good morning!" Rapunzel said as she got breakfast and ate it at the table.

That was the first time I actually didn't wake up last.

"So, what are we doing today?" Rapunzel asked.

"We're going to do the adventure we were going to do yesterday." Jack replied and walked into the kitchen once he was done.

"What's the adventure?" Merida asked now.

"We're going to go out to the city and spend the day together!" Jack announced, pleased.

"How is that an adventure?" Rapunzel asked him with a scowl.

"Help us bond." Hiccup replied.

"Ugh. Whatever. Let's just get it over with." Rapunzel went back to eating.

Once we were all done eating, we stepped outside and started walking into the city.

The sun shines down above us, warming my skin and making a smile on my face.

"How far away is the city?" I ask them.

"About ten minutes." Jack replied.

"Ugh. Hopefully I don't have to interact with Elsa that much today." Rapunzel thought to herself.

I followed the rest of the group into the city. Once we entered, I saw lots of buildings and houses towering above us.

"It's a beautiful day! What kind of things are we planning to do?" I ask them.

"Well, I don't have anything planned. I was just think we walk around and see what happens." Jack replies and keeps walking.

Once we got into the city, we got a few looks. I mean, if I were them, I would look at us too. Rapunzel has 70 feet hair and were all wearing clothes that they have never seen before.

We walk a few more feet until we are in front of a huge building. In the front there was this big sign that said "mall"

(A/N: I-I don't know. I have like no idea what to do with this chapter. And I literally hate it so much. If you don't want to read it, that's ok! And the reason why i didn't put the next chapter now is because I wanted it to be on chapter 10)

"Let's go in here!" Rapunzel smiles and grabs all her hair, running into the building.

They all shrug and walk in, which makes me follow.

"What's a mall? I ask.

"It's a place to by a lot of different things." Merida replied.

"They didn't have it back then." Hiccup added.

I nod and we follow Rapunzel around, going from store to store.

Rapunzel buys a few things as hiccup complains.

"I don't see the appeal."

"Can't we just train some dragons?"

"You know, I think toothless is really lonely."

"We should go back and check on him."

"And then not come back to the mall."

"Shut up, Hiccup!" Merida groaned. A scowl on her face.

"What's your problem?" Hiccup asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

"This day is boring enough and I don't want to go through it with you complaining about every little thing." Merida hissed at him.

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